Next Phase

-----Yui's POV

Yui: "Okay~ I think we can stop it here for today."

Natalie: "Hah... Hahh~"

I might have pushed Natalie a bit hard there, but I'm surprised that she's quite fit to begin with, much more fit than Luna was back when I first started sparring with her. Sure Natalie has basically no technique at all, but I think she has a solid foundation to work from.

Alice: "Not bad."

Yui: "Thanks."

Alice: "I was talking about Natalie."

Yui: "Wow."

Natalie: "T-thank you!"

It was a different experience for me, teaching Natalie the basics. I've only ever trained with people who already know how to fight, so trying to teach someone who could barely even wield a sword was quite a challenge for me. Her foot work was the first thing I noticed, so I made sure to try and fix her feet for today, and for the most part, she did pretty well. However, she still makes it look awkward swinging around a wooden sword as if it'll slip out of her hands at any given moment.

We make our way back to the bench, drinking from our glasses of water that a maid brought out for us.

Yui: "So? You had fun?"

Natalie: "I've found a whole new level of respect for you, Ellen. You didn't even break a sweat for how long we did that for."

Yui: "Well I've been doing it my whole life basically. I'm used to it."

Natalie: "But yes. I did have fun. I just hope that I won't need to actually fight anyone..."

Makes sense. The way she handled the wooden sword did make it seem like she had no interest in wanting to harm anyone. Quite a pure girl.

Yui: "It's just a precaution. I also hope that time will never come."

We share a smile together as we both take another drink from our glass.

Alice: "Hmm. What if Ellen was in danger? Would you fight?"

Natalie: "Fufu~ I think if that were to happen, I don't think I'd be of much use. But I'll most certainly try."

Yui: "As long as you don't get hurt."

Natalie: "Mm. I'll try my best."

I think by the time we do leave for Yarene, Natalie could at least defend herself a little. Maybe not against the wyverns that Kaede was talking about, but definitely if we run into goblins.

Iris: "Ahem!"

We quickly turn our heads to see that mom looks to be visibly annoyed.

Yui: "Hey mom."

Iris: "Now why aren't you at the academy? You're a bit early don't you think?"

Yui: "Yeah~ About that-"

We move inside as I tell mom everything that has happened. Unlike Alice who showed visible frustration towards me when I told her, and Natalie being concerned about me, mom seems more or less unfazed by everything I told her.

Iris: "Hah~ Well, can't be helped. Does that mean you'll be staying here until further notice?"

Yui: "Yeah. That's of course, if it's okay?"

Iris: "What are you talking about? Of course it's fine for you to be here. This will always be your home."

Now that I know the plan for Yarene, I know mom isn't talking about this particular place, but more like "this" as in the people here, are my home.

Yui: "Thanks mom."

Iris: "So, what were you doing out there?"

Yui: "I was teaching Natalie how to wield a sword."

Iris: "Really?"

Natalie: "Yes, milady."

Iris: "Ellen did say she had plans for you, but to think she meant combat training, hehe."

Yui: "Yup! I'm going to make Natalie a force to be reckoned with!"

Iris: "I hope it all goes well."

I also need to put in practice of my own. Now that I have the ability to use magic, I need to figure out how to harness it, even if it's an incredibly low amount.

Yui: "What were you up to today, mom?"

Iris: "You forgot? I went to see Rupert."

Oh right! I forgot about that. I'm glad mom remembered, since it would be amazing if we have another noble family on our side.

Yui: "How did the talk go?"

Iris: "Fufu~ He was surprised by my visit, but overall, the talk went well. It's like you said, he does value me quite a lot compared to your father."

Speaking of father, I haven't seen him around at all.

Yui: "You think he'd... You know."

I try to not say it out loud since it is all a secret. I'm not sure if all the maids know about it, so I choose to keep it vague. Thankfully, mom seems to realize what I'm talking about.

Iris: "Maybe. I'll be meeting him again the day after tomorrow."

At least it's not a no, that's a good sign. But I have a feeling that Rupert won't have a clue what mom is talking about until the day it happens, so it's still a mystery whether he'll join us or not. Actually, personally I think I'm essentially ready to leave now, especially since I'm suspended and all that.

