The Father

-----Yui's POV

It eventually came around to the weekend. Thanks to Kaede, my relationship with Violet and Collin have improved a lot, and they even see me as a friend. Their father also seemed to like me which was a bonus and I even got some information regarding my father. Which is what I'll be discussing with my mom today.

Kaede: "Feeling alright?"

Yui: "Mm."

I just finished drinking Kaede's blood from her palm. It's still weird that I need to do this, but what's even more weird is how delicious it is.

Yui: "So you're going to the guild?"

Kaede: "Mhmm. I'd like to send a letter to Azalea. I did promise after all."

Yui: "Then we'll meet back at the dorms before night?"

Kaede: "Sure. But I think I'll be back early. I still need to find a way to apologize to Gabriella."

It's been a few days now since that incident, and Gabriella still flees the moment Kaede approaches. It's almost like Gabriella sees Kaede as some kind of monster from how she's acting.

Yui: "Good luck."

Kaede: "Thanks. You too, hehe."

It won't just be the talk with my mother, but I still remember Alice saying something about a "punishment" when I come back. "Please go easy on me, Alice."

Just like usual, we widen the distance between us, making sure that I don't collapse before we go our separate ways. I still wonder what's happening with me. Even though I'm drinking Kaede's blood that nearly killed me in the past, now it's like my body relies on it? Apart from that though, I still feel human.

It's quite a walk to get to my mansion since it's in our own territory. Even riding by carriage it still takes a while, which is why we chose to leave early in the morning. I do get some odd looks when I move through the city like this, but I have my rapier with me so I think I'll be fine.

Eventually, after what felt like an hour of walking, I finally approached the gate of my mansion. The odd looks disappeared once I had entered our territory and instead I was greeted with smiles and some even bending a knee. Soon enough though, I came up to the gate of the mansion.

Butler: "Lady Ellen! Welcome home."

Yui: "Thank you. Is mom home?"

Butler: "Yes, and so is your father."

Great. I wanted to talk to mom about my father, but now it'll be weird if he's also in the room. With the butler guiding me, I enter through the front door and the familiar sight of the mansion enters my sights. I may see Iris as a proper mother now, but this mansion is still quite alien to me, filled with luxuries.

Head Maid: "Welcome home, young mistress."

Yui: "Thank you."

Iris: "Ah! Ellen!"

I was greeted by our head maid, but from the distance, mom came running over from the dining room to greet me. Looking towards the dining room, I could also see father still eating away at his breakfast.

Iris: "You actually came."

Yui: "I did promise, didn't I?"

Iris: "Hehe~"

The giant grin on her face told me everything I needed to know that she's delighted to see me. Her smile must be contagious as I can't help but smile as well.

Iris: "Where's Fabian?"

Yui: "Probably still asleep at the dorms."

Iris: "You may be right. He was always the one to sleep in. It is still morning after all."

I didn't think about it, but it was a stroke of brilliance of coming here before my brother, since I do want an opportunity to talk with mom alone.

Iris: "Did you have something to eat? Breakfast is already served."

Well, my "breakfast" was Kaede's blood, but I suppose I could do with some proper food.

Yui: "Sure!"

Alice: "Ahem!"

I quickly turn around to see Alice in front of me. She's still a tad bit taller than me.

Alice: "Don't forget about your punishment."

Yui: "Yes~ But can it wait? I actually want to talk to mom about something."

Iris: "Oh?"

Alice: "Alright."

Iris: "What did you want to talk about?"

Yui: "It's something private. It can wait till after breakfast though."

Iris: "Okay."

With the greeting out of the way, I follow mom and Alice to the dining room, taking a seat next to Alice as a maid slides a plate of food my way. I take a moment to make sure I can still smell the food, and just like usual, it smells delicious.

Maid: "Breakfast is grilled fish with a salad on the side, seasoned with lemon."

Yui: "Thank you."

Actually, now with the knowledge I know, Inasdale doesn't have any access to the ocean doesn't it? I don't see restaurants or shops selling fish anywhere. We have small lakes but nothing big enough to house fish to be caught for food. My only guess is mom gets these fish from the trade routes with Yarene that mom mentioned when she visited Azalea. I guess I can also talk about that with her.

