Monster's Pet

-----Fabian's POV

Ilfa: "Mmh."

Opening my eyes, I realized that I had fallen asleep again. Just like the times before, it's futile to try and move as I can't seem to move a single muscle in my body as this monster kisses me. Her tongue ravages my mouth, collecting as much of my saliva as she can while pouring her own inside of me.

This isn't the first time this has happened, which is why I've been trying my best to stay awake for as long as possible. But of course, I end up passing out at some point, and each time I do, this monsters right here's on top of me.

Ilfa: "Pah~"

She finally lets me go as I'm finally able to breathe. However she continues to sit on top of me, pining my body down so I can't get up.

Ilfa: "Good morning. Thank you for the treat."

Fabian: "Get off of me."

Ilfa: "Oh? Now that's not how this works. You serve me. I'll be the one giving orders."

I hate this... Being defiled like this is fucking gross. I can still feel her saliva sticking to my mouth, and the walls of my throat.

Ilfa: "Now. I haven't had my fill yet, so-"

While I was busy gasping for air, she quickly lowers her body back down, attacking me once more as her tongue invades my mouth. Now that I'm awake, I'm conscious of how hot her saliva actually is, it's almost as if it's making my body heat up the more she continues to have her way with me.

Black: "Sis! I'm done taking care of- hah~ Again?"

Thanks to the sudden appearance of her sister coming into the room, she breaks the kiss short, allowing me to steady myself.

Ilfa: "Tarifa. Can't you see I'm busy?"

So that's her sister's name? They sound a bit similar.

Tarifa: "Okay sorry, sorry. I'll leave."

They close the door behind them, but I honestly wish they could just drag this bitch off of me. But I guess this monster is the leader or something.

Ilfa: "Sorry about that."

Fabian: "Why the fuck are you apologizing?"

Ilfa: "Fufu~ Don't lie to me. I could feel your body growing hotter. Makes me happy to see you finally accepting this after all this time."

Fabian: "Like hell I'd accept you. You're the one that just does what she wants."

Ilfa: "Yes, but I do consider how you feel. I could've done a lot more to you, but I've chosen to just take the minimum out of you."

What is she saying? Considerate of me? Then why does she force my body to not be able to move each time she does this kind of stuff?

Ilfa: "But it seems like you're more open with me now, fufu~"

Fabian: "What?"

Ilfa: "This one here."

Suddenly, she reaches behind her as I feel her hand glide over my crotch. Just that little bit of friction causes a bolt of electricity to shoot up my spine as I push my head deeper into the pillow, trying to somehow get away from her.

Ilfa: "Don't worry, I'm not like sis. I won't force you to do anything. I'm perfectly fine with just this-"

She locks lips with mine once more as I feel that heat from before rush into my body with her tongue playing around with my own. Thanks to what she did just before, I'm now conscious of how my body's reacting and it only grosses me out even more. Is her saliva doing this to me? It didn't do this the other times, so why now all of a sudden? And what does she mean by "with just this?" Does she mean to say that she'd-

Ilfa: "Mmm... You had such a strong resistance to me, but it's slowly crumbling away. I love it~ Mmh-"

She starts to get more aggressive, almost as if she's happy with the outcome, kissing me deeper than before, making it even more difficult to breathe as my body grows even hotter. I feel my consciousness beginning to fade, but just as I was about to pass out, she suddenly stops, bringing me back as I end up coughing while gasping for air.

Ilfa: "Sorry about that. May have gone a bit hard there."

Any longer than that and I really do think I would've died there. I continue to cough a few times as my breathing slowly stabilizes.

Ilfa: "You okay?"

Fabian: "I'm- I'm fine."

Ilfa: "Let's see your legs. I'm going to undo my magic but let me know if it hurts."

Shortly after she says that, I feel my surroundings for the first time in weeks. The softness of the bed, the pillow, and... Her body. It was honestly dealing with her when I couldn't feel anything, but now I can feel her body heat against me, causing me lose focus for a split second.

Ilfa: "You're not in pain?"

Fabian: "O-oh. A little."

Ilfa: "That's good. I'll keep the webs around your ankles though. Looks to still need time. Heh- you humans sure do heal slowly."

I recall her battle with Lucien. I'm still surprised she even survived that attack to her chest, but I guess that's what monsters are like. Common sense doesn't apply to them. With her now off my chest, I finally get the chance to sit up as I look down at my ankles. I don't know what she sees but apparently I need to keep these on for longer.

Fabian: "Tha-"

Ilfa: "Hmm?"

Why the fuck was I going to say "thank you?" Thank god I caught myself. There's nothing to thank her for at all. She's killed teacher, students, civilians, all because she wants this land. And how she's treating me like this as if I'm her pet, she doesn't deserve my thanks.

Ilfa: "Fufu~ Okay, I'll let you rest. I'll see what my sister wants, but I'll bring back some more food for you. So look forward to it~"

She stands back up before moving out the door. I watch her leave, but my eyes were drawn to her thighs. They were on top of me, I can still feel the lingering warmth from them on my stomach. Wait, what the fuck am I thinking about? Okay, that's enough thinking, I need to distract my brain somehow.

Now that I'm finally able to feel things again, I try and lift my legs off to the side of the bed, gently placing them onto the wooden floor while sitting on the bed. A sharp, stinging pain shoots up my legs as I lift my feet off the floor instantly.

Fabian: "Yeah, no way."

There's no way I can make a run for it in the shape I'm in. But why is that monster acting so nice to me? I feel like if I was a monster, I'd take advantage of my injury, making sure that it never heals so that I'm stuck in this place. But it seems like she actually wants me to walk again, taking care of my ankles. I mean sure, I do remember her stabbing into my ankles and ripping the shackles off, which at the time I thought was some kind of torture. But could it be that she meant to just help me and I just misunderstood? No, there's no way. Monsters are the enemies of mankind, there's no way humans would help monsters, so why would monsters go so far to help us?

Fabian: "I don't understand."

Wait! Maybe she wants to heal me up so that I can be of better use for her, like being sent out and constructing walls or something. That's got to be it. She still has Leon somewhere so it's not like I can run away even if I want to, she'd just kill Leon...

I guess there's another way out of here that would work. I could just find a way to kill myself and possibly free Leon. Like maybe they gave him the same deal as me, that if he tries to do anything, they'll just kill me. No, that would work even with just anyone wouldn't it? Leon cares for his people so they could just kill anyone in that case. Plus that would be breaking the promise I made to myself to see Ellen again... Yeah, I can't kill myself. So then do I really just have to put up with this? For how long?

Fabian: "..."

I end up reaching to the bedside table, picking up the glass of water left out for me. It's room temperature now, but it still soothes my throat from before as I end up finishing the whole glass before I know it.

Suddenly, coldness rushes over my body as wind blows through the open window. My pants are still burnt at the hem as it still looks like I'm wearing short shorts, not ideal for the cold weather. I wasn't conscious of it since I couldn't feel anything before, but now I kind of wish she hadn't lifted that magic from me. But then I wouldn't be able to tell just how bad my ankles are, or how her- no! I won't think of that again!