Blood Bond

-----Kaede's POV

Yui: "So how was the guild? Did you end up sending the letter?

We finally met back up in our dorm room. I couldn't help but notice that she has her hair done up in a plaited bun which I've never seen before, even in our past life. She also wore some really fancy clothes too that I'm not used to seeing.

Kaede: "Y-yes. I manage to send the letter. But what's up with your new look?"

Yui: "Oh! Yeah. Stuff happened and one of the maids did my hair during my visit."

Kaede: "You could've told me you liked having your hair like that. I could've done your hair."

Yui: "Ah, no no. This was more so a special occasion. I still prefer ponytails with how quickly you can do it."

Kaede: "Special occasion?"

Yui: "Mm! I actually now have a personal maid now."

Now this wasn't what I was expecting. I always thought Yui to be quite independent, not needing people to look after her.

Kaede: "You think you really need a maid?"

Yui: "Mmm~ Not really. But I want to learn how to become a proper daughter to my mom, so I felt like it was a necessary step."

It's like we've changed lives now. Growing up in my past life, I felt like I could hold my own, but at the end of the day, I couldn't get by without help from others. But now, I feel the most independent in this world.

Kaede: "I see. Must be tough, hehe."

Yui: "You have no idea..."

Her face began to flush, like she's remembered something embarrassing.

Yui: "Anyway!~ Is that all you did while I was gone?"

Kaede: "Actually... I also went to see some wyverns with Mai."

Yui: "Wait... Mai?"

Mai: "Yes! Hello again~"

Suddenly, Mai reveals herself from the bathroom, startling Yui in the process. I don't know why she felt like hiding in there, but maybe it's because she might have thought we would be doing "something."

Yui: "You guys went to see wyverns?!"

Mai: "Yes. I teleported Kaede and myself to where I saw them last."

Yui: "Wait, then is Lilith okay?"

Mai: "Yes. She's safe in Yarene now."

Yui: "That's good."

Now out of the bathroom, Mai begins to walk up closer to Yui.

Mai: "Now. Kaede told me something's up with your body. Could I take a look?"

Yui: "Huh? Err~ Yes!"

That honestly slipped my mind. Maybe Mai has better memory since she isn't human? The main thing that's been on my mind recently is the situation with Gabriella.

Mai then goes to place her hands onto Yui's chest, but instead of making contact, her hands phase through just like the last time.

Mai: "Keep still, remember."

Yui: "Mm."

It looks weird seeing it once again, but I'm no longer flustered like before as I know how important this check up is. It's like Mai is some kind of doctor, haha.

Mai: "Hmmm. Your vessel is still the same, with that hole that's sucking in mana from the outside."

Kaede: "Then how did I feel mana coming from within her?"

Mai: "I don't know. Like I said, this is the first case I've seen with a vessel working like this. Are you sure it came "from" her?"

Kaede: "Yes. I'm certain."

There's not a doubt in my mind. I was right next to Yui when it happened. It was incredibly faint, but I definitely sensed mana coming from inside of her.

Mai: "...Yui. Could you try and use mana like before?"

Yui: "W-while you're inside me?"

Mai: "Yes please."

That sounded wrong, but I won't speak up about it. Yui looks over to me as if asking for my approval. I fully trust Mai, so I give her a simple nod. In the next moment, Yui closes her eyes. I also heighten my mana sense, trying to pick up anything. Just like before, I can easily sense Mai's mana, but Yui seems to be completely void of any-

Just when I thought there was no mana coming from Yui, I begin to feel something growing inside her.

Mai: "Fascinating."

Yui: "Eh?"

Mai: "Keep going please."

At Mai's words, Yui closes her eyes again and begins to channel more mana. She raises her hand like she's about to cast something, but just like last time, all that happened was her hand getting wet, along with her mana dissipating. Yui lets out a sigh as she drops her hand back to her side, with Mai also takes her hands out of Yui's chest.

Mai: "You continue to surprise me, Yui."

Yui: "Eh?"

Kaede: "What does that mean?"

Mai: "The mana she used just now. It didn't come from her vessel, but instead came from her blood."

I more or less knew that her vessel wouldn't be responsible for it, but to think it came from her blood? Isn't that the same with me? Like monsters?

Yui: "So... my blood isn't human anymore?"

