Audience With A Mermaid

-----Yui's POV

Okay wait, so the Queen of Yarene is a Mermaid? I was under the impression that Yarene is a place that doesn't discriminate towards demi-humans, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe this place doesn't discriminate towards humans. It'd make sense as to why the king of Inasdale would hate on Yarene if that's the case. What an interesting turn of events.

I watch as the queen walks over to Fleur, although keeping some distance this time unlike how she approached the Kaede and the others.

Cecelia: "And you are?"

Fleur: "F-Fleur, your grace."

Cecelia: "Now I've heard about your situation. I'm afraid I cannot allow you to be free from that collar. At least not yet."

Fleur: "I understand."

Figures. Fleur is still getting the hang of her new body, so might take a while for her to properly be free.

Cecelia: "Please continue sending us reports on this matter.

Masked Supervisor: "Yes, your grace."

So that leaves only Fleur having to deal with the collar... I feel bad for her, but it looks like Fleur doesn't seem to mind. If anything, she looks to be content with it, as if she'd prefer to stay collared.

The queen then moves back over to my mom and I. Her bright, golden eyes pierce into my own as I inadvertently looked away and instead looked toward the ground.

Cecelia: "How would you and your family like to have dinner with us?"

Iris: "That'd be lovely, but I still have some important matters to attend to."

Cecelia: "Can't even spare a few hours? I would've loved to congratulate you having come so far."

Iris: "I-"

Cecelia: "If problems arise, I can lend a hand. You've done a lot for us for so many years. It's the least I can do."

Really? Wasn't she the one that built this whole city just for mom? I feel like the queen is being just a little bit too generous now, kind of making me feel uneasy.

Iris: "Very well, I'll take you up on that offer."

Cecelia: "Splendid!"

The queen seems overly happy with mom's acceptance, putting her hands together with a big smile across her face.

Cecelia: "And you must be, Ellen yes?"

Yui: "Mm."

Cecelia: "I hope we can become great friends over dinner."

Again, she does little to make me feel calm, if anything, she's making me feel even more uneasy by her words. I could just be overthinking it, but she gives off such an intimidating aura despite appearing to be beautiful, and having a sweet personality. Maybe it's because she's a demi-human that I'm reacting this way? I wonder if mom feels the same way.

Cecelia: "As for the buildings that aren't yet filled. I'll sort that out in the coming days."

Iris: "Thank you, your grace."

Cecelia: "And thank you, Iris. I'll send an escort to pick you up later. We can discuss other matters over dinner."

Iris: "I'd like that."

Cecelia: "See you then~"

With a sweet smile, the queen turns away before walking back to the middle carriage. The masked men also went back inside the other carriages. I end up looking back over towards Kaede as she's still with her mom; Lilith. They share one final hug before departing from one another.

Lilith: "I'll see you again soon, Selene."

Kaede: "Mhmm!"

It was Kaede who went back in for yet another hug, almost like she's a little kid not wanting to let her mother go. Actually this is quite similar to how Mell behaves around Kaede, maybe even a little worse?

Cecelia: "Lilith~ We're leaving. You'll get more chances to see your daughter."

Lilith: "Y-yes! Sorry, your grace."

And with that, Lilith breaks free from Kaede before joining the queen in the middle carriage. I was half expecting to see more tears coming from Kaede, but instead, she had a soft smile on her face as she waves goodbye to her mother.


Once the carriages finally left, everyone heaved a heavy sigh of relief.

Alice: "So that's the queen..."

Yui: "Mom, did you know she was a mermaid?"

Iris: "No, that came as a surprise to me. But it makes sense."

So even mom didn't know... I wonder if she was testing all of us with that reveal she did for Sicily. I wonder if mom reacted in a way that would alarm her, she'd maybe kick us out. Maybe this dinner later is perhaps yet another "test" as well? I'll have to be on my guard and act accordingly.

Alice: "Would you like me to attend?"

Iris: "You're my escort, so yes."

If Alice is allowed to come, then perhaps-

Yui: "Then can Kaede come as my-"

Masked Supervisor: "Sorry, but your friend will still be under supervision with me."

Yui: "What? Even after the queen has taken off the collar?"

