Mood Swing

-----Fabian's POV

Yesterday, something happened with Rina. She seems a bit, off? I'm not sure how to describe it, but when she brought me my dinner yesterday, she hardly spoke to me and instead just left after giving me my food. At least to me, she doesn't look upset, but something has changed. She would be so into the idea of studying my language that we'd talk all throughout the food, almost as if her bringing me food is just an excuse to study with me. So seeing her just do her job and leave like that, sort of feels... off.

Ilfa: "I'm back!~"

Suddenly, Ilfa burst into the room without knocking, causing my heart to almost leap out of my mouth. I've been getting so used to Rina's little knocks before she enters that it makes Ilfa's entrance just now a lot more startling.

Ilfa: "Oh? Did I surprise you?"

Fabian: "Y-yeah. You did."

Ilfa: "Pfft."

She walked on over at the bottom end of the bed as her eyes focus in on my legs. I can see why as nearly all the black, crusty skin has peeled off, revealing normal skin underneath, and even my feet are showing signs of similar recovery. Although I have no idea about what it's like under the webbing around my ankles.

Ilfa: "You look like you're healing up quite well."

Fabian: "Yeah. I can even walk a bit now."

Ilfa: "Really?! Wait, then let me check-"

She proceed to unravel the webbing around my ankle, almost like a child hastily trying to open up a present. And what revealed was something quite pleasing, but also disgusting at the same time. If I had to try and describe it, it basically looked like the skin around my ankles had caved in, probably due to the flesh Ilfa ripped out when she removed the shackles. It's honestly a bit hard to look at. But at least the wound has healed up completely, leaving quite a sturdy scar wrapping around where the shackles were, almost like they're a reminder that I'm still chained to this place.

Ilfa: "Wow. So humans don't completely heal?"

Fabian: "We can't regrow flesh, no."

I recall the time when Ilfa had a gaping hole in her chest during her fight with Lucien, only for her wounds to be gone within the next day. Even when I saw her naked, I still couldn't see any scarring or any other signs about that fight.

Ilfa: "But at least you can walk! Show me."

I do as I'm told, standing up from the bed as doing a little demonstration for her. The pain is still there, but it's less painful and more so just uncomfortable, like my ankles could snap if I were to be too ambitious.

Ilfa: "Amazing! I must thank Rina for taking care of you while I was away."

With Ilfa now mentioning Rina's name, I immediately think back on what happened yesterday. And actually, even now this feels weird. Wouldn't she come around this time for breakfast?

Ilfa: "Hmm? Something wrong?"

Fabian: "Nothing."

Ilfa: "Ohooo? Did something happen with Rina?"

Fabian: "I don't know."

Ilfa: "Hmm. Do I have to kill her?"

Fabian: "No!"

Ilfa: "Fufu~"

I swear... Don't make my heart jump like that. If I wanted her dead then I wouldn't have chose to hang out with her during our little study sessions.

Ilfa: "Well! Then I'll just go fetch her."

Fabian: "Wai-"

Before I could voice a word, Ilfa cuts me off with a kiss, causing me to eat my words as my thoughts become scrambled.

Ilfa: "Fufu. I'll come back for more later. But right now, I don't like when my subordinates are fighting. So I'll settle this now."

She leaves the room with that, closing the door behind her with a smile. Wait.. So now Ilfa thinks of me as a subordinate? Or was she just talking about Rina? Either way, I'm glad that Ilfa's the kind of person that makes sure everyone is happy. I was going to ask Rina next time I see her, but I'm unsure how to even mention it. Maybe with Ilfa here being able to understand both languages, we can settle whatever has happened between us.

It didn't take long as Ilfa returned with Rina following behind her. Rina locks eyes with me for a moment before averting her gaze. Yeah... Something definitely is wrong here.

Ilfa: "卂ㄥ尺丨Ꮆ卄ㄒ! 爪卂Ҝ乇 ㄩ卩 ㄚㄖㄩ ㄒ山ㄖ."

I may not be able to understand or even speak the elven language much, but I understood what Ilfa just said. But that didn't help much as I have no idea how we're suppose to "make up" when I'm not sure what went wrong in the first place. But I guess I can start with that I guess...

Fabian: "We didn't fight, right?"

Rina: "N-no."

Ilfa: "Oh?~ You understood that, Rina?"

Rina: "Yes."

Ilfa: "That too?!"

Rina just nodded her head at Ilfa as a smirk quickly grew on Ilfa's face. I'm happy to see Ilfa acknowledge Rina's efforts, but weren't we suppose to be "making up?"

Ilfa: "Sorry. Please continue."

She then stepped to the side, allowing Rina to focus entirely on me as we lock eyes once more. She looked quite uncomfortable being here which made my chest tighten up at the idea that Rina's actually disgusted with me. But I don't even know what I-

Rina: "You're embarrassed to be around me."

Fabian: "What?!"

It was then that Rina looked back towards Ilfa, leaving me to process what just happened. I remember teaching her the word embarrassed, but I didn't mean it like that!

Rina: "ㄩ几匚ㄖ爪千ㄖ尺ㄒ卂乃ㄥ乇? ㄩ几乇卂丂ㄚ?

Ilfa: "Fufu. 丨 ㄒ卄丨几Ҝ 卄乇 爪乇卂几ㄒ; 乃卂丂卄千ㄩㄥ, ㄖ尺 匚ㄖㄚ."

Rina: "Huh?"

Rina then looked back over to me as her face began to flush red, making her cheeks turn pink just like yesterday, only this time her ears shot up in surprise. I guess Ilfa just helped me out clear things up. Thank you.

