A Spark

-----Fabian's POV

Time felt incredibly slow once again, just sitting and lying down on the bed, waiting for anything to take my mind off of the boredom, but eventually decided to just sleep it off. Ilfa said she'd be a while, so I'd much rather just pass the time with sleeping and giving my ankles more time to heal. Wait, why am I even thinking of Ilfa? I mean, I guess she does keep me company and helps pass the time, and our interactions now have gotten somewhat pleasing. But still...

I was worried about having "that" dream again, but thankfully it didn't seem to be the case. I found myself sitting at our family table, eating delicious food as one big happy family. My sister sitting at the opposite side me, smiling away as she digs into the fish makes it impossible for me to not smile as well. Mother and father were both smiling dearly at one another, creating such a warm atmosphere in the house. I'm aware this isn't real, but it still saddens me... I almost wish I was ignorant enough to think this was all real. Knowing that our family could've been like this... But it just had to go to shit at the end.

Ellen: "Hmm? What's wrong?"

Fabian: "Nothing. I just miss this."

Mom: "You can tell us if anything is on your mind. You know that right, Fabian?"

Fabian: "Yes, I know."

Dad: "We all care about you, son."

Their words ate my heart out as it only brings me more pain. Just knowing that this will never happen to me. I gingerly stab my fork into a piece of meat before eating it. Almost to prove a point that this is all fake, the meat tasted completely different to how it looked. I was meant to be eating fish, but all I taste is that pork I had earlier. I guess it has been a while since I've tasted fish that've forgotten what it actually tastes like.

Maid: "Here, drink this to calm yourself."

Fabian: "Thanks."

I turn my head to thank the maid, but the face was not of any of the maids I was familiar with. Her bright red eyes stared into mine as her long white hair slowly starts to appear along with a part of black hair.

Maid: "Is something wrong?"

Fabian: "N-no."

Great, now she's slipped into this dream? Is she about to attack me? But before I could even panic, the maid lifted her hand up to my forehead.

Maid: "You're a little hot. Remember, you need to rest."

Fabian: "R-right."

And with a smile, she walks off. My heart quickly calmed down as I watch the maid walk back into the kitchen. I might not be able to see much, but just watching her from behind gives me a sense of comfort from this agonizing dream.

Fabian: "Ilfa..."

Suddenly, I manage to open my eyes, finding myself back where I was. I don't know why, but I checked to my right to see if Ilfa was here, but it looks as though she's nowhere to be seen, and judging from the outside window it's now nightfall.

Fabian: "Heh, I slept through the whole day. What am I, an owl?"

The dream didn't feel that long, but I guess time does flow differently in dreams. I then sit up to check on my ankles, prodding the webbing around them as a stinging pain shot through my legs once more. It's not as bad as before, so I hope that I can walk soon. God knows how long I've been stuck here now...

But why did Ilfa show up in my dream? If she weren't here, then it shouldn't be possible to invade my dream.

Fabian: "Strange..."

I guess it's since she's the only one that is somewhat caring for me, but to think I'd dream about her like that. It was then that I heard footsteps coming up to the door. Fearing that it's probably an elf or Tarifa, I turn to my side and pretend to be asleep, just so I don't need to hear them belittle me.

The door then opens as the footsteps grew louder before the door closed once more. I try and steady my heart just in case they might sense that I'm awake, but my heart would soon jump as I could feel something had now sat down on the other side of the bed. My instinct tells me that it must be Ilfa, but I refuse to take the chance and remain still, steadying my breathing. Rustling can be heard as I feel the bedsheets loosen up around me, but what followed was the familiar scent wafting over me. I'm not sure if Tarifa has this same scent since I never paid attention to her, but I know for a fact that this smell definitely reminds me of Ilfa. God, what the hell am I doing? Playing dead? I feel like a coward if I continue acting like this.

Suddenly, I felt and arm wrap around me from behind as I feel something soft pressing up against my back and a tickling sensation of someone's breath against the back of my neck. I was about to turn around, but how am I supposed to do that now?

Ilfa: "Fufu~ You're still going along with this act of yours?"

It was her voice that finally enabled me to turn around to face her. Her eyes matched the same eyes as the maid in my dream as just the sight of her makes my chest start to tighten.

