Unwelcoming Surprise

-----Leon's POV

For the past week, everything has been pretty hectic in the academy. Not only do I notice many students that are missing, including Ellen who's the daughter of a duchess, but also our headmaster, Lucien has disappeared. I brought this up to my father a few days ago, but he didn't say a word to me, although he does seem to be stressing over something as of late. Maybe that ties into our headmaster's disappearance? Sure that whole incident with Ellen was quite something, but I don't think that'll cause so many students to disappear along with our headmaster. Something definitely is wrong.

Now in the cafeteria, a familiar face catches my eye. I usually don't like to approach people due to the difference in status, as only Ellen was the only person to treat me just like a normal person. But right now, I'm desperate for answers. So, I walk up to the man in question.

Leon: "Hey."

Fabian: "P-prince?"

Maybe I should've approached from in front of him instead? Now I feel bad for startling him like this.

Leon: "Do you have a minute? I was wondering if we could talk while we eat."

Fabian: "Certainly!"

After grabbing our food from the counter, we end up moving to the table where he sits. And just like usual, everyone makes room for me. I get that they're just trying to respect me, but I can't help but feel like a disease that nobody wants to be around.

Leon: "So? Do you know where your sister went?"

I figured I'd ask something that he most likely knows first, as he most likely is just as clueless as me with the other students and our headmaster.

Fabian: "I haven't seen her since her suspension."

Leon: "What? So you haven't even visited your house?"

Fabian: "I uhm... Sorry, my prince. It's a family matter. For a while now, I've been staying at my father's, so I haven't interacted with my sister since."

I didn't expect to dig up some family drama from him. Now I feel even more cruel asking such a thing.

Leon: "I'm sorry."

Fabian: "It's okay."

Leon: "It's just I find it odd that with Ellen now suspended, other students are also missing. Not to mention our headmaster is also absent."

Fabian: "You're not saying that my sister is responsible for this?"

Leon: "It's just an observation, but I wouldn't be surprised if she does have something to do with it."

Fabian: "..."

I can see he's clearly worried for Ellen and is now wracking his brain over what's happening. Meanwhile, everyone else at this table have kept silent as to not disturb us. It's bad enough with Fabian's status, but with me adding onto it, I can see how it can be quite intimidating to slide into the conversation. Actually, I think Kaede would have no issue now that I'm thinking about it. She was also a rare instance where she just talked to me casually like Ellen did.

Fabian: "Okay. I'll go check on my sister after class."

Leon: "You will? It won't be a bother?"

Fabian: "Well after you brought all that up, I'm a little worried."

Leon: "Perhaps I could come along with you? I'm also interested."

Fabian: "I-if that's what you'd like, then it'll be a pleasure to have you accompany me, prince."

Leon: "Perfect."

I knew full well that he couldn't deny my request, so I guess there are perks to being a prince. Although I'm not particularly happy with exercising it all that frequently.


Classes soon ended as I met up with Fabian outside the academy's gate. This will actually be the first time going over to his territory, so I'm actually quite excited for this.

Leon: "Lead the way."

Fabian: "Yes."

I end up following by Fabian's side as we begin to walk. I'm so used to walking in the opposite direction so I take a moment to appreciate my surroundings as we walk. Of course, many people who catches sight of us becomes visibly flustered, averting their gazes. That said, I do my best to acknowledge them regardless, waving out to them with a smile. I manage to catch a few of their glances back as they soon begin to smile back, relieving my heart.

Fabian: "Must be tough being the prince."

Leon: "I'm not the prince yet you know."

Fabian: "I know, but everyone will regard you as such. That's why you're making sure your image is perfect, right?"

It's true that I'm mainly acting all supportive for my image, but I like to think I'm a decent human being as well. It's just that being a prince comes with so much responsibilities. I have to make sure the public likes me since I will end up being king one day. I may as well start early and garner the people's affection while I can before that happens.

Leon: "You don't worry about stuff like that?"

