The Gathering

-----Yui's POV

It's been nearly a week since the last sparring session with Luna, and finally, today's the day where we figure out what our plan will be in terms of the monster invasion in Inasdale. This will also be the first time where we'll meet other nobles at the queens meeting, but from what I've heard from mom, they're not really nobles, but more so ministers and advisors. Apparently mom's the only one who had been given this amount of land that's a size of a fully fledged city. But either way, Natalie helped dress me up once more for the occasion as I would be meeting a lot of new faces.

Natalie done up my hair in a plaited braid along with fitting me into that same white dress I wore before. But unlike before, Natalie and other maids and butlers won't be allowed to join in this meeting, but she's allowed to wait just outside the board room with the other attendees. And much like Natalie, Kaede, Luna and everyone else won't be allowed to join as well, leaving me to be the one to notify everyone.

Butler: "Young mistress. The carriage has arrived for you and your mother."

Yui: "Okay, thank you!~"

The butlers foot steps trail off outside my door and Natalie and I both exit my room before joining up with my mom. But just when I I met up with mom by the front door, I noticed a new face standing next to mom.

Iris: "You all ready, Ellen?"

Yui: "Mm! But who's that?"

I move my gaze to the person in question. They have short pitch black hair, with the brightest green eyes I have ever seen, like a meadow shining through the darkest of nights.

Iris: "Oh, this here is one of the people that the queen sent over here to assist me. They've been a tremendous help."

?: "My name's Neri. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ellen."

Woah woah... Calm down Yui... I hope I didn't react as that'd just make me look suspicious. But isn't this the person that was supervising Kaede and the others before? What happened with their black get-up and their black mask and cape? But I shouldn't be silent for too long and introduce myself properly.

Yui: "Nice to meet you, Neri. Thank you for helping my mom."

Neri: "You flatter me."

Oh my... So Neri "can" smile! It's a weird feeling knowing that this person is that same masked supervisor.

Iris: "Well then, shall we go?"

The four of us head into the carriage before departing from the mansion. I guess Neri would be keeping Natalie company while mom and I are in the meeting, so I guess it's not all too bad. Wait, but why am I thinking that Neri is a bad person? Maybe I'm just biased because of her black outfit from before, so I can't help but feel like this version of Neri is a fake in a way. But then would that mean that she's no longer working with those other masked soldiers? Or maybe this is an undercover mission... I better keep an eye out for her.

Neri: "Hmm? Is something wrong?"

Yui: "Oh! No, it's nothing. I just thought you have really nice eyes."

Neri: "Hehe. Thank you. I'm actually a bit self conscious about them actually."

And now she's acting bashful? This is certainly weird if this is that same Neri from before.

Iris: "I think you look quite charming, Neri. I wouldn't worry too much about your eyes."

Neri: "Thank you, my lady."

I guess I should just calm down for now. There's no point stressing over this to begin with. The queen sent Neri to help my mom, and just from mom's relationship with the queen, I doubt Neri would bring harm to our family.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the castle as all four of us exited the carriage, leaving just the driver waiting with the carriage until we finish. Mom took a moment to make sure my hair was still in pristine condition before we entered the castle with our escorts. There was quite a lot of people in the main hall, but I just followed mom further in. Sadly this would be where we had to leave Natalie so I gave her a smile and a wave before continuing further. It didn't take us long before we arrived at the dining area, but I didn't expect for the meeting to take place here.

Cecelia: "Ah! You made it."

Iris: "Of course."

Mom greeted the queen at the head of the table as I took my seat next to mom. There's quite a wide variety of people. There was a tall man with a bull for a head, a short lizard like man sitting beside the bull, and there's even a one eyed cyclops sitting next to him. The queen's daughters didn't seem to be around this time, making me feel like this meeting is even more serious. But in the corner of my eye, far off behind the staircase, I could see two familiar faces watching us from a distance. It was none other than Undine and Ona themselves. We smile at one another as they notice my gaze while I wait for everyone else to take their seats. The masked soldiers were also in attendance, however they were scattered about, almost like they're our own personal bodyguards, with Neri also standing just behind mom and I. And soon enough, the meeting would begin.

Cecelia: "As most of you already know. This meeting is to discuss the matters in regards to Inasdale. I would like to hear your opinions on this matter."