Ilfa: "So? How was your rest? Feeling better?"

Again with all this care... It still baffles me that a monster is taking care of me... But what's even more crazy is that I feel happy about it now. Before when I stared into Ilfa's eyes, fear and anxiety would course through my body. But now looking at her brings me a whole new different experience, one that attacks my heart. It's unpleasant, but I don't know how to deal with it.

Fabian: "I-it was good."

Ilfa: "Did someone bring you your food?"

Fabian: "Yes."

Ilfa: "That's good."

She then snuggles closer into me, causing my heart to tighten up even more, making it difficult to breathe. Wait... Could this be- no, no. There's no way that's the case.

Ilfa: "Is something wrong?"

Fabian: "Huh?!"

Ilfa: "Your face is burning up."

The sudden feeling of her hand touching my forehead reminds me of the dream I just had. Maybe it was her invading my dream after all. She's perfectly mimicking it right here and now.

Ilfa: "Mmmm. Yeah, you're pretty hot."

Fabian: "Uhm... Did you invade my dream again? Before you came back."

Ilfa: "Oh? No I was busy dealing with that nuisance from the other day. Seems he's set on taking this land himself. Fufu, not like I'm going to give it to him."

So she wasn't invading my dream... And what does she even mean? So there's a dispute over who takes over Inasdale? Wasn't Ilfa the one who succeeded? It kind of pisses me off knowing that there's someone there trying to just steal it from her... Woah! Wait, did I really just think that? Why did I feel mad about someone taking Inasdale away from Ilfa just now?

Ilfa: "There'll likely be a war soon, so I'll be busy for quite sometime."

Fabian: "Wait, how long?"

Ilfa: "Long enough until this whole matter is settled. Maybe a week or two?"

A week without Ilfa... Just imaging just waiting in this room being served food from other monsters saddens me. Ah- I see now. I guess I must be crazy.

Ilfa: "Fufu~ Is someone sad that I'll-"

I cut her sentence short, sealing my lips with hers. All of a sudden, all that pain in my chest vanished, almost as if confirming to me that I really have fallen for a monster. Normally it would be Ilfa doing what she wants to me, but this will be the first time that I've taken the initiative, and from the looks of it, Ilfa looks to be puzzled as her eyes widen in surprise. I break away from the kiss as her face is still puzzled, however I remain calm. It's a scary thing and this could well and truly be all part of her plan, and if so, then she succeeded.

Ilfa: "What was that for?"

Fabian: "I just wanted to."

Ilfa: "Ohooo~? I thought I was some disgusting monster? That's what you kept saying to me."

Fabian: "I know, but maybe I was wrong."

Ilfa: "Oh?"

I know that I'm thankful to her for caring for me, even if it's for her benefit as well. The entire reason why I'm alive in the first place is my connection to my sister and her connection to Kaede. As long as I'm alive, Kaede would be in check. But even so, I'm still thankful for what Ilfa has done for me, but I guess I've never really said it.

Fabian: "You've done a lot for me, caring for my ankles, making sure I'm healthy. And I know I've never really said it, but I am grateful for everything you've done for me... So, thank you."

There I said it! I can't believe I just said thank you to a monster. Yup, I really am crazy.

Ilfa: "You do know that I've only been doing this so that you wouldn't die. Without you, I have no insurance over that vampire."

Fabian: "I know, but you could've easily been like your sister or the elf, doing only what is needed. But you did more than just that. Instead of raising me like some kind of livestock, you took my feelings into account, even sacrificing you're "hunger" for my sake. I don't think your sister would've done that for me."

Ilfa: "..."

What is this atmosphere? Now it was Ilfa who looked to be embarrassed, breaking eye contact from me. I don't know what's come over me, but I somehow move my hand up to the side of her face as she looks back in my eyes. Her eyes are certainly that of a monster, but for the first time I'm looking at them in a different light. The bright red color almost appears as if it's glowing in front of me, captivating me as I draw myself closer, wanting to get an even better look. Yeah...

Fabian: "I-"

It was then that she retaliated herself, sealing our lips once more as she wraps her arms around me, bringing me in tightly. This kiss feels completely different than all the other ones as it makes my heart race with every passing second. You win, Ilfa.