
-----Fabian's POV

I don't know when I fell asleep, but the moment I realize, I jerk my body awake out of habit. But only this time, Ilfa didn't try and attack me in my sleep. What I found instead was a plate on the bedside table with sliced up pieces of meat on it. Did she just leave it here for me and not do anything else? I wonder what changed?

Picking up the plate of meat, I realize that it has cooled down quite a bit, only retaining just a little heat. I could tell the meat was sliced by her as it was the same thickness and the cuts were very clean. I end up recalling her finger transforming into that black razor sharp claw as I pick up a piece of meat. The meat was still delicious as it still melted in my mouth, and the little warmth the meat had, it did help warm up my body in this cold, lonely room.

Fabian: "Thank you."

I end up muttering thanks while I eat, not that I'd ever say it to her face. After finishing the meat, I place the plate back on the table before sitting up to check on my ankles. It still stings, but is definitely becoming more manageable now, but I doubt I can walk yet. Curious, I prod at the webbing around my ankle, and as I expected, it's still painful to the touch. The rest of my legs are still charred and cracked from the burns, but at this point I'm completely used to it. I'm just happy that these wounds didn't end up killing me.

Ilfa: "Oh? You're awake."

Suddenly, Ilfa comes back into the room, leaving the door open this time around. I don't know why, but I found myself not feeling disgusted by her presence as she goes to collect the plate from the bedside table. Actually, I somewhat feel glad for some reason.

Ilfa: "Did you have enough?"

I nod my head slightly which put a big smile on her face. I inadvertently look away at her smile, looking forward instead.

Ilfa: "Fufu~ I'm glad. Let's take a look at your ankles, shall we?"

She ends up putting the plate back down before moving to the bottom of the bed, next to my legs. Without even touching my legs, she expertly unravels the web around my ankles. I can tell she's taking care to not hurt me as much as I watch the more bloodied parts of the webs come off from my ankle.

Ilfa: "It's getting better. There's not much blood coming out, but I'll replace the webbing just in case."

I watch her as strands of web form out of her hands as they gently wrap around my ankles. It stung a bit more than when she took the other webbing off, but at the same time I feel a sense of comfort knowing that I'm being taken care of right now.

Ilfa: "There. Is it not too tight?"

Fabian: "N-no. It's, good."

Ilfa: "Great. Now I do need to leave for a while, but I'll bring you back some-"

I have no clue what came over me, but I end up finding myself reaching out, grabbing hold of her arm, making her stop in place before turning back to face me. Her red eyes stare into my own as fear fills my body, my skin now ice cold just from her stare alone. I quickly take my hand off her before something happens, but she continues to stare at me, making it impossible for me to keep eye contact anymore.

Fabian: "Sorry..."

Ilfa: "Oh my~ Did you want me to stay for a bit longer perhaps?"

Fabian: "Why would I want a monster's company."

Ilfa: "Your mouth says one thing, yet your body says another, fufu~"

Fabian: "Just go!"

I don't know why I yelled at her, as I'm just a prisoner here. She could easily kill me if she wants, but she continues to stand there, smiling at me.

Ilfa: "If you say so~ It's not like I can stay here anyways. Some trouble came up so I need to check a few things."

She then starts stepping away, heading back to the doorway. The further she walks away, the tighter my chest starts to feel, making it harder for me to breathe. What the hell's gotten over me...

Ilfa: "I'll be back soon, so rest up, okay?"

Fabian: "..."

She slowly closes the door behind her as the room immediately starts to feel colder. I get under the covers almost immediately, trying to keep warm, but it does little to no help as I try and get back control of my breathing.

Fabian: "Hah~"

Almost in sync with my sigh, a loud roar could be heard off in the distance. I've never heard anything like it, but the roar itself made vibrations through the room as the bed ends up shaking ever so slightly. Whatever made that noise must've been huge, but the only thing that comes to mind is a dragon. Is this the problem that Ilfa was talking about? Did other monsters see what's been happening in Inasdale and are trying to take over it? 

My heart sinks into my stomach at the thought of Ilfa losing to some other monster. I know it's stupid to say that, but I'd much rather stay alive with Ilfa, getting food and water, rather to die to some other monster...


After what felt like 10 minutes had passed, explosions followed by more roars could be heard as I can only conclude that a battle has taken place in the city. I try again to try and place my feet on the floor off the side of the bed, but the pain quickly shoots up my body, forcing me to lift them back on the bed. I just wish I could maybe look out that window and see just what is going on. I don't really know how long I've been stuck here, but I wouldn't be surprised if the city has turned to ash by now.