Mai: "No. Your blood remains the same, which is what makes it fascinating."

It's relieving to hear that her blood is still human, reaffirming my taste.

Mai: "Kaede. I'd like to check your body, if that's okay."

Kaede: "Okay."

I've never been checked out before, so I prepare myself for what's to come. Just when Mai's hands pass through my body, I feel an intense, tingling feeling in my chest, trying to remain as still as I can.

Mai: "Yes, now could you use some magic?"

I effortlessly conjure up a small ball of light in my palm, lighting up the room in the process. Mai then takes her hands out of my chest, much faster than with Yui.

Mai: "Just like I expected."

Kaede: "What is?"

Mai: "Your mana comes from your blood, Kaede. Just like any other creature besides humans."

So in other words, a monster.

Yui: "So then why is mana coming from my blood? You just said that it's still human-"

Mai: "I did. But I have gathered something from looking inside Kaede's body."

Kaede/Yui: "Oh?"

Mai: "In Yui's body, I could sense a tiny trace of Kaede's blood inside Yui's blood."

Now this changes everything. Just those words alone answered many questions I had.

Kaede: "So is that why she can continue to drink my blood?"

Mai: "I believe that is the case, yes. Your blood, Kaede, when ingested by Yui, will not attack her body like before."

Yui: "...But If I keep drinking Kaede blood, will I slowly turn into-"

Mai: "No no. Not to worry. If Kaede's blood were to attack again, then yes. But as of right now, I think that's of no concern."

Kaede: "So because I have mana inside my blood, and a part of Yui's blood is mine-"

Mai: "Yes. Her blood can now hold mana."

This is too great of a news! So my blood won't harm Yui, and now she can hold mana?

Yui: "H-how much can I hold?"

Mai: "It's so small of an amount that I couldn't measure. I think's that's the reason why your level of creating magic is like that."

Yui: "So. The amount of mana I can hold is equal to the amount of Kaede's blood is a part of mine?"

Mai: "Yes. If more of Kaede's blood were to invade your own. I believe you could use more magic."

While I was excited about the news, I quickly realize what's being said and am quite startled at this discussion.

Kaede: "No!"

Yui: "Eh?"

Kaede: "I don't want that to happen!"

I don't want Yui to sacrifice more of her humanity in exchange for mana. Sure I can see the appeal in getting stronger, but at what cost? To be unable to enjoy the delicacies of being a human? I've totally forgotten what that's like.

Yui: "Kaede-"

Kaede: "I won't let you throw away your life!"

Yui: "Calm down~ haha. I wasn't thinking that. I was just curious is all."

Kaede: "Ah-"

Yui: "Pfft."

Mai: "I will say this though. You're quite inefficient with your mana control, Yui."

Yui: "Well. This is the first time I've done something like this."

Mai: "Yes. But even with the little mana you have, you should be able to do more than what you just did."

Yui: "Wait, really?!"

Mai: "Yes. But you will be limited to simple spells."

Yui: "That's still cool!"

More than cool actually. My mana replenishes quite fast, even more so when I drink blood. So even if Yui can only cast simple spells, she'll be able to cast them a lot more frequently... Wait-

Kaede: "What if Yui drinks blood?"

Mai: "I'd imagine that your blood inside Yui's would react and begin producing more mana. But of course, would still be limited."

Kaede: "But what if the blood ingested is too much for my blood inside Yui's to handle?"

Mai: "Ahh~ Interesting. I'm not sure."

My guess is maybe if Yui drinks blood, she could have a window where she could surpass that limit and maybe use something more than just simple magic.

Yui: "I don't think I'd want to drink blood unless needed."

Ah, right. Yui is pretty grossed out by drinking blood. Sure, she's gotten used to drinking mine now, but I know deep down, she'd prefer saying goodbye to it.

What a day though. I never expected for these questions to finally be answered. I'm glad that Yui's vessel is still feeding off of the outside, so there shouldn't be any need to worry about her exerting herself. But now that leaves just one concern I have. "If my blood is to attack again..." Those words Mai said leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. What would happen then? What would cause for my blood to attack? And if that happens, will Yui be okay? I won't let it sour the mood though, as Yui seems to be in high sprits. I'd hate to damper the mood when things have been going great.