Bloody Outcome

-----Fabian's POV

I stayed back, firing off as much magic as I could at groups of spiders that were approaching. The soldiers are busy dealing with the spiders that had engaged them before, so the least I can do is to make their job a little easier by lessening the amount of incoming spiders. My legs could barely keep my body up as my knees start to buckle under all this pressure, particularly from Lucien's fight.

I still can't see much of his fight with those two monsters from how fast it all is, which only makes me feel uneasy as I have no idea if Lucien is winning or not. I'm surprised to not see any elves around nor are there any high level threats like an arch-spider, just spiders that we've dealt with before. I wonder if it's because they think this much is enough to subdue us... With that thought now in my head, I push myself harder, incinerating as many spiders as I can, accidentally setting a couple roofs of some houses on fire in the process; not like I need to care judging from how destructive Lucien's fight is.

Lucien's battle ended up moving further into the city as the battle started to pick up in terms of raw power. I could barely make out where they are exactly as I can only see the effects of their fight with how fast everything is. But thanks to that, I see Leon had successfully managed to get to the king as he desperately tried to free him from the webbing. From what I can see, his efforts were wasted as it didn't look like the webs were giving way at all from this distance. So, with one final bust of fire, killing another group of spiders, I quickly make my way to Leon through openings within the soldiers.

Fabian: "Leon."

Leon: "About time! Help me with this."

I carefully bring myself down onto the ground before trying to pull away from the web. But almost immediately, my hands become cut from the web, causing me to recoil from the pain that just shot through my hands.

Leon: "It's fine! I'll heal your hands, so please."

It was then that I noticed Leon has been continuously healing his hands as he repeatedly cuts himself while trying to free his father. Seeing his determination, I force myself to continue as well, only this time I try to burn the webs that I manage to grab hold of, but even that doesn't work as I end up cauterizing the cuts in my hand instead.

Fabian: "Have you tried cutting it with light magic?"

Leon: "No, that'll just hurt father-"

Fabian: "Not if we do this."

I grab hold of some of the webbing, forcing myself to pull it up and away from the king. The tension of the webbing in my palm causes it to dig deep into my hand as I grit my teeth through the pain. It's almost like I'm pulling against razor wire with how much blood is squirting out from my palm as I can feel the web pushing against the bones in my hand.

Fabian: "C-cut it."

He quickly follows with my idea as he accurately fires off a small blade of light at the webs connecting my hand to the king. I was anxious at wondering if this would work, but the moment I felt all that tension leave my palm, relief washed over me as I toss the web in my hands to the side.

Leon: "Thank god! Here, I'll heal your hand before we continue."


We end up repeating this for some time, with me grabbing handfuls of web, cutting up my hand in the process before Leon heals my hand. Honestly, it's not as bad as the pain I did to my legs, but with how long this is going, in a way this is in many ways more painful; torturous even.

But finally, we managed to clear out the webbing around the king's chest, but we still have a long ways to go if we're to free the rest of his body. Leon takes this moment to place his head over the king's chest, checking to see if he's alive, but judging from the look on Leon's face-

Leon: "Father is-"

?: "Oh, yeah sorry about that."

We raise our heads to the sudden voice as we both watch the two monsters approach us. They were both in bad shape, with the white haired one with that open wound in her chest, with the black haired one having lost an arm. But in her other arm, was non other than Lucien as his body is being dragged on the ground, blood trailing from his legs as he's dragged before dropping his body. His face smashes into the ground, showing no signs of life.

Fabian: "Lucien is-"

Black: "Can't believe a human was that much of a trouble."

White: "If it weren't for that vampire, we would've died."

Suddenly, a ray of light shot out from Leon's body towards the two monsters, but the white haired monster quickly intercepted it, shooting out pitch black rays of her own as both of their magic collide with one another, much like reverse tug of war. But not too long after their magic collided with one another, the black haired monster teleported to Leon's side, before crashing his body into a wall, pinning him there with her only arm as her fingers wrap around his throat. I only sit there, watching in defeat. Despite Lucien being defeated, Leon still tried to take them on... But what could I possibly do? I was watching their fight this whole time, there's no chance that I-

White: "Fufu~ He's quite strong himself."

Black: "Kill him?"

White: "No. We can put him to good use."

It was then that Leon just suddenly stopped struggling, almost as if he just went unconscious as the black haired monster tosses Leon's body over her shoulder before walking back over to where Lucien's body lays.

White: "Oh my, what happened to your legs, boy?"

The white haired monster slowly approached me, bending down on her knees as she smiles at me. Her glowing red eyes feel as if they've paralyzed my body as I don't dare to move. And just as her eyes wondered down to my legs, I felt my throat finally beginning to loosen as I could finally breathe.

White: "So you're the one that made the commotion that day. This sure looks incredibly painful."

Her fingers scrape along my legs, sending pain up my body. However the pain was completely bearable as it was nothing compared to when I initially burnt my legs, nor was it as painful as when I helped Leon just before. But the pain would only increase as her fingers reached my ankles, specifically the area where the metal shackles had melted into my skin.

White: "Oh dear. This isn't meant to be here now is it?"

Suddenly, she sunk her fingers into my ankle as an extraordinary amount of pain comes over my body. I couldn't even find it in me to scream from how painful it was as I can feel her fingers digging deeper into my ankle, slowly cutting around the metal shackles. Then suddenly, she yanks out the shackle from my ankle, ripping off pieces of my flesh in the process. It was then that I finally screamed out in pain as I couldn't dare to look at where the monster is, only looking up at the sky as I empty my lungs.

White: "Fufufu~ Don't forget, we have one more to go."

Black: "You scare me sometimes, sister."

White: "What? I'm only helping the boy."

I feel her fingers dig into my other ankle without warning as she begins to cut around my ankle just like before. The pain this time was somewhat manageable in comparison to the pain before, but I don't know if it's because of the blood loss or the pain, but I can feel my consciousness beginning to fade from all of this.

White: "And~ There!"

Right as my consciousness was about to fade, she rips out the other shackle from my ankle, causing me to scream out in pain once more. I feel my heart desperately trying to beat, trying to keep me alive as my consciousness soon become to waver once more.

White: "You did well, boy... Fufu, I think I'll keep him."

Black: "Honestly...

White: "It's not like he's able to work with the others. Wouldn't be fair to him now would it?"

Black: "Nice excuse."

White: "Fufu~ Clean up the rest of those soldiers for me. I'll handle these three."

I faintly feel something wrapping around both my ankles, but I can't find any strength in me to see what it was. The moment I feel my body get picked up, my mind goes blank as all the pain I was feeling from before just vanished.


Strangely, I feel a sense of comfort in this darkness. There's no pain, and instead I feel like the darkness is embracing me, despite it being void of anything. It's honestly tempting to just stay like this. Is this what death feels like?

(Ellen: I just want to say, I love you. May we meet again someday.)

In the darkness, I remember the note that my sister left behind for me. No, I can't just die like this... 

I should've just ran when I did, at least then I might've had a chance to maybe help her. But I had faith in everyone that we'd win... That's right... Lucien's dead, Leon is captured, and here's me, floating around in the darkness. I'm sorry sis.