
-----Yui's POV

The next morning finally came and we set off to the town called Narlimar. I feel happy that I managed to fly with Kaede yesterday, since I don't think we could do that as of now; at least for a while. Still though, I cannot believe that we're finally here. An entirely different kingdom. I wonder what it's like? The only thing I remember about the kingdom of Yarene is the support for demi-humans there, but apart from that, not much.

I find myself holding onto Kaede's hand as I look outside of the caravan, waiting for any sign of life. But suddenly, we come to a halt, jerking our bodies to the side. I still don't see any sign of the town, so why did we stop short?

Driver: "My lady-"

?: "We know of the vampire you're hiding!"

What? How does this person-

Alice is the first person to exit the caravan, followed by mom. I can't see who's talking, but I guess it might be better for us to remain inside? They did say vampire, and if they're referring to Kaede, then I think hiding might be the best choice.

Iris: "May I ask who I am speaking to?"

?: "We're servants of our queen, miss Leinhart."

Iris: "Then you should know that my arrival is to be expected."

?: "Yes, but something came up. Specifically your vampire. Where is she?"

I can't help but pick up the fact that the man just said "she." Sure it's a 50/50 chance, but them knowing that Kaede's a vampire, and female at that... How did they find out?

Iris: "..."

?: "Which caravan?"

Multiple footsteps could be heard as they slowly approach both sides of the caravan. So this man isn't alone? How many of them are surrounding us?

Suddenly, Kaede let's go of my hand before storming out of the caravan. I attempted to catch her arm, but she moved too fast, promoting me to run after her. When we both exited the caravan, I could see the people who had stopped us. They wore black cloaks with masks hiding their faces, and almost immediately, they drew their swords at us, specifically Kaede. However these swords weren't swords that I'm familiar with. They shone brightly of pure white, but I don't think that's to do with the masked one's magic.

Masked Captain: "Ah, there she is."

The one who has been speaking so far had also spotted us and slowly approached Kaede. His mask and cloak were different, with added insignias adorned on it, making him seem as though he's a captain of some sort.

Iris: "Kaede..."

Kaede: "It's fine. Yes, I'm here."

Masked Captain: "Fascinating. I was aware of you, but to think you've survived all this way without harming any of these humans. Appears she was telling the truth."

She? Was it someone who gave Kaede's secret away?

Kaede: "I'll never harm humans. I just want to live a normal life."

Masked Captain: "Ha, she also said such a thing. But tell me. Are you truly confident you cannot harm someone?"

It was then that a person beside the captain brought their sword to their hand before immediately slicing their hand open after taking off their black glove. Blood drips along the blade before falling onto the ground. I'm confident that Kaede can handle this much, she's been through so much after all. And looking at her beside me, she doesn't even bat an eye at the blood.

Masked Captain: "Commendable, able to restrain yourself that much."

Kaede: "That much is-"

Loud crashing sounds could be heard coming from the caravan, stopping Kaede in her sentence.

Kaede: "What?"

Then in the next moment, bursting out through the caravan was none other than...

Faye: "Sis!"

Fleur had awoken, but I could see in her eyes, she wasn't the same Fleur as we knew. Her face was filled with bloodlust as she locked her eyes onto the person who cut their hand. But just as she started to charge, Kaede, almost as if she teleported, stopped Fleur in her place, forcing her head into the ground, causing the ground to cave in form the amount of force. With how powerful Kaede was, Fleur's head should've been turned to mush, but she was still trying to move, to escape from Kaede's grasp. It was then that everyone from inside the caravan stumbled out.

Masked Man1: "Another one?!"

Masked Man2: "This wasn't in our report..."

Injured Man: "Captain."

Kaede: "Wait!"

What in the fuck is happening right now... Looking at mom, she's in disbelief at what to do as well as I just stand their, watching as Fleur desperately tries to break from from Kaede, clawing at the ground to try and get to the person that cut their hand.

Faye: "No! Don't harm her!"

Masked Captain: "Not only were you harboring a vampire, but two?"

Kaede: "It's not Iris' fault! It's mine..."

Faye: "What?! No it's not! Listen! My sis died, but then she... Now she's-"

Even Faye was left speechless as she watched her sister flail on the ground with Kaede pinning her down.

Masked Man1: "You mean to say she turned?"

Kaede: "...I think so."

Masked Captain: "You're one thing, but this... I'm sorry but we cannot allow that thing to enter. Kill it."

Faye: "Wait!"

Almost as if she was sacrificing herself, Faye lunged forward with open arms between Kaede and the masked individuals who began to charge forth. They all stopped in front of Faye who's now in their way. I was baffled at what was taking place, but what I didn't expect was for Faye to suddenly take out a dagger before immediately cutting into the side of her neck.

