Trip to Epillon?

-----Yui's POV

The celebratory dinner from the other day went great as everyone was all smiles. The vampires also didn't seem too distant either thanks to the wine infused meat they had before, but they still had to be around Kaede just in case something bad happens. Not that I mind though since I have been having quite a lot of fun with Kaede over the past week.

Today however is a meeting of sorts. Now that everything seems to be going well with our move here, it's finally time for us to explore Yarene properly. Instead of using my mansion as our meeting place, we instead chose Luna's place as our base of operations; at least for the people who were interested in applying at one of the guilds in Epillon.

Elira: "Let me know if any of you need anything~"

Luna's father was out doing some work, so I guess her mother would be our host for today. With us is Kaede, Mell, Luna, Nick, Collin, Violet, Olivia and Gabriella. Fleur and Faye would be with Sicily and Lillian back at Kaede's place, which I thought would be problematic, but Kaede reassured me that they'll be fine.

We sat in pairs, with Luna by my side, Mell by Kaede's side, Violet by Collin's side, and Olivia and Gabriella sitting together.

Nick: "Hah~ Why is Alice still busy."

Luna: "Pfft!"

But of course, Nick sat without a partner, looking to be somewhat dejected.

Yui: "She said she'd stop on by soon. She's just finishing up a few things."

Nick: "Okay good."

It was a truth and a lie on my part. I don't know exactly when Alice would finish up with her work, but I do know that she does plan to join us one of these days.

Collin: "So this is about the guilds in Epillon, right?"

Yui: "Correct. With all of us now settled in, I was thinking about going out tomorrow. I can grab one of the caravans we used to ride us there."

Luna: "Wouldn't it take a day to travel there?"

Yui: "I was thinking about leaving early in the morning and maybe finding a place to stay there for the night."

Collin: "But Yarene uses a different currency than ours. I don't think we can afford for a stay there."

That's right. That was one thing that I noticed when I talked with Undine one time during one of our small talks. From what I understand, Yarene still uses copper, silver, and gold coins, however the engravings on the coins were different and the gold coins were actually smaller than the gold coins in Inasdale. Thankfully though, the queen gave quite a large amount of money to our family to help kick start our life here, which I in turn managed to get some as well. It's not much, but I think it'll help kickstart us and hopefully landing us a job in Epillon.

With that in mind, I pull out a pouch from my bag as the sounds of coins rattled inside of it as I placed it onto the table.

Yui: "Don't worry. I have that covered."

Gabriella: "Wait, how much is in there?"

I then proceeded to count out exactly how much money was inside. Everyone eyes glued onto the coins that I was stacking, counting out and grouping the coins as I went much like how my father did in my previous life when we did our family poker night. For the copper coins, there was actually none, but the silver coins counted out to be 150. Just with the silver coins alone, I think that it'll be enough to pay for our stay and also our registration if there's any fees at the guilds. But then came the gold coins... 300. If the currency works like it did in Inasdale, with 1 silver coin being worth 100 copper coins, and 1 gold being worth 100 silver coins, then this is a ridiculous amount in the eyes of common people.

Olivia: "Yui flexing your status once again, hehe."

Yui: "Mom gave me this, but I don't plan to use it unless needed. I'd much prefer to pay with the money I earn from now on."

If this is going to be a new life, I'd like to earn my way myself with as little help as I can. But I do appreciate mom for giving me support like this.

Collin: "Well I think this'll definitely cover any costs to get there. We'll just need food for the trip then."

Olivia: "I can help with that. Father has already established some trades with the capital here, so I can help supply the food for our journey."

Yui: "I'll help with that as well, thank you Olivia."

Nick: "But what about when we get there? What is everyone wanting to apply for?"

Ah, yeah. Despite us all going to Epillon as a group, it's not like we'll all choose the same guild. Olivia and Gabriella might not want to apply to a combat oriented guild and might settle with crafting or something along those lines. Everyone else though seems to be quite capable in combat, but there's still a possibility for even more splits to happen among us.