Explosions continues to vibrate the room every 20 seconds or so, making it quite awkward to rest with this constant noise, but after some time, the explosions seized as silence took it's place. My body grew colder as I wonder what had happened. Did Ilfa lose? Did she win? The silence ate away my insides until finally, I can hear the familiar sounds of footsteps coming closer to the door. And when the door finally opened, I felt at ease as the familiar sight of a white hairs breaks through the door. But as more hair came through, I quickly realized that it wasn't Ilfa, but instead her twin sister.

Tarifa: "Can't believe I'm having to do this."

I remain silent as the black haired monster places a glass of water at the bedside table. But I can't help but notice that she was injured quite heavily, with blood flowing from the top of her head, sliding down her face.

Fabian: "...What happened?"

Tarifa: "Shut up. Just drink your water."

She quickly leaves the room just as fast as she entered. Its relieving to know that we seem to be okay, but it was disappointing to see Ilfa not being the one to come here. They may be twins, but Tarifa's personality is very hot-blooded compared to her sister. I feel grateful that I was stuck in Ilfa's care and not hers. God, why am I even thinking like this?! I'm grateful to a monster? Well, yes I am, but they're still monsters. Monsters that invaded the city and killed many innocent lives...

Sipping the water, it was a little below room temperature, but it's still definitely refreshing as it does moisten my throat, making it a bit easier to breathe. I end up staring at the new webbing around my ankles for a while as it fills me with a warm comforting feeling inside.

Ilfa: "Oh? That's a nice smile."

I didn't notice, but Ilfa had suddenly returned, however I didn't hear the door opening at all. Did she just teleport? But at least she looks to be fine. Doesn't look like she just participated in a battle or anything.

Fabian: "What was all that about?"

Ilfa: "Just a little dispute, nothing major."

A little dispute? I don't think something little would make the castle shake. I'd hate to think of what a major issue would be like.

Ilfa: "Fufu~ Were you worried about me?"

Fabian: "As if I would be worried about a monster."

Ilfa: "Sure, whatever you say~"

She then suddenly lays down on the bed next to me. The bed it quite large so there's plenty of room, but now that she's closer, I can feel her warmth already radiating from her body.

Ilfa: "Ah~ This bed is pretty comfortable. I'm jealous."

What is she saying?

Fabian: "Then why lock me up in this room?"

Ilfa: "You need to recover, so I deemed it necessary for you to have a proper bed. But to think that humans can make beds this lovely."

She begins to wiggle around in the bed, repositioning herself in a more comfortable manner. It was then than she turned to her side as her eyes faced me. My body froze in place the moment our eyes made eye contact. I feel an intense amount of heat start to build up in my body, but when I try to look away, I feel my body staying in place. If anything, it feels like my body is being drawn in, but I manage to stay where I am.

Ilfa: "Oh~ You sure are fascinating, Fabian."

Fabian: "How so?"

Ilfa: "You're doing an amazing job at resisting. I commend you for that."

My efforts would prove to be useless as she's the one that ends up closing the distance between us. Her body heat is all the more apparent as I feel her chest press up against mine. Her eyes not looking away from my own as I could now feel her hot breath against me. Every fiber in my body tells me to flee, but it feels like a force is drawing me closer, keeping me in place, almost like I have no control over my body.

Ilfa: "Still resisting hmm? You must have a high level of resistance."

She can probably feel my heart beating out of chest at this point. And when she proceeds to wrap her arms around me, pulling me deeper into an embrace, I feel like my heart's about to explode.

Ilfa: "So? What's your plan now?"

It's starting to get painful now staying like this, it's making it almost impossible to breathe.

Ilfa: "Fufu~ I'm not even using any magic right now and you're still like this."

Just as I was about to move pull away, Ilfa closes the distance instead as our lips seal with one another once more. All that pain from earlier had now vanished as the only feeling that's left is an extreme sense of comfort as she continues to kiss me. I have no clue what or why this is happening, but for some reason, I no longer feel disgusted having her tongue ravage the insides of my mouth, and instead I happily give her what she wants as our tongues dance with one another.

Ilfa: "Fufufu~"

She ends up slowly positioning herself on top of me, not breaking away from the kiss for a second as my body steadily grows hotter the longer we continue. I want to push away, but my body seems to have a mind of it's own.