Break for the Border

-----Yui's POV

We somehow managed to get out of Azalea safely. We didn't actually lose that many soldiers due to us having the elemental advantage as our enemies were reluctant to do the same. Also with the choke point we had at the gate, it made for a nice defensive position to not be overwhelmed. Of course we did lose some soldiers here and there, and even Luna looked like she was to join them, but after Kaede said she's still breathing, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. The same can't be said for Fleur who is still lying there, showing no sign of life at all.

Kaede: "There..."

Sicily: "Thanks."

Kaede just finished healing Sicily and Lillian's injuries, not leaving a single scar in place, which only brings me back to before about what happened with Luna.

Yui: "So... What was that back there? How did Luna get healed?"

Kaede: "I don't know. Mai won't tell me anything. But it does have something to do with what you did."

Yui: "But all I did was hold Alice's magic in place."

Alice: "Certainly is strange."

Iris: "Your magic doesn't have healing properties, right?"

Alice: "No."

Whilst we were discussing, Faye was by her sister side, resting Fleur's head on her lap as I could see some tears streaming down her face in the corner of my eye. Meanwhile, Mell was snuggled up right beside Kaede, clinging to her side as Kaede gently strokes her hair.

Sicily: "Doesn't water always have healing properties though?"

Lillian: "Yeah... I'm confused on why you say that your magic doesn't have healing properties."

Alice: "Huh?"

Now this is interesting. The way they say how water "should" have healing properties makes it seem like they're certain about that fact, confusing Alice in the process.

Iris: "Well, you see. Alice's magic is more for offense. She hasn't developed any healing techniques."

Alice: "Correct."

Lillian: "Right, but even if that's the case. Your water magic should still have the innate ability to heal."

Alice: "I highly doubt that."

Sicily: "Then maybe when Yui took control of your magic, she might've awakened it's healing properties?"

Yui: "I only learnt that I can use magic very recently. I don't think I did something like that."

Kaede: "Close."

Yui: "Huh?"

All of a sudden, Kaede cuts into the conversation.

Kaede: "Mai agrees that Yui did awaken it's properties, but it's due to my blood inside her that she has gained some level of healing capability."

Woah. Okay now that kinda makes sense... I suppose? So I was un-intentionally using magic that Kaede had given me?

Yui: "Wait, so you're saying I used light magic?"

Kaede: "No. But you used my blood to awaken Alice's water magic."

Alice: "And this, Mai person. She said all that to you?"

Kaede: "Yes."

Iris: "Wow."

Mom looks over to me as slowly but surely, her mouth rises into a big smile.

Iris: "My daughter is so amazing!~"

Alice: "Pfft. Yeah. Good call for taking over, Ellen."

Yui: "Mm!"

Natalie: "Agreed. I'm sure Luna's parents will be thankful yet again for helping Luna, hehe."

Yui: "R-right~"

Yeah, I forgot that I stood up for Luna and ended up getting suspended for her sake. It was bad enough getting praised by her parents, but now that I learnt that I did in fact save her literal life, I'm sure their thanks will be even more intense. A part of me is thankful that their in a carriage a fair ways away from us.

Faye: "...You think you can try it for my sister?"

Iris: "Faye..."

Our attention was brought back to Faye and Fleur, with Silver by Faye's feet. I know Kaede said ages ago that she's responsible for taming Silver, but it seems more like Faye is Silver's master. But back to what Faye just said, I'm not sure if I'll be any help as I remain silent.

Faye: "What was that back there... Back in the room. You said you weren't drinking her blood, so-"

Marcus: "Wait. What?!"

Shoot! Completely forgot we have someone here that has no idea about Kaede's secret.

Faye: "Shut up. Don't interrupt me."

Marcus: "Huh?! Who do you think-"

Iris: "Marcus. Quiet. We'll explain that later."

Marcus: "Y-yes."

Well... This just got a bit awkward now. I didn't expect Faye to just lash out at Marcus like that. Even her tone was cold and sharp, almost like she was planning on ending Marcus' life if he didn't listen.

Kaede: "...I'm not sure actually. It felt like I was pouring something into Fleur."

Faye: "What do you mean? You almost sound like you have no idea."

