The Talk

-----Kaede's POV

With Mai gone to let Lilith know of our travel for tomorrow, I make my way back to the academy myself. I'll be honest, I'm a little nervous with talking with Fabian, and I'm not entirely sure if he'll be there or not. Class has probably already started by now so even if he's there, there's no point trying to look for him. Best time would be when classes are out during lunch break. So for now, I guess I'll just head to class.

Sure enough, when I got to the academy, no one was walking around the academy grounds, making me believe that everyone is already in class. I take a moment to spread my mana out in an attempt to locate Fabian through mana sense. I've been around him before, so maybe I could sense him like this.

Just like last time, the biggest notable figure was the headmaster, Lucien, who certainly had the most about of mana than anyone else. I can also make out Leon as his mana was also quite powerful, but nowhere to the extent of Lucien, which I felt strange since Leon is a light magic user. What was also surprising is that Marcus, the person who I fought, I couldn't detect his mana at all.

However thankfully, I did manage to detect Fabian's mana as he does appear to be in a classroom. I guess I technically could just tail him and wait for him to exit class instead of going to class like I originally planned. The only issue is doing that stealthily. Unlike Mai, I have no idea how invisibility magic works, nor do I know how to hide my mana. I guess I could just remain out here until I sense movement from Fabian?

I end up finding a spot behind some trees just outside the academy, still making sure to keep Fabian in range of my mana sense. Now that I'm here and waiting, I realize that this might take a while...

Kaede: "Hey, Mai?"

Mai: "Yeah? Did you need something?"

Kaede: "Just bored. How's mom?"

Mai: "She's not in her room so I'm just waiting until she returns."

Hah, funny. I guess we're both "bored" waiting. I really do crave to see mom again, and am very curious to see how she's doing there. But first things first, I have to get there, and before that, I need to stay here and wait for Fabian.

Kaede: "She still comfortable living there though?"

Mai: "So far, yeah. She seems to be enjoying her new life so far."

Kaede: "That's good. I wonder if the Queen there will let me see her."

Mai: "Well, you're coming with Iris, right? She's close to the Queen so I think it's possible."

Kaede: "...I hope so."

The thought of being denied at seeing mom does make me pretty anxious. Worst case scenario, I guess Mai can teleport me into her room like she does when she visits.

Mai: "Do you know how long it'll take you guys to arrive?"

Kaede: "Not really. We're taking a bunch of caravans so maybe we'd arrive faster than when you took mom?"

Mai: "Maybe. But with me, I took Lilith directly to Yarene, not bothering with roads or paths, so it might actually take longer for you."

Kaede: "You didn't see many roads?"

Mai: "A few, yes. Only one however looked to be getting used often."

That's probably the road that Iris used for her trade routes. Most likely we'd end up following that same path.

Kaede: "Is that road close to the wyvern nest?"

Mai: "Not that I recall, no. One of the other smaller roads did get close to the mountain range."

"Smaller." Most likely with all the caravans, we won't be travelling down that one.

Mai: "I wouldn't worry too much. If you're going with everyone, I'm sure you can take care of those wyverns."

Kaede: "I guess, yeah."

Mai: "Oh! I hear footsteps. I'll contact you soon."

Kaede: "Okay. Let me know if anything happens."

Mai: "Mhmm."

Great, now I'm back to my lonesome. Maybe I should've just went to class, at least I wouldn't be sitting here bored while I- Wait. Fabian's moving? No, his whole class is. I guess he's going for practical training now? They seem to be moving in the opposite direction where I am, in which case I'll have to move as well.

From the direction they're going, they seem to be going to training area 2 on the eastern side of the academy. The only trees were on the west, where I was, so now it seems like I'll be walking around the academy in broad daylight. I guess I could just move through the academy, but the moment I think that, I realized something... I forgot to put on my uniform... Well, fuck.

With that idea out the window, I decide to stay on the outside. If they're heading to the training area, then it'll be open to the outside. Sure there's a wall, but every time I've been to a training area, the height of it reminds of the town walls back in Azalea. For normal humans and some monsters, climbing it would be impossible, but I'm confident I can make the jump over.

After 5 or so minutes, I find myself behind the wall, with the training area on the other side. Fabian's aura definitely is coming this way, but I'll wait until they arrive before climbing over. And after some time, Fabian along with the rest of his class entered the training area. I was going to jump over now, but I actually think I'll wait for their class to finish. I don't want to cause a massive commotion as I really only want to talk with Fabian, not anyone else.