Injured Man: "What are you!-"

Faye: "Let me handle my sister."

Masked: "Hmph, very well. That's of course, if you survive."

Kaede: "Faye..."

Kaede looks up at Faye as she begins to turn around to face both Kaede and Fleur, who's still trying to break free, only now her eyes are locked onto the blood that's steadily gliding down Faye's neck.

Faye: "Let go of her, Kaede."

Kaede: "But-"

Faye: "I trust my sister."

This almost feels like the time when Kaede first attacked me. Back then I felt extremely weak after the fact, even needing to go to the nurse when it got very bad. I trusted Kaede, trusted that she wouldn't kill me. Sure Kaede didn't look this, rabid like, Fleur, but I like to believe in Faye's words. In fact, it's brave of her to ask this, as if I saw Kaede like how Fleur is acting right now, I'd be traumatized by the idea of letting her attack me like that. It screams suicide. And it seems as though Kaede is also having a hard time letting Fleur go.

Faye: "Please... Trust me."

Kaede: "...If I see that you're going to die, then-"

Faye: "Yes, I understand."

Kaede: "...Okay."

And just like that, the moment Kaede lifted herself from Fleur, Fleur immediately tackled Faye to the ground, crushing her head into the dirt before sinking her teeth into the side of Faye's neck that she sliced before. Faye showed no signs of struggling, or trying to break free, the complete opposite to what Fleur displayed when Kaede pinned her down.

The masked people all pointed their swords against Fleur who's now feasting on Faye, but Kaede get's in between them, much like what Faye just did before.

Masked Man3: "You guys are crazy."

Kaede: "Maybe so, but I won't let you harm her."

Masked Captain: "Your friend there will die if we don't do anything."

Kaede: "...She won't."

Honestly, I agree that this is pretty crazy. Faye is being feasted on right now in front of so many people, and with so many swords drawn, I feel like this could go in so many different ways. I choose to remain silent as I don't want to be the cause of something bad happening. Seems as though everyone else also seems to think the same as well all stay silent, letting Kaede and Faye handle this.


Faye: "Sis, you're being a bit rough, you know."

It was Faye who broke the silence, but there was no response. Instead, Fleur continues to feast on her sister, with Faye now wrapping her arms around Fleur, embracing her body gently in contrast to how aggressive Fleur is being. Almost as if Faye's trying to balance the situation out.

Faye: "Remember the time when we first flew together? Even though you were older, you were so clumsy that mom had me watch over you. It took you so long to figure out how to turn, hehe. You even somehow managed to crash into the only tree in sight."

Everyone kept silent, leaving just Faye's voice along with gulping sounds coming from Fleur.

Faye: "I can still hear mom scolding you back then. But you were my responsibility, so when you got punished, I took the punishment as well. I think that was when we really bonded as sisters... right?"

Still no response. I honestly feel awkward learning about their past in a situation such as this, but I keep silent.

Faye: "...I... I thought we would grow even closer as we grew up, but you started to distance yourself after getting sick. I know it might've been because of flying that we bonded, but just because that disappeared, doesn't mean they we have to disappear as well...

Her voice is slowly started to grow weak from Fleur constantly drinking her blood as I can see that her hands are now desperately grasping onto Fleur's back, trying to hang in there as long as she can. Kaede sensing this, turns around and grabs hold of Fleur.

Kaede: "Faye, it's-"

Faye: "So... I-if you're in there, d-don't just disappear again... I love you... Both then, and even now. So-"

Fleur: "Sis..."

Miraculously, Fleur lifted her head slowly from Faye's neck as streams of tears begin to pour from Fleur's eyes. But her eyes were bright red, entirely different than her sister's, the same eyes as Kaede's. Kaede herself quickly knelt down to heal Faye's neck, with Faye's consciousness now beginning to waver as her eyelids grow heavy.

Faye: "...Wel-welcome back."

As if those words was the last but of energy she had left, her head drops back to the ground with her eyes finally closed.

Fleur: "Sis! Sis!!!"

She clings onto Faye's shirt, trying to wake her up.

Kaede: "She's fine! She's still alive."

Fleur: "K-Kaede?"

She looks visibly confused as she looks over at Kaede. It was then that she takes a moment to look around, locking eyes at everyone here. I can only imagine what's going through her head right about now. I wouldn't be surprised if she thinks she's still in Inasdale.

Fleur: "L-lady Iris?"

Iris: "Yes. It's good to see you again, Fleur."

A smile grows on her face as she continues to look around. It was then that she notices all the swords that are still drawn towards both her and Kaede.

Fleur: "W-what is-"

Kaede: "It's okay. I'll handle it."

Kaede stands back up, facing all the swords drawn her way as Fleur remains on the ground with her sister. I've more or less realized what's happened. Only a vampire drinks blood, right? So that means-