Kaede: "Yeah. Sorry, I don't really know. My body just moved on it's own."

Faye: "I see..."

Kaede: "...I'm sorry."

Faye: "Don't be. You were trying to help. Thank you for that."

She gently parts Fleur's eyes away from her eyes as drops of tears end up falling straight onto Fleur's face. I was going to ask Kaede for a bit more details regarding what happened, but I don't think Faye wants to talk about this no more, so I keep silent, along with everyone else.



Marcus: "Okay. Now can someone explain?"

And with Marcus being the one to break the silence, we end up talking about Kaede's secret with her being a vampire. With the talk of blood drinking before, he already had a suspicion so the reveal wasn't too dramatic. However he did glare at Kaede several times throughout our explanation.

Marcus: "Hah!~ Okay, I get it."

Iris: "I ask of you to not talk about this with anyone. This is quite a sensitive topic since vampires were the most sought after monster to kill. To the point where we all thought they were extinct, until now. So I'm unsure how the Queen will handle this if she finds out."

Marcus: "Alright, alright. I won't tell a soul. Huh. So then that would make me technically the champion of that tournament?"

Kaede: "I guess... Sorry for cheating."

Marcus: "No problem. I'm actually quite glad. I can confidently say that I'm the strongest in the academy now."

Yui: "Yeah, but we're no longer attending the academy, remember?"

Marcus: "Ah- right."

It all hit me once more that we've finally left Inasdale, or pretty close in doing so. We've left Azalea quite a bit ago now so it more or less feels like we're outside of the Inasdale borders, especially since Azalea is one of the furthest towns in the kingdom.

-----Kaede's POV

I was worried that I'd have to kill Marcus during that explanation, but he surprisingly changed stance towards the end, even smiling at me instead of those deathly glares he was giving me prior. But I guess now I can safely drink blood now that Marcus now knows of my secret.

Mell: "Mom~"

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Mell: "I missed you."

Kaede: "Hehe. I missed you too."

Despite how much I've changed, I still feel the same with Mell, seeing her as if she's my daughter. No... She is my daughter.

Mell: "...No more running off again."

Kaede: "Mhmm. I promise."

With everything finally falling into place, I do believe there's no need to cast my family aside. Hell, it's because I did so that Fleur is... If I never attended the academy, and stayed back with everyone, maybe things would've been different...

But, on the bright side, I guess I'm happy that Mell, Sicily, Lillian, and Faye are safe. Thinking that, I continue to run my fingers through Mell's hair.

Kaede: "Hey, Mai."

Mai: "Hmm?"

I take the chance to talk with Mai through our thoughts.

Kaede: "Is there a way to bring the dead back to life?"

Mai: "I'm assuming you're not talking about reanimation, right?"

Kaede: "Like zombies? No."

I'd hate to have Faye see her sister mindlessly walking around, with nothing but a face she once knew.

Mai: "Like I said before. If it's quick like when I saved you just as you died in that carriage, then it is possible."

Kaede: "Yes, but I'm not you. I didn't fetch some souls."

Mai: "True, but as I was back then, I can only interact in the ethereal plane. Saving your soul was all I could do."

Kaede: "So you're saying there's more ways?"

Mai: "Yes. Anyways, I don't really understand why you're asking this."

Kaede: "To save Fleur obviously."

Mai: "Hmm? Ah~"

Is Mai that oblivious right now? Honestly, right now she's quite irritating.

Kaede: "So?"

No response. Did she maybe feel my frustration towards her and now she's going silent? Ah, whatever. I guess we can figure that out when we arrive in Yarene.

Time goes by as everyone begins to rest, besides Faye and I. She's busy with Fleur so I choose not to disturb her and instead focus on the one laying down on my lap; Mell. I'll get past this and focus on being a proper mother figure to her, just like how Iris is to Yui. I know I haven't been with her much, but the times when we're together, her face smiling at me gives me joy in my life. I think back to when we were in the barracks together, as she helped me with the bandages. I'd like to do more things with her in the near future, along with Sicily and Lillian; my family, of course most importantly, Yui as well. I find myself smiling as Yui falls asleep on my shoulder once again with Natalie on her lap. Even though Natalie is older than Yui, it sort of looks like we're both taking care of a couple kids, like a married couple.