Lizard Man: "Inasdale is quite a considerable journey from here. I don't see how it's our problem."

Old Man: "I concur. Inasdale broke ties with us in the first place. I dare say we have no obligation to give them aid."

Cecelia: "That may be so, but how long will it take for those monsters to try their luck with us?"

Bull Man: "Agreed. Unlike before when Inasdale just left us alone, the monsters might think our land to be of value. I also hear that their forces are steadily growing, is that correct?"

Masked Captain: "Correct."

Old Man: "I say we cross that bridge when it comes. It's too risky to send forces all the way out there."

Lizard Man: "Not to mention the cost..."

Many people began to gossip with one another as it seems like the discussion is now in full swing. the queen sat patiently, listening carefully with every point the other people made. As for mom and I, we kept silent as we took more of an observing role.

Armored Human: "I still don't understand. Why waste this opportunity? Like what he pointed out, their forces are growing. If we strike now, not only will we have the advantage of surprise, but they'll also be weaker than in the future if we just just let them come to us."

Lizard Man: "And like I said, we cannot afford that. Do you have any idea how much it costs to move an army across that much land?"

Armored Man: "It's a price worth sacrificing."

Lizard Man: "You..."

The discussion started to get heated between two parties as it seems as though half were for going to Inasdale and the other half wishing to take a more passive role. Honestly, I have no idea about how to run a kingdom, but I do understand both sides here. And to be honest I'm not sure which side is best to take. Of course Fabian is stuck there so I have a slight bias of charging into Inasdale, but then again, Mai said he's safe at the moment. I'm afraid if we do charge straight in there, they'll use Fabian as a hostage and threaten to kill him or something. While I was in my thoughts, the discussion amongst everyone steadily grew louder as I'm no longer able to understand what everyone was saying.

Cecelia: "Alright! That's enough!"

Bull Man: "My apologies, your grace."

Everyone bowed their heads, quickly shutting their mouths as they all looked towards the queen.

Cecelia: "You all make valid points, but we haven't heard from Iris yet. You and your family have lived in Inasdale for a long time. How would you describe Inasdale's strength?

Iris: "It was honestly a shock when I first heard about the news from Ellen. I honestly wouldn't expect for Inasdale to fall that easily to monsters."

Bull Man: "Would you think Inasdale is stronger than us?"

Iris: "I would think so."

Armored Man: "You wish to mock us?"

Iris: "That wasn't my intention."

Bull Man: "What of Lucien? I hear he single handedly wiped out the last demon army force a few centuries back. Was he not there during the defense of Inasdale?"

It was then that mom looked over towards me as my heart quickly sank into my stomach. Is she wanting me to answer in her stead? And just then, the massive man with a bull's head turned his gaze my way.

Yui: "I uhm. I'm not sure."

Cecelia: "You think he's dead?"

Yui: "Kaede did fight him, and we presume he's dead, but we're uncertain."

Just then, everyone besides us and the queen went in an uproar at my statement. It stumped me as to what the cause of the commotion was, but then I quickly realized that maybe Kaede is still somewhat of a secret.

Armored Man: "That vampire took out Lucien?!"

Old Man: "Kaede. Is she the vampire under your care?"

Iris: "Yes."

Yeah I maybe should've left that part out... Oops.

Armored Man: "If that is true, then I think sending a force with that vampire would be our best option."

Cecelia: "Kaede is but a mere citizen. I will not throw that responsibility onto her unless she wants to."

Female Mage: "If the vampire were to agree, then I would change my stance and say that taking out the monsters in Inasdale would be best."

With Kaede now thrown into the mix, it seems like a lot of people in this meeting has shifted their opinions to mounting an attack on Inasdale. I don't know if I'm pleased to hear this or not. I don't like how much they're placing their faith on Kaede. I don't want to go and tell her that everyone is wanting her to go and attack Inasdale.

Human1: "So then why is Kaede not here in this meeting?"

Cecelia: "Because many of you still despise my decision to let a vampire stay here."

Human1: "..."

Seems like that was the issue as to why Kaede remained back. I would've thought everyone in Yarene accepted Kaede, but it appears that some of these higher ups are still questioning the queen's decision on letting her stay. It was then that the queen shifted her gaze to me, giving a slight smile as I end up doing the same, as if to give thanks to her for sticking up for Kaede.