Vampires x Mermaids

-----Yui's POV

I was so exhausted from last night that I went straight to bed, especially with how much fish I ate, I feel like I'd just been in a food coma. But I couldn't rest for too long as Natalie wakes me up in order to pretty me up once again.

Yui: "Can't believe I'm going back there."

Natalie: "You'll have Kaede with you, right? I'm sure you'll be fine."

But this isn't like a dinner this time, so I'm unsure what exactly the queen wants of me. But yes, the fact that Kaede is allowed to come along does alleviate some of my worries. My stomach's been playing up ever since I woke up, signaling for me to find some blood, but if I'm meeting up with Kaede soon, I think I can pass on drinking Natalie's blood.

Natalie: "All done~"

I ended up wearing the same thing as last night, but only this time, Natalie left my hair in a ponytail. It's incredibly relieving after experiencing so much tension around the roots of my hair, so with it being loose like this, I feel like I can also be a lot more loose as well compared to last night.

Butler: "My lady, the queen has arrived."

Yui: "Thank you."

Perfect timing... But to think that the queen herself came here to pick me up... I just hope we can pick up Kaede fast, I don't want a disaster like me attacking the queen to happen... Maybe...

Yui: "Natalie."

Natalie: "Yes?"

Yui: "Could you... you know."

Natalie: "Certainly."

Just like the other times, she gently cut into her hand with a dagger. I'm not too worried about it this time since Kaede will be with us and she can easily heal her hand. So I may as well take this opportunity.

In an instant after her blood enters my mouth, an intense shock courses through my body as I find myself desperately drinking everything in Natalie's palm.

Natalie: "Careful! You're dress, Ellen."

Yui: "S-sorry!"

I forgot I'm wearing white, this could've been bad. But at least she broke me out of the trance before it was too late, and the pain in my stomach as subsided somewhat. I quickly patch Natalie's hand in a bandage, but I refrain from healing it, especially since it looks as though the wounds I heal, Kaede cannot overwrite it.

Yui: "Okay, let's go."


Cecelia: "Good morning, Ellen~"

Yui: "Good morning, your majesty."

Ona: "Oooh~ You're hair is pretty long!"

I guess it would appear long now that it's not tightly done up in a bun like last night. I was a little worried how this would turn out, but seeing Ona's expression filled with excitement after seeing me does wonders to calm my nerves. Undine however remains silent.

Cecelia: "Shall we get going then? We can talk on the way there."

Yui: "Right. Oh, but what about Kaede?"

Cecelia: "We thought we'd pick you up first. Don't worry, I know she's staying at the place just before the hill, right?"

Yui: "Y-yes."

I guess that supervisor has already given those details to the queen. At least that saves me some worries.

We all enter inside the carriage as Natalie sits by my side. The queen sat on the other side with her two daughters on both sides of her, and without much long of a wait, the carriage began to move.

Undine: "Are we really picking up that vampire?"

Cecelia: "Yes, and no more complaints."

Undine: "Hah~"

She seemed to be open to the idea after we left last night, but it looks like Undine has changed her mind a bit overnight.

Ona: "We'll be fine, sister."

Natalie: "Kaede is a caring person. She's done a lot for us."

Undine: "You could just be saying that because you're under her spell."

I wonder if there's actually a way to tell if someone is under the effects of charm magic. I haven't properly discussed it with Kaede, but from what I've seen of her wolf; Silver, he appears to be normal. Well, at least normal in terms of a domesticated dog.

Yui: "Is charm magic really that complex?"

Cecelia: "Vampire's are ancient, so we don't know much about them. But their charm magic has been documented to an extent."

Yui: "Like what?"

Cecelia: "People under it's effects can free themselves if they're strong enough, but it depends on how strong the vampire is. If the vampire is stronger than the person, then their chances of breaking free is close to zero."

Knowing Kaede, I don't think there's anyone I know that's more powerful than her. And now after hearing this about charm magic, I wouldn't be surprised if Kaede can take over a whole country if she pleases.

Ona: "Is there a way to tell if someone is charmed?"

Cecelia: "Apparently it's hard to tell as the magic lies dormant until it's activated. But once it's activated, you can easily tell by the person's eyes. They'll turn blood red, similar to that of a vampire."

