
-----Kaede's POV

Yui: "Sorry."

We're back in the dorm room as Yui begins to pack a few things. Thankfully she isn't expelled, so she doesn't need to completely move out, and the bag I gave her makes it all the more easier to pack her things.

Kaede: "Sorry for what?"

Yui: "I can't be in the academy grounds, so might be difficult to... Like, give you blood."

I don't know exactly when, but for a while now, my body has calmed down with thirsting for Yui's blood. It might actually have been around the time when she went unconscious for 3 or so days when she drank my blood for the first time. So I'm not particular worried now if Yui will be gone for a week or so.

Kaede: "It's okay. If I do end up feeling hungry or something, I can just stop on by- wait."

Yui: "Pfft. You don't know where it is, do you?"

Kaede: "No..."

I never got the chance to visit, so I actually have no idea where Yui's place is.

Yui: "Why don't you come with me? Lunch is about to start, so you won't miss out on too much of class."

Kaede: "Sure."

Mai: "Yes! And I can just teleport Kaede with me to your house."

Yui: "Ooo~ Good idea, Mai"

I recall the time when Mai teleported me to the mountains. Sure it wasn't too bad, but it still was quite unpleasant.

And so, after Yui finished packing away some things and joining up with Luna, we exit the academy grounds. I have no intention of skipping class like Luna since I am interested in learning more about summoning magic, and my jealousy of Luna has mostly subsided, although a part of me wished I was in Luna's position right now.

Yui: "Still can't believe you just went and suspended yourself for my sake, haha."

Luna: "Like I'll just continue class without you. We started together, and I'd like to keep it that way."

Yui: "Thanks."

Mai: "I don't think you two need to worry. I heard that Yui beat a teacher, so I think there's not much for her to learn from those guys."

Luna: "That's true! Honestly, I really wanted you to stop, but I didn't expect you to actually put him down on his knees."

Yui: "Well. I did cheat, so-"

Kaede: "Well I think he was cheating by exploiting his height. So I think it was valid."

Luna: "Mhmm!"

I was watching closely, and in terms of technique, Yui looked to be more skilled. But the reach from that teacher sure was annoying to watch. At some points it looked like a grown adult picking on a toddler, so it was quite vindicating seeing Yui slice into the teacher like that, even if the blood was getting me excited.

Luna: "Also... Thank you. For fighting on my behalf."

Yui: "Don't worry about it. I wasn't going to let him get away with hurting you."

After the fight, I ended up healing Luna's face. It was shocking to see just how much swelling happened from just a single slap. Almost looked like she was punched instead.

Luna: "Mmm~"

Yui: "Plus, Mai's right. I wasn't learning much anymore, so maybe this outcome is for the best."

Is she thinking about Yarene? I'm not entirely sure when we plan on going, but we still need to get everyone on our side.

Luna: "Like doing more adventure work?"

Yui: "Haha, maybe. I didn't think about that."

Luna: "Well let me know, we can do some more jobs together again!"

Yui: "Mm. Sounds good."

I know I said that I'm not jealous of Luna as much, but hearing this is a tad bit frustrating. Almost makes me want to suspend myself as well, but I know the right move is to stay back.

Eventually, we finally enter an area that seems different from the rest of the city. The houses and stores looked more or less the same, but I could tell immediately we've entered Iris' territory, as people on the streets started to treat Yui like royalty.

Kaede: "You sure are famous."

Yui: "Hmm? Oh yeah. My mom owns this part of the city, so people tend to treat me like some sort of princess."

Luna: "I think it's cool! Being adored by a ton of people."

Yui: "Mmm~ Maybe."

Kaede: "Well, Yui was adored in our past life. She was our ace player in our school's track and field team."

Luna: "Track and field?"

Kaede: "Like running, basically."

Luna: "Ah~ So that's why she's so into training and stuff."

Yui: "Yeah... I do miss it, competing against other people like that. But this world is too different. Even if something like that did exist, wind magic is a thing here."

I also miss those times. It was always nice when I could watch Yui run as I was maintaining the school garden. But I still find her cool, even now. It might not be for running, but the way she handled that teacher sure was fun to watch.

Luna: "...You ever think of going back?"

Yui: "I think you've said this before, haha. I do think of wanting to go back, but I also don't want to just toss this life away either."

Hmm. I'm not sure if I can say the same. Sure I met some interesting people, and even now I still think of Mell, wondering how she's holding up. But if I could go back... I think I'd take the opportunity. In a perfect world, I'd also love to take them with me, but that's just a fantasy.

