Study Session with a Monster

-----Fabian's POV

With Ilfa getting more and more busy with every passing day, Rina has been the one that has been bringing me my food. It's a bit different now though after that whole incident before, but from what it looks like, Rina doesn't have too much issues coming to visit me. I've also been practicing to be able to walk, but it's still quite painful, but at least standing is a lot less cumbersome than before which is relieving to see.

But today would prove to be a bit different, as Rina knocked on the door before entering. I've been so used to Ilfa and Tarifa just barging their way inside, so seeing a bit of courtesy from Rina is quite refreshing to see.

Rina: "H-hou are you, feering?"

But what was even more different was that she brought with her a piece of paper that she just read from. If I had to guess, Ilfa or maybe other elves that could speak the human language helped in and maybe wrote some notes for her. Either way, I find it cute that she's trying to learn my language, even go as far as to ask for help. I also learnt bits and pieces of the elven language from Ilfa in hopes to better understand each other.

Fabian: "I'm feeling good, thank you."

Rina: "Ahh~ Fee-ling."

Fabian: "You got it."

I give her a smile while giving a thumbs up which in turn makes her smile as she approaches the bedside table to put the food down. The food she brought with her this time was more on the healthy side, with plenty of vegetables and fruit this time with just a few slices of meat. I'm not sure why she decided to change the food like this, but I'd like to think that its her way of saying sorry. I would just ask her, but I'm not sure how well that'll go.

Fabian: "Changed the food?"

Despite what I think, I try to say it anyway just in case she would understand. But what I didn't expect was her face to slowly change to a more wry expression.

Rina: "You, don't like?"

Ah! I totally fucked up! That's not what my intention was at all!

Fabian: "No, I uhm. I love it!"

I hurriedly try and use basic words that she probably knows. Thankfully, her expression lightened up as I end up breathing a sigh of relief. Huh, to think she knows the word "change." I guess I'm not too sure how much she got taught, but I should think carefully as to not hurt her feelings going forward. Pfft, I can't believe I'm dancing around talking with a monster, considering their "feelings." The past me would think I was joking.

Rina: "You, need good food, to heal."

She checked her notes a couple times whilst saying that. It honestly makes me feel a bit guilty as I already start to feel like she'd learnt more of my language than I have learnt her language. But I didn't expect a response like that... So she didn't change the food in order to say sorry, but instead for my actual wellbeing? I find myself feeling quite honored to have someone take care for me like that. Almost reminds me of the maids back home; not like monster's have maids though.

Fabian: "Thank you."

She smiles before turning around, beginning to leave.

Fabian: "Wait-"

She stops in her tracks before turning her head back towards me. To be honest, I'm honestly feeling quite selfish now. With Ilfa getting busy nowadays, Rina is the only other person who I've started to enjoy their company, she's also the only other person that actually comes here. I know she made this for me in order to heal faster, but it's quite lonely sometimes just being cooped up in this room. Sure it's luxurious, but the feeling of that disappeared ages ago. If anything, I want to walk about to maybe see something different, like walking around this castle, or even better, going outside!

Rina: "Yes?"

Fabian: "Would you, like some?"

I pick up the platter of food off of the bedside table before gesturing it towards her. I was hoping she'd accept, so I was bit sad to see that she didn't immediately walk back over.

Rina: "I not, ㄖ几乇 爪ㄖ爪乇几ㄒ..."

She then takes out her notes once more, flipping through a couple pages. And just then, it hit me. Her notes must contain various words and phrases of both our languages, so maybe we could turn this into something else? She doesn't seem all that interested in the food sadly, but maybe we could study together. Haha, what a crazy thought, but I'd honestly prefer it over being here alone, even if I'm the only one eating.

Fabian: "Why don't we study together."

Rina: "Study?"

Fabian: "Yeah, uhm, like-"

I point at her notes before pointing to the both of us, making a writing gesture with my hands in hopes she understands.

Fabian: "You, me, study."

Rina: "匚卂几 山乇?!"

Yeah, I have no clue what she just said, but just from her expression alone, I can tell that she's all for it, as her silver eyes sparkle with joy and her ears pointing up in excitement. That said though, she does look to be waiting for a response, so I give her a simple head nod and that was enough for her to come scurrying back over to the side of the bed. It was a new side of her I hadn't seen before, I didn't expect for her to accept this with that much excitement. I guess learning a new language to her must be quite fun.

She ends up sharing her notes with me while I pick up pieces of fruit and vegetables with a fork from the bedside table. Once my eyes saw the first page, I was quite stunned to see quite an assortment of phrases and words. The first few pages were quite simple common questions and answers, but there were some peculiar words hidden around as well. Notably, a person's body parts at the third page, which included quite literally "everything." I was honestly a bit embarrassed once I saw it as I ended up taking another bite from another piece of fruit.

We finally skimmed through everything before she looked my way.

Rina: "We, study?"

Fabian: "Mm!"

I give a head nod as she smiles once more, infecting me in the process as I end up smiling as well as we both look back over the first page of the notes, officially starting our first study session.

I didn't know what to expect from this study session, but it seems like Rina was taking over the majority of it, asking questions by pointing at the notes as I pronounce the words for her to repeat back. Of course I'd try to repeat the same word but in the elven language, which did make for a couple good laughs between us. But after slowly going through some of the pages, Rina then read out one of the phrases to me.

Rina: "What, would you, like to have, for dinner?"

She then looks up at me as if waiting for my response. Is she wanting me to say a response that's written there in her language? Or is she genuinely just curious what I'd like to have for dinner?

Fabian: "...Anything you make is good."

Rina: "Make..."

She then scoured over her notes for a few moments before jolting her head back up to look at me. We only make eye contact for a moment before she goes back to flipping through the pages. Just seeing her trying to search for the words is quite cute in of itself, but after a few more moments, she finally stops at a page.

Rina: "You like my, cook-ing?"

I don't even need to use my words here and I instead go and stuff my mouth with more of the food that's on the platter, mixing the vegetables with the sliced up pieces of meat.

Rina: "Pfft. 千ㄩ几几ㄚ"

Fabian: "Hmm?"

Rina: "Oh-"

She then scours her notes once more, but it doesn't seem like the word she's looking for is in there. And once she gave up trying to find it, she then looked back up at me before pointing at me. I was about to question what she meant, but I was stunned to hear her begin to laugh at me, although I could sense that the laugh was a bit different than before as this laugh is sort of dry in a way. I have no idea what she was trying to convey which made her panic a little as her laughter quickly subsided.

Rina: "Uhm... 千ㄩ几几ㄚ, is like-"

She then proceeded to laugh in the same way as before, only this time giving me some context. I had a feeling she wasn't actually laughing at my face, but I'm still a bit puzzled as to-

Fabian: "Oh!"

I get it. So "千ㄩ几几ㄚ" is something to describe something as humorous or something along those lines. Humorous might be too big of a word to give to Rina, but maybe Funny might be easy enough?

Fabian: "Funny."

Rina: "Funny..."

She thinks that I'm funny? I guess I did just stuff my face, but I didn't mean to be funny in that way. But if I made her laugh then I guess I can be happy with that. I can't believe how far I've come, laughing together with an elf? I don't hate it, if anything I'm liking it as I haven't had something like this in such a long time.

Eventually during our study session, Rina did take some food from the platter after I insisted once more. Seemed like she just wanted to make sure I got enough before she indulged herself which I felt was quite sweet of her. And this just raises so much questions in my head. All my life, I've thought of monsters in such a negative way, but here I am, teaching a language to Rina. Makes me wonder if all monsters are like this, or is it just Ilfa and elves.