I end up sitting on the ground with my back against the wall as I listen to what's happening on the other side. Sound's of magic being cast paired with many different sounds of weapons clashing with one another. This would continue for quite some time as I find myself twirling some blades of grass with my fingers. Then, after what felt like an hour, I could hear the teacher calling an end to the training followed by the sound of the academy bell.

After picking myself up from the ground and dusting myself off, I leap up and over the wall while they were getting ready to leave. Everyone turned to face me as I unintentionally landed quite heavily, prompting the teacher to take a defensive action. It was then that I realized that the teacher wasn't the same one Yui had fought, so I guess he's their substitute teacher for now?

Teacher: "Kaede? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in class?"

Thanks to my win in the tournament, it seems like everyone knows who I am. At least the teacher doesn't think I'm a threat as he sheathes his sword.

Kaede: "I'd like to talk with Fabian, if that's alright."

Teacher: "And may I ask what this is about?"

Kaede: "Sorry. That's between Fabian and I."

Everyone started to gossip between each other as I move my gaze to Fabian, our eyes now locking onto one another.

Fabian: "What do you want?"

Kaede: "Can I have a word with you, alone?"

Teacher: "We're about to head back into class."

Fabian: "Fine."

Teacher: "Fabian?"

Fabian: "I'll be there soon, sir."

Teacher: "...Alright. Everyone, lets head back to class."

For some reason, many of the students seemed disappointed by not being able to stay behind with Fabian and I as they reluctantly leave along with the teacher. And after a few moments after everyone had left, I move in closer to Fabian.

Kaede: "What's the deal?"

Fabian: "Excuse me?"

Kaede: "Yui- I mean Ellen, seems to be worried about you. She said that you've been acting strange since that time during your joint training."

She didn't actually say that, but I think it's a believable lie that should pass.

Fabian: "..."

But surprisingly, his reaction was not expected as he breaks eye contact with me, remaining silent.

Kaede: "Do you not like El-"

Fabian: "I do!"

Kaede: "...Then why were you acting weird?"

Fabian: "It's... It's personal. It's a family matter. It doesn't concern you."

I would back down with that in most circumstances, but Iris entrusted me with this, so I'm not backing down until I figure out what exactly is going on.

Kaede: "Actually, it does. Your mother has given me the position to watch over Ellen. And with her believing that something is wrong, and she is unable to be here, then it's my job to do so on her behalf."

Fabian: "Tch. Mother, huh?"

Kaede: "That's right."

Fabian: "Let me guess, you have no idea what my mother has done, do you?"

Is he talking about the plans for Yarene? I won't say anything about it as it could be something entirely different.

Kaede: "..."

I choose to remain silent, hoping for him to believe that I don't know anything. And a few moments later, he scoffs at me as he looks back at me.

Fabian: "My mother is planning on using everything my father has, only to cast him out to marry another rich Count."

I mean, he kind of has the right idea. He's right that Yui's mom is casting his father aside, but the second half about marrying another Count is incorrect. At least as far as I know. Maybe she'll marry a Count, just not in Inasdale.

Kaede: "I haven't heard such a thing."

Fabian: "Like mom would tell anyone. She thinks she can just do that to dad? No."

Kaede: "Then why are you being so distant to Ellen?"

Fabian: "I know full well that Ellen is very close with mom. It'd be heart breaking to learn the truth of her mom. So I kept my mouth shut, keeping this a secret from her."

Makes sense. Looking at it from Fabian's point of view, he does seem to care for Yui which puts me at ease somewhat.

Kaede: "I see..."

Fabian: "Of course, Ellen will soon find out. Father's planning on exposing mom along with the crimes she's committed."

Kaede: "Wait, crimes?"

Fabian: "You don't know? She's the main cause of fights breaking out in the city, disrupting the balance. If she continues, she'll likely kill many lives through her selfish ideals."

Yeah, that doesn't sound like Iris at all. I wouldn't be surprised if his father somehow framed Iris to be seen as some sort of villain like this.

Kaede: "..."

Fabian: "...I've had enough. I'm going back to class. We're done here."

He storms off out of the training area, leaving me stuck in my thoughts at how to proceed from here.