We come up to Yui's mansion, and immediately I can tell just how big it is compared to Violet's when we visited. 

Butler: "Lady Ellen? Shouldn't you be at the academy?"

A man in a suit approached us. I can only assume that this is a butler, similar to the one that greeted us at Violet's mansion.

Yui: "Mm, long story short, I'm suspended."

Butler: "What?!"

Yui: "I can explain later, is mom here?"

Butler: "Sorry, she left a couple hours ago. Also, hello again Luna."

Luna: "H-hi."

Butler: "And this is?"

Kaede: "My name's Kaede."

Yui: "She's also a friend of mine from the academy."

Butler: "Nice to meet you, Kaede."

Kaede: "Likewise."

I give a slight bow to him.

Butler: "Did you all want to come inside?"

Yui: "Yes."

Butler: "Right this way."

He escorts us inside the mansion before closing the door behind us. Immediately, I notice a difference with Yui's mansion. Violet's mansion had a dark theme, but Yui's has more of a light theme, with a white/gold theme with red designs that match her hair color.

Alice: "Ellen?"

A familiar sight of Alice approached came behind one of the walls.

Alice: "What are you doing here this early?"

Yui: "I kind of got suspended, hah."

Alice: "...Okay, please explain."

Her expression quickly went from a concerned look to more of an angry expression.

Luna: "It wasn't her fault! Ellen was just protecting me."

Alice: "What happened?"

We ended up moving to the dining room before sitting down and explaining what had happened to Alice.

Alice: "Hmmm."

Overall, I think she took it well. At least now she doesn't seem to be mad at Yui anymore, and instead is back to being more concerned. Obviously Alice knows of the plan for Yarene since she was there when Iris told us, so I guess she's more worried about the near future.

Alice: "Still though... I can't believe you actually fought a teacher... Didn't I say to not be reckless?"

Yui: "I know, but I just couldn't stand it."

Alice: "I think if I was in your shoes, I'd do the same. But that doesn't mean that you're in the right. I think both you and the teacher were in the wrong."

Yui: "It's fine. I was getting bored of class anyways."

Alice: "Oh? You saying you prefer to spar with me instead?"

Yui: "Of course!"

Alice: "Hehe."

Seems like the mood has turned into a more positive light. Maids did come by to hand us some tea, but just like usual, the taste of it is incredibly bland, and it doesn't really make me feel refreshed at all, but turning down the tea would be rude so I drink it regardless.

Natalie: "Ellen?"

Another maid had now come into the dining room, but her face was quite familiar. The same person that Yui had brought over to the dorms. At the time, she looked to be on the brink of death, but now her complexion seems to be more or less back to normal.

Yui: "Natalie!"

Almost immediately, Yui jumped out of the chair before running into Natalie's arms.

Yui: "I'm so sorry!"

Natalie: "It's okay~ I'm feeling a lot better now."

Yui: "You better not be working!"

Natalie: "Fufu~ Your mother said the same thing, but I can't help it. I have to make sure your room is all clean. We did leave it in quite a state before."

Her choice of words made my heart stutter, but I quickly realize that she's probably talking about how Yui attacked her. I can only image how much blood was spilled from that gash Yui left on her.

Yui: "As long as you're not straining yourself, I'm happy."

Natalie: "I'm feeling great now though. Lady Iris said I can begin working properly tomorrow."

They soon break off from their hug as Natalie takes a seat with us at the dining room table. A maid was quick to pour another cup of tea for Natalie as we all sit back down.

Natalie: "Oh and thank you again, Kaede. For helping me back then."

Kaede: "No problem."

Natalie: "I probably did leave a mess though, sorry about that."

Kaede: "It actually cleaned out easily enough, so it wasn't a problem at all."

In truth, I actually just used my magic to remove the blood from the sheets before drinking it.

Natalie: "Wait. Don't you guys have classes today?"

And so, we end up explaining things to Natalie as well. Other maids who were attending to us also overheard our conversation, but Natalie reacted a lot more than Alice did. I do wonder when's a good time to head back to the academy, and looking around, I don't see Mai anywhere.

Mai: "Looking for me?"

Her voice echoes in my head as I wonder.

Kaede: "Yes. Where did you run off to?"

Mai: "I'm just going around with invisibility magic, mapping out the house. Don't mind me."

Kaede: "Weirdo."

Mai: "Hey, I'm doing this for you as well you know."

Kaede: "I know. Thank you."

With this, Mai should be able to teleport me to Yui's place whenever I need blood. Funny. Now both Mai and I are checking on people, with Mai watching over Lilith, and me with Yui. I do wonder how long the suspension will be though...