Nick: "Not only that, but we also need to be accepted. We can't just buy our way in like back in Inasdale."

Luna: "True..."

I can just tell that Luna is dejected just from the look on her face. It's entirely possible that a guild might accept me and not accept Luna. I guess Luna is stressing over that being a possibility.

Kaede: "I've already prepared for that. I can't imagine a guild accepting Mell and I."

Violet: "C-couldn't the queen give a recommendation?"

Brilliant idea! But that would require me to meet up with the queen again, but that would probably solve any issues of Kaede and Mell working.

Yui: "I'll see what I can do."

Kaede: "Then should we not wait for the queens response?"

Yui: "Mm. Yeah we'll postpone our trip to Epillon until I hear from the queen."

Thankfully I've built a relationship with her daughters so it might actually be easier than I thought. Maybe I could do it tonight if she's not busy and we could maybe still go to Epillon tomorrow.

Yui: "We'll meet here tomorrow then."

And with that, our meeting came to a close. Olivia will be supplying our food which will help a lot, so I better do my end of the deal and try and get some kind of letter of recommendation from the queen regarding Kaede and Mell. Actually, maybe I could do it for everyone? But then again, the queen hasn't really met everyone else so that might be asking for too much.

-----Mai's POV

I still haven't figured out an alternative to Lilith's problem. I honestly don't understand Selene. She turns Mell into a vampire for the sake of being a proper family, but then when it comes to her own mother she's against doing that? Even if it'll also potentially save her from that crest?

Mai: "Hah~"

Erytheia: "What are you stressing about now?"

Again, the familiar voice echoes in my head. Seems like now that she knows where I am, she'll just pester me whenever she pleases.

Mai: "I just don't understand her."

Erytheia: "The vampire? That's surprising. You've been bound to her for a while now. What's wrong?"

Mai: "Do you even understand this world?"

Erytheia: "Hey, I'm now assigned to this world, so it's my job to understand it!"

Mai: "...You don't understand it, do you?"

Erytheia: "..."

Her silence tells me all that I need to know. It's only understandable since her world is completely different than my world here. I guess some responsibility falls onto me teaching her what I know... But that'll just take too long.

Mai: "Okay. Lilith's situation is as follows. Due to her own relationship with her daughter, Selene, she was imprisoned and later forced into a situation where a crest was carved onto her back. This crest is original magic that the humans have come up with, but this crest isn't meant to be carved onto skin. The only way I know of removing this crest is to destroy it, but that'll endanger Lilith's life."

Erytheia: "So~ You're trying to find another way? Also humans created this magic?"

Mai: "Technically no, but they've somehow combined certain barrier magic with transfer magic in order to create this abomination."

Erytheia: "Hmmm. Okay I think I understand. But then why can't you remove it?"

Mai: "Due to how the crest works, it feeds off mana. Trying to remove it that way will just deplete your mana instead. Now this is actually a way to remove it, essentially force feeding the crest until it collapses. It's because of this that this crest is only used on equipment, but Lilith has it carved on her very skin."

Erytheia: "Then why not just remove the skin?"

Mai: "Pfft. How barbaric are you? You do realize that the crest covers her whole back. She'd die before the removal would be complete."

It's actually a good idea though. I was thinking more so on the magic related means of getting rid of it, but to hear Erytheia say something like this, it does open my eyes to potentially other ways. I guess it would make sense since she was originally looking after that "fucked up world."

Erytheia: "Well I'm just trying to give you ideas. Did you seriously not think of that?"

Mai: "Only someone watching that world would think up something like this, haha. But thank you."

Erytheia: "Heh, maybe when you get out of there we can trade places. I much prefer looking at this world than "that."

Mai: "Hehe. We'll see."

Hmmm. But cutting off Lilith's back... I'm aware Kaede can heal Lilith, but due to the crest, she'd be unable to heal her until it would be completely removed... It's risky and arguably more painful than just being turned into a vampire... But I can bring it up with Selene, although I'd imagine I'd be scolded for suggesting such an absurd thing.