Fabian: "Kind of. Maybe not in the main part of the city here, but in my mother's territory, I do end up having to put on a smile and making sure our people are happy."

Leon: "Sounds like you have it just as rough."

Fabian: "Pfft. Not nearly as bad as you, prince. You have the whole kingdom to worry about."

True. Not only do I need to gain the respect of everyone in the city, but also the neighboring towns and cities as well. Wherever I am, if it's in public, I'm forced to smile and be polite. It does hurt smiling so much sometimes, but it's work that needs to be done.

Leon: "You also have your sister to worry about. With her being suspended and all."

Fabian: "I guess."

We continued to idly chat until finally, we entered the Leinhart's territory. Surprisingly, there doesn't seem to be anyone walking about. I get that it's the winter season now so people would prefer to be in their homes, but to see no one outside?

Leon: "Does your mom not have many residents?"

Fabian: "No, something definitely is wrong here. The streets here should be filled with people."

Leon: "So I wasn't just seeing things."

Fabian: "There's no lights inside the homes either."

Yeah, now that he mentions it, this place is looking to be more and more deserted. Suddenly, Fabian starts to run forward abruptly.

Leon: "Hey! Wait up!"

I run after him as the both of us end up running down many streets, and even as I run, there's still no sign of life at all with not a single light in any of the homes. Thankfully I'm fit enough to keep up with Fabian, but the way he's running makes it look like something terrible has happened, frantic in a way.

We end up coming to a stop after passing through several more streets as my eyes were fixated on a large mansion, bigger than any mansion I've seen in the city. And just like all the houses that we ran past to get here, the mansion in question also seems to lack any life as even the gate is wide open with no guards or servants to greet us. After pausing briefly, Fabian starts to run once more as I follow behind him.

Fabian: "Ellen!"

Charging through the door, Fabian yells out his sister's name, but just like the outside, the inside of the mansion seems desolate, with only the lingering sound of the door that Fabian slammed open. The hollowness of this place was abundant as it gave off quite a bleak atmosphere, almost like someone had been murdered here.

Fabian: "Wait here."

I watch as Fabian resumes his charge as he runs up the stairs to the rooms upstairs. I can only assume up there is where Ellen's room is.

While waiting like Fabian asked of me, I take a moment to look at the walls, particularly a painting of Ellen's family. I've only met Ellen's mother here and there when she visits father, but seeing her and her mother in this painting, they sure do look alike, despite this painting being quite old as Ellen seems quite small. Maybe this was taken just before she started school?

Fabian: "Prince!"

I hear Fabian's cries from upstairs as I immediately begin to run up the stairs. I enter the room with the only opened door, and there I saw Fabian who appears to have a note in his hand. And seeing a couple tears streaming down his face, I can only imagine that what's inside the note isn't any good news.

Fabian: "They... Left."

I walk up beside him as he shows me the note.

Letter: "Dear Brother: As you have come to realize, no one is here. I don't know what father has said to you, but it's all a lie. I don't have time to go over everything, but it's gotten too dangerous for mom to stay here. So, I've decided to come along with her, along with everyone else. I can't say where but just know that we're in a safe place now. I'm sorry I never got the chance to say goodbye. And since this might likely be the last time for me to say anything to you, I just want to say, I love you. May we meet again someday."

Suddenly, I could hear the sound of faint cries far off into the distance, breaking my focus away from the letter.

Fabian: "I- I should've-"

Leon: "Do you hear that?"

Fabian: "What?"

Louder cries could be heard as it seems as though Fabian has also realized. We both walk up to Ellen's window to see if we can see anything. Thankfully this mansion is on higher ground so we can see quite a lot.

Fabian: "There!"

I move my gaze to where Fabian's pointing, and sure enough. There's seems to be smoke coming from the opposite side of the city; the northern section. Cries can still be heard as we watched through the window as flashes of fire and smoke followed with the delayed "bang" sound entered our ears. It's almost as if-

Fabian: "Are we, under attack?