Yui: "Actually, could I speak to you in private, mom?"

Iris: "Sure."

Natalie: "I-I'll help get dinner ready!"

Iris: "Thank you, Natalie."

Mom and I move into her room. Just like last time, mom has everyone leave the room, leaving just her and I inside.

Iris: "Is this about Yarene?"

Yui: "Yes. I think I'm more or less ready."

Iris: "Oh? Did you manage to woo your brother?"

Yui: "Actually, about that. He acted a bit strange before the incident at the academy happened. I thought he'd be like he was, but he seemed more... Distant."

Iris: "I see."

Mom's face began to look frustrated at the news I'd given. It's rare for mom to look like this. With how much I know how calculative mom is, it's as if she made a mistake on a math quiz or something.

Iris: "Seems like we're a bit too late."

Yui: "What do you mean?"

Iris: "Your father. I bet he's caught on to what I'm doing and is coaxing your brother behind our backs."

Yui: "Wait, you think father knows about the plan for Yarene?"

If that's true then I think it's entirely possible that he could rat out mom to the king, making our plans essentially futile. If that's true then we need to act fast.

Iris: "I doubt it. I've kept a tight lip on this. Only you, Alice, Kaede and the Queen of Yarene knows of this. But I do think he knows something is going on..."

I've done my best to not tell anyone, and I don't think Kaede has told anyone either.

Yui: "Then, what's the plan now?"

Iris: "Now I'm glad that you're suspended, hehe."

Yui: "You mean?"

Iris: "We're leaving. Not now, but soon. I'll need to contact the Queen of Yarene tomorrow. I'll cancel my plans and if I have time, I'll visit Rupert. Ellen, I need you to be ready."

Yui: "Y-yes! But what about everyone else?"

Iris: "I'll handle that. I'll let everyone know by tomorrow. I just need you to let Kaede know."

Wait, from the looks of it, mom seems to be shouldering all of this on herself. And with her now getting up from the side of the bed, she looks like she's about to storm off.

Yui: "Wait. I want to help."

Iris: "It's something only I can do. I'll be back before dinner."

Yui: "...Okay."

Iris: "Hey. You talking to Kaede is more than enough help, okay?"

Yui: "I'll also notify Luna then!"

Iris: "Okay fine~"

Mom walks over to a drawer, taking out a letter and a stamp that has our family seal on it before she begins to write on it. Moments later, she hands me the letter.

Iris: "Give this to her parents."

Yui: "Y-yes! I'll do it right now!"

Iris: "Fufu~ You'll miss out on dinner if you do."

Yui: "I can say the same for you as well, mom."

We chuckle at one another as I fold the letter into one of my pockets. Then suddenly, mom moves in, wrapping her arms around me as I soon do the same, sharing in eachother's embrace.

Iris: "I'm proud of you, Ellen."

Yui: "Mm. Thanks mom."

Iris: "I'm counting on you."

Yui: "Mm! I won't fail you."

We break off from our hug as we both leave the room. My heart is filled with adrenaline at the thought of the plan for Yarene is finally happening, albeit a bit rushed due to my father catching onto us; even if it's just a hunch.

Head Maid: "My lady?"

Iris: "Sorry, I'll explain later. Some urgent business came up and I need to deal with it. I'll be back tonight. Alice!"

Alice: "Yes!"

Both mom and Alice move out the door before getting into one of the carriages. I guess I should start making my way to Luna's place as well.

Natalie: "Ellen? What's happening?"

Actually, seeing mom having Alice being her escort just made me think of an idea.

Yui: "Perfect! Natalie, come with me."

Natalie: "Yes? Wait, but what's going on?"

Yui: "I'll explain on the way."

Natalie: "But I'm helping with dinner."

Head Maid: "It's okay. Your job is to attend to young mistress now."

Natalie: "R-right."

Yui: "Come on. We're burning daylight."

Natalie: "Y-yes, my lady."

If Alice is escorting my mom, then I'll just have Natalie be my escort. And with a smile on my face, we leave the house, heading straight for Luna's place.