Masked Supervisor: "Their still under my supervision. Without them, handling Fleur will become problematic."

I guess that makes sense... But for a while now, I haven't felt like I've spent proper time with Kaede. I guess I'm feeling a little clingy after everything that has happened... God, me clingy? Thinking back to our previous life, Kaede was the one all clingy and stuff, not that I minded of course. But here I am wanting to snatch Kaede away.

Kaede: "They're right, Yui. I still need to teach Fleur some things."

Fleur: "I'm sorry."

Kaede: "Don't be, I'm the one that gave you this life. You're my responsibility."

She really does suit that black dress... I haven't seen her wear it in a while, but I have to say, it makes my heart race just looking at her like that.

Faye: "Uhm... About that. I'd like to talk about something with you, Kaede. Not now though."

Kaede: "Hmm? Okay."

Looks like Faye's taking this opportunity to have a talk with Kaede. I guess I won't press any further for Kaede to come with us for dinner at the queen's castle.

Iris: "Well, I need to get going and sort a few things out if we're going to that dinner."

Yui: "Did you want my help?"

Iris: "Thank you, but it concerns a little dispute over a fishing shop at the east side. You should get all dressed up and ready for dinner."

Natalie: "I can help you with that, my lady."

Yui: "Okay."

Well, I tried to help, but I guess mom has all of this sorted out. Plus it's been a while since Natalie has dressed me so I'm looking forward to it actually.

Kaede: "Then~ I guess we're heading back as well?"

Masked Supervisor: "Yes."

Kaede: "Then... I'll see you when you come back from the dinner?"

Yui: "Mm! I'll see you then"

Again, we couldn't really do much except for waving each other off before we go our separate ways. I swear, once this whole "supervision" thing is finished, I'm taking Kaede out on a date. Maybe exploring the city, or maybe even visit Epillon, the "capital" for adventurers. I'm still curious to see what it's like and how we go about registering at all those different kinds of guilds. But if we do that, Luna might also want to come, along with Collin, Violet, and possibly even Olivia and Gabriella. Doesn't really sound like a date now that I think about it, haha.

-----Fabian's POV

We've just left Oakvale after quite a long rest. We stocked back up on supplies so that we're able to make it all the way back to the capital. Lucien seems like he's no longer in pain and has even stopped muttering to himself, or whatever it was he was speaking to. My legs have stopped bleeding as often as I've now gotten a bit more movement back in my legs, however Leon still has to check up on me and heal my legs to help contain my injuries.

Despite everything that's happened, I don't regret burning my legs like this. I like to think if I held back at any point I would've been caught and killed right then and there, maybe even failing at even jumping over the wall. But I find it funny now that we're heading back to the place where we just ran from, although now we're bringing back up with us.

Leon: "You think that monster knows what we're doing?"

Fabian: "Huh?"

Leon: "The one that attacked us back in the city. Do you think she is aware of Lucien coming back?"

He makes a good point. It definitely is suspicious that the spiders attacked right when Lucien was far gone, so I wouldn't be surprised if they know all of our movements. Hell, they even talked directly into our heads so surely they have some kind of mind reading power.

Fabian: "I'd like to think so."

Leon: "We should try and stay vigilant."

Fabian: "But we do have Lucien now. The spiders only attacked when Lucien was gone."

Leon: "Maybe, but Lucien is injured."

Right... I forget since he's been marching as if he hadn't just lost all the blood in his body, but I do remember seeing his entire chest bloodied with soaked bandages. I wouldn't be surprised if his abilities are weakened because of it.

Leon: "...Anyway, what about you? You're legs feeling better?"

Fabian: "A bit. At least now I can bend my knee without it spilling blood everywhere."

Leon: "What about those shackles?"

Fabian: "I've gotten used to the weight, but I do hope to find someone to fix it."

That said, I've completely resigned myself to the idea of permanently living with these two pieces of metal melted into my ankles.

Leon: "Heh. Maybe that vampire can heal your legs."

Fabian: "Ha."

The funny thing is that I believe it. Kaede's healing is quite potent, but I doubt she could solve my shackle situation, let alone the rest of my legs. She's after my sister so why would she even help.