The Move

-----Yui's POV

We continue to chat with Luna's dad for roughly 30 minutes until finally, we could hear the sound of the front door open.

Elira: "We're back!~"

We're all sitting in the lounge room and could both Luna and her mom enter as our eyes lock onto one another.

Luna: "Ellen?"

Suddenly, her mom quickly drops the bags she was carrying before rushing over to our direction before wrapping me in her arms. I was a little stumped at first, but I gently embrace her in my arms.

Elira: "Thank you so much, Ellen."

Yui: "Please."

Elira: "I know my daughter caused you trouble. I'm sorry you were suspended because of her."

Luna: "Mom!"

Yui: "It's fine, haha. I know a lot of people think Luna was in the wrong, but I think she's in the right. It's why I did what I did."

She lets go of me, take a step back.

Elira: "Thank you."

I know that it's not something to be thankful for, but I smile without saying anything more, accepting her thanks. Luna now approaches us after closing the door and dropping the groceries on the kitchen table.

Luna: "What brings you here?"

Yui: "Oh! Right."

I reach into my back pocket, taking out the letter my mom had given me before handing it over to Elira. William also gets up from the couch to see what's going on.

Yui: "My mom said to deliver this to you guys."

Elira: "Your mother?"

William: "It's got her seal as well."

They inspect the letter I gave them as they both begin to read it's contents. Luna also pokes her head past them and also begins to read. To be honest, I didn't bother to read it as I just took it and left straight out the door.

Elira/William: "What?"

Luna: "Wait..."

Both of Luna's parents had concerned looks on their faces, but Luna looked to be more sad on top of her concern.

Elira: "She's offering for us to come with her?"

William: "Doesn't say where..."

Luna: "Ellen, are you moving somewhere?"

From what I gathered from their responses, I guess mom wasn't entirely explicit with the plan, but at least they know about the move.

Yui: "Yes."

Elira: "But this is so sudden?"

Yui: "I know. But I don't think we can live here for much longer, judging from how my mom was acting."

This is all on a hunch that my father knows about this. Mom sure is vigilant in keeping things under her control, even pushing things faster just on a theory alone.

William: "Your mother's done a lot for us and many others in this part of the city. If you and your family are leaving, that will be quite a toll on us as well."

Elira: "Mhmm. We'll gladly follow you. But this letter is pretty vague."

I take the opportunity to read the letter, and sure enough, there's not many words.

Letter: "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Warridge. I'm writing this to inform you of our leave from the Inasdale Kingdom. I ask of you to join me, but there's not much time. If you wish to follow me, please visit my household tomorrow morning."

Yeah this was definitely written in a rush, just getting straight to the point without much explanation. But both Luna's parents accepted it and plan to follow my mom?

William: "Where will we be going? And why?"

Yui: "I think mom will tell you that in person. As for why, I think it's become too dangerous for us to live here."

Luna: "Dangerous?"

Natalie: "Lady Iris does have a high level of influence of the kingdom here. It's entirely possible that the king will do something about it."

Elira: "I see... It's true that she's more than just a duchess here. People like us think of her as royalty at this point. I could see a civil war begin to start if things continue the way it has been."

Natalie: "Exactly."

Luna: "Wait, wait... Civil war?!"

Unlike her parents, Luna still seems to be shocked at how things are progressing."

William: "Mm. If something like that were to happen, I think not only us, but the majority of the commoners would be in support of your mother."

Yui: "So... You guys will come with us?"

Elira/William: "Of course."

Luna: "We better be!"

I smile, feeling the success of my visit here. Now with Luna and her parents pretty much confirmed to come with us, I guess the only thing to focus on is the Crestel family. I would've preferred to build a relationship with George's and Mark's family too, but with me now suspended and the Yarene plans now escalating, I don't think we'll have the time, which is quite a disappointment.

Elira: "Did you two want to join us for dinner?"

Yui: "We actually need to head back."

I'd love to stay for dinner, but I still need to let Kaede know of the change of plans. And I'm already worried if Kaede has already teleported to my place, waiting for me.

William: "You sure?"

Elira: "Yeah. This will be the last dinner in this house after all."

When she puts it like that, it makes it even harder to leave...

Natalie: "...Maybe you guys can come join us for dinner instead?"

Elira: "Oh, no we can't do that."

Natalie: "You could bring the food you brought over with you. I'm sure Lady Iris wouldn't mind."

William: "Nickolas will be back soon though."

Luna: "Then why don't we wait for Nick to be back? We can come over then?"

William: "Hmmm."

Elira: "I don't see why not. As long as our food gets put to use."

Natalie: "Yes. I'll make sure of it."

Elira: "Then deal!"

Okay... I didn't expect this, but I don't mind at all. Although I'm not certain to how they'll be let in-

Natalie: "Great! I'll make sure to let the others know."

Oh. Yeah I didn't know why I hadn't thought of that. I still need to get used to being a duchess' daughter.

Yui: "I'll also let them know."

Elira: "Thank you."

Luna: "Then, we'll see you soon?"

Yui: "Mm! See you guys soon."

After saying our goodbyes, Natalie and I leave through the door before starting to walk back home.

Yui: "Good thinking."

Natalie: "Hehe. I could see that you were worried back there. I didn't go too far, did I?"

Yui: "Nope~ It was perfect. Maybe they could even stay over since they'll be needing to be there by morning anyways."

Natalie: "That, may be something we need to discuss with your mom."

After everything that I learnt from mom, I don't think she'd mind. We may not have rooms in the mansion, but I'm sure there's some rooms available where the maids live. William and Nick could sleep where the butlers stay as well. And with the fact that we're going to be moving soon, I don't see a reason why we shouldn't make use of the space while we still have it.

Yui: "I think she'll be okay with it."

Natalie: "Mm. I think so too."

Thankfully, we made it back with daylight still out. I was worried how Luna and her family would make it here in the dark. Natalie and I also told the butler at the gate to let Luna and her family in when they arrive shortly along with the head maid who greeted us inside. Looking around, I couldn't see Kaede anywhere as I head upstairs into my room along with Natalie.

It was right when I opened my bedroom door that I noticed Kaede and Mai. Kaede was seated on a chair whereas Mai was standing. I could only assume they were speaking telepathically again.

Yui: "Perfect. I had a feeling you'd come by."

Kaede: "Hmm? Was there something you wanted to bring up?"

I proceeded to talk about the current plan about us leaving for Yarene soon. Her expression was mostly happy as I can only imagine that she'd like to see Lilith again.

Kaede: "Do you know when?"

Yui: "No. But mom said to be prepared. So I can only imagine we'll be leaving quite soon."

Mai: "I might also let Lilith know about it. I'm sure she'd be delighted to see you again, Selene."

Kaede: "Mhmm."

Huh. I find it funny that Kaede just naturally responded to being called that.

Natalie: "Selene? I thought her name is Kaede?"

Kaede: "Oh! Sorry, uhm... It's a long story, but you're right, my name is Kaede."

Natalie: "I understand. Please don't feel pressured to disclose personal information. Sorry for prying."

Kaede: "Huh? No no! It's okay. I don't mind telling, it's just a long story like I said."

And so, Kaede and Mai ended up telling the story of Kaede's second name... Or maybe it's her first name? Either way, I feel like with Kaede now responding naturally to being called Selene, she's properly connected to her past now. I honestly can't even begin to comprehend what it must feel like. Just having memories flooding inside you, memories you never thought you had. But I'm glad to see that Kaede still seems to be Kaede.