Rina: "So, you do like me?"

Wait... How am I meant to answer that?! Does she mean that in "that" way?! Or is she simply asking that I like spending time studying with her? I hesitate for a moment to think what would be best to say in this situation, especially with how Rina is acting right now. On one hand, I say no, which leads to her breaking down and making this situation worse, effectively ending our little relationship going on with the study sessions. But on the other hand if I say yes, then she'd be happy. However if she is indeed asking if I like her in a romantic sense, then I guess I do have the option to clear that misunderstanding. Alright-

Fabian: "Yes. I do."

Rina: "Hah~ Thank you."

Ilfa: "Fufu, fufufufu~"

Meanwhile in the corner, Ilfa is giggling away at us. It's a bit embarrassing having her watch over us, but its's thanks to her that we got through this little misunderstanding.

Ilfa: "I'll give you two some privacy then~ I'll be back."

She suddenly left the room, closing the behind her, leaving just Rina and I in the room. Normally she'd bring food with her and her notes, so this is the first time that it's just her.


Of course, silence quickly dominated the room as we're both left standing. The silence is also making the pressure around my ankles all the more present as I slowly begin to waver, choosing to sit down at the table before I end up collapsing.

Rina: "U-uhm. Are you hungry?"

Fabian: "A little, but that can wait."

Rina: "Hmm."

She sat down on the opposite chair in front of me as we both return to silence. God, why is this so awkward?! We made up, right? So why is this so weird?

Fabian: "So, how are you? Your peers still giving you trouble for coming here?"

Rina: "Peers?"

Fabian: "Friends, family, other elves."

Rina: "Ah! No. Everything's okay now."

Fabian: "That's good to hear."

Rina: "Mm."


And back to this awkward silence... AHH! What am I meant to do in this situation?!

Rina: "Uhm. So. About before."

Fabian: "Yes?"

Rina: "You said you like me?"

Fabian: "Yes, but not romantically."

Rina: "Ro-rom-anti-cally?"

Oh god, yeah I guess she wouldn't really know what that words means. But how am I meant to describe that to her?

Fabian: "Romantically... Like uhm. Kissing, and sleeping together."

Rina: "Kissing?"

I end up planting my head straight to the desk to hide my embarrassment. I didn't realize how hard it is to explain this to someone. I just want to dig a hole and jump into it. But she deserves to know so that we don't misunderstand each other, so I lift my head after calming down for a few moments.

Fabian: "My lips, your lips-"

I imitate our lips with both my hands as I press my fingers together. And the moment my fingers made contact, Rina looked shocked as her eyes widened and the tips of her pointed ears also began to flush pink, the same way her cheeks are right now.

Rina: "尺ㄖ爪卂几匚乇... I see. T-then, you want to do that?"

Fabian: "Huh? No no, I said NOT in a romantic way."

Rina: "O-oh."

I swear, this girl is really making this difficult... Oh... Hah, I just realized that despite her skin and her ears, I've stopped thinking that she's a monster. But why does she look so dejected after I clarified for her? And just as I was about to ask about it-

Rina: "So, then you don't like me?"

Fabian: "Huh? No, I do."

Rina: "I-I'm confused."

Does she not understand that you can like someone as just a friend? Is there not a word for friend in the elven language? I guess that can be her new word of the day. I gently take her hand in my own hands, causing her to jolt a little from my sudden action which I found to be quite adorable in a way.

Fabian: "You said this is fine, right?"

Rina: "Mm-mmm."

Fabian: "Friend."

Rina: "Fr-end?"

Fabian: "Yes, friend. Someone you do anything for, someone you look out for, someone you laugh, cry, and fight with. Someone you trust."

Her face showed no signs of calming down as I describe what friendship means to her. I guess there really is no word for it in her-

Rina: "ㄥㄖᐯ乇尺?"

Fabian: "Mm! ㄥㄖᐯ乇尺?"

Nevermind, I guess there is a word for it. I gave her a gentle smile, hoping that this would be the start of our friendship, but she quickly snatched her hands away from me before standing up just as fast. I thought she was about to run, but she remained where she stood, leaving me clueless as to what's happening.

Rina: "I..."

Fabian: "Can't we?"

Rina: "..."

She looks over at the door for some reason before casting her eyes down. I have no clue what the hell is going on, but I try and remain composed as I slowly stand up, submitting my ankles to a little discomfort. It feels a bit weird to be looked down upon in a situation like this.

Fabian: "I want us to be friends."

Rina: "That's... What about 爪卂ㄒ尺丨卂尺匚卄?"

Fabian: "Ilfa?"

It's hard to say if I'm even friends with Ilfa... Even I'm unsure how I see her. But if I'm going by the definition I just gave Rina, I would do all those things for Ilfa, but I don't think the same can be said the other way around. Friendship is a mutual thing, so-

Fabian: "I guess... Ilfa and I are, not friends..."

It stings to say that out loud. Of course a part of me wishes Ilfa and I could be more than just friends, but that's just wishful thinking at best. But for some reason, Rina looked a bit happier than she did before, even making eye contact with me again as I give a smile in return.

Fabian: "So?"

I extend a hand to her, hoping that she grabs hold of it, but what I didn't expect was for her to rush forward, wrapping her arms around me tightly as we share in a warm embrace. To be honest, I'm a little stumped, but I guess I'm happy with this outcome as well. I gently wrap my arms around her as we both share in each other's warmth... But my mind is overly conscious about her chest pressing up against me... Can't say I don't enjoy it though.