I begin to cut into the fish as it just melts the moment I stab the fork into it. I combine it with some of the salad and begin to eat. Again, the taste is just like how I imagine. The combination of fish mixed with lemon is so rich that it makes me go for another mouthful while I'm still chewing.

Iris: "Hehe. You sure love fish."

Yui: "Mm!"

Iris: "How's class treating you?"

Yui: "Honestly? Kind of boring. The physical activities in fun, but the theory I already learnt from Alice years ago."

Alice: "I'm just that great of a teacher, hehe."

Iris: "At least you're having fun~ I couldn't do what you do, swinging around a sword like that."

Yui: "You're a summoner, right mom?"

Iris: "Eh? Where did you learn that?"

Oops! That just naturally slipped out of my mouth! I was meant to talk about this in private!

Yui: "Ah- Just a friend of mine from the summoners class brought you up in a conversation."

Iris: "I see~ Well yes, I am a summoner, but I haven't summoned anything since I gave birth to you."

Is it because of my inability to use mana? Did mom choose not to show me her magic to make me feel better? The thought of it warms my heart but at the same time, I'd like to see just how good mom is.

Yui: "Could you show me sometime?"

Iris: "You want to see me summon something?"

Yui: "Mm!"

Iris: "...Fine~ Only if I can watch your punishment with Alice, hehe."

Yui: "Deal!"

Alice: "Pfft~"

We continues to eat as a family, but it felt a bit strange that father never spoke up. I don't let it bother me however, since I wasn't here to talk to him, but instead "about" him.

After breakfast, mom guides me to her room. It's the same room I found myself in when I was first thrown into this world, and the beginning of my new life.

Iris: "Please wait outside. Make sure no one disturbs us."

Maid: "Yes, milady."

The maid that was attending to my mom's room now exited, closing the door behind her. I watch mom take a seat before I also take a seat facing her.

Iris: "So~ What was it you wanted to talk about?"

Yui: "No one can hear us, right?"

Iris: "Yes."

What should I talk about first? I guess the more secretive part first.

Yui: "It's about your plan with the Yarene kingdom."

Iris: "You didn't tell anyone, did you?"

Yui: "No, but I've been thinking of helping in someway while I'm attending the academy."

Iris: "You don't have to do that. All the plans are basically set."

Yui: "I was just thinking about having more allies. Specifically noble families."

Iris: "Ellen. That's a very dangerous thing to do. Commoners is one thing, but nobles swear fealty to their king. They're most likely going to be our enemies when we do turn exile."

Yui: "I don't think all them will!"

Iris: "Hmm?"

Yui: "I talked with Rupert and I think he'd take your side when the time comes."

Iris: "You mean Crestel? Rupert Crestel?"

Yui: "Yes-"

Okay, this is a good transition to talk about my father I think.

Yui: "But he seems to not like father. He constantly bad mouthed him when I visited Rupert's place."

Iris: "Ah~ Yeah that makes sense. I assume you heard about my past from Rupert?"

Yui: "A bit, but the part about you being a summoner was actually from your old teacher, Ulma."

Iris: "What?! She's still alive? Where did you meet her?"

I could tell mom is happy, even behind her shocked expression, the corners of her mouth are arching up into a smile.

Yui: "She works for Rupert. She's been teaching his daughter Violet on how to use summoning magic."

Iris: "Wow~ Maybe I should call over to their place one of these days."

Yui: "...Can I ask something?"

Iris: "Sure!"

I take a moment to breathe before continuing,

Yui: "Why did you marry father?"

Iris: "..."

Yui: "Rupert talked about how you were the academy's idol or something. So you must've had a lot of proposals. So why father?"

Iris: "Hah~"

Her excited attitude quickly turned to a more sad tone as she broke eye contact with me for a few moments. Seems like this an uncomfortable subject, but judging from her reaction, there must be something behind it.

Yui: "Mom?"

I try to push for an answer in a soft tone, trying to pry for an answer, but I won't force mom to say anything she doesn't want to, it's just that I'm quite curious.

Iris: "Can I ask something first?"

Yui: "Sure!"

Iris: "..."

The atmosphere feels like it's gotten a lot heavier these past few moments as I wait for mom's question, completely different than what it was moment ago.

Iris: "How much do you love your father?"