That sounds eerily familiar... Kaede said she didn't use charm magic on me and the queen's explanation doesn't match with what I'm going through. But maybe it's linked somehow?

Undine: "You could still be under it's effects somehow. Like maybe you're not able to disclose certain information."

Cecelia: "That's all just theory, Undine."

Undine: "Is it that bad to be cautious?"

Cecelia: "Of course not. It actually pleases me that you're taking this matter seriously, especially as the next queen."

I already had a guess, but it does look like Undine is being raised in that regard. I can understand now why she's being so defensive when it comes to this vampire subject.

But our conversation would be stopped short as we quickly arrive at the place where Kaede's staying. Just knowing she's nearby is already relieving the lingering pain in my stomach.

Supervisor: "Your grace?"

Cecelia: "I've come to pick up Kaede. Is that alright with you?"

Supervisor: "Y-yes. But there's been a complication.

Cecelia: "Hmm?"


We end up all entering the house as it looked like it would take a while. It's my first time stepping inside where Kaede's been staying, but already I can tell that it's quite high class. I wonder if Luna is staying in a place similar to this?

Kaede: "Y-Yui?!"

Coming up from around the corner beside the staircase, was Kaede. Her face was bright red as our eyes met. She wore her famous black dress which I always loved, making my heart tighten up just a little. It's been a while since I've seen her wear it.

Yui: "Is something wrong?"

Kaede: "N-no... Just that. You look... Beautiful."

Fuck! I totally forgot what I'm wearing! Kaede may have seen me naked multiple times, but it feels embarrassing wearing something like this in front of her that I end up trying to cover some of my exposed skin, mainly my cleavage.

Cecelia: "So, what's the problem?"

Supervisor: "Kaede."

Kaede: "Huh? ah- right."

In a flustered manner, Kaede runs back up the stairs finally breaking eye contact from me. Come one Yui! Keep it together! It's just a stupid dress! But then why did Kaede react like that? It made it all the more embarrassing... Does she perhaps, like me wearing this sort of stuff?

In the next few moments, Kaede came back down the stairs, bringing with her both Fleur and Faye. However I immediately catch on to what this "problem" is.

Cecelia: "I see..."

Supervisor: "Faye has now also turned into a vampire. But it does appear she is able to control herself a lot better than her sister, Fleur."

Undine: "Wait. So those people are-"

Ona: "Vampires?"

Cecelia: "Yes."

Kaede: "I'm aware that we're dangerous, but I promise not to harm anyone."

She does her best to calm down the queen's daughters, but both of them still look to be skeptical of Kaede's smile. When I look back at Kaede, her eyes lock onto mine as her face immediately turns beet red before she averts her gaze again. Her acting like this is only making my heart tighten up even more... If only we were alone right now, I could-

Supervisor: "I've been monitoring Kaede and the others for a while. Even when the collar was taken off, she showed no signs of aggression and even helped in regards to this current situation."

Ona: "You've been staying with these people?"

Supervisor: "Correct. I assure you that Kaede at least has no ill will to hurt any of us here."

Undine: "And you haven't taken off that mask once?"

Supervisor: "Of course, my lady."

With all the embarrassment running through my body, I managed to catch that important detail. So the masks these people wear have some sort of protection against magic? Whatever it is, it appears to have soothed both of the daughters minds a bit.

Cecelia: "See girls?"

Undine: "...What about the other two?"

Supervisor: "That's where the problem lies. I'm sorry your grace, but I don't think Kaede can just leave these two behind."

Cecelia: "May I ask why?"

Supervisor: "Even though they are collared, they still pose a threat. I've seen Kaede first hand manage to subdue them with ease without the use of magic, so I'd be happy if Kaede remains with them in case something happens."

Cecelia: "Hmm~ Then why don't we all just stay here?"

Undine: "Mom?"

Cecelia: "You two look fine being here so far. So why not?"

Ona: "Okay."

Undine: "Ona?!"

Ona: "Hehe."

Well, can't say I'm relieved or not, but it seems like we're changing our little visit to just Kaede's place. But is it really okay for a queen to be here? Sure it's quite high class as I can even see some nobles living in something like this back in Inasdale. But royalty is sure to be different. Plus... There's the issue with Kaede herself. If we're both going to stay here for a day, I don't know how much long my body can take it...