Closing In

-----Kaede's POV

After everyone rested up, we quickly packed up the camp before continuing towards Inasdale. And as if timing their entrance perfectly, the wyvern returned as I end up flying up beside it. I did worry since it was gone for quite some time, but I guess it must've been hunting quite a lot of food for it's babies. I feel a bit bad taking their mother away from them, but hopefully she can survive this battle and return with even more food; just as long as I get enough blood to fill my bottles as well.

Erytheia: "Ooo! It's about to start~"

Suddenly, the familiar voice of Ery enters my head, startling me quite a bit as I'm still not used to such a high pitched voice.

Mai: "Calm down. They still have a ways to go."

Mai ends up floating up next to me, speaking out loud which ends up garnering the attention of the wyvern as well.

Kaede: "Don't worry."

I end up touching it's nose as it turns it's head back to the front.

Erytheia: "Why don't you just transport all those soldiers over to Inasdale?"

Mai: "You really don't know anything, haha. You know how much mana that would require? And even if I could, I need to save as much mana as I can for the fight."

Kaede: "Oh? You're helping?"

Mai: "I said I would, didn't I? I'm not going to let you have all the fun."

Kaede: "Thanks."

Mai: "Mhmm."

It feels great to know that Mai will be with me for this. I actually don't think I've ever seen Mai seriously fight before so this will be quite an experience for me. But what I'm most looking forward to is seeing Neri and the other masked soldiers fight. They've been shrouded in mystery this whole time so I'm looking forward to it. I can't help but wonder if all of them are secretly dragons like Neri, but I guess I can still be wrong about that. Sure Neri's blood reminded me of Oboris, but that could just be a strange coincidence.

-----Yui's POV

I find myself out at the back of Kaede's place watching Fleur try to fly with the help of Faye. Mell also tried to fly as well by jumping up over and over again, but ended up sitting back down next to me, looking quite dejected.

Yui: "It's okay. You'll get the hang of it soon."

I end up patting her on the head in hopes to comfort her, but her mind looks to be on something else entirely as she just stares off, watching Fleur and Faye.

Natalie: "Ellen. It's time to head back."

Yui: "Ah, right."

I didn't realize, but after looking up, I notice that the sun's beginning to set. Guess it would be a problem to miss dinner.

Yui: "Okay, Mell. I'm off."

Mell: "Mm. Kay."

I have a feeling that being unable to fly isn't the only thing that's bugging her. I guess we thought that Kaede would visit us today, but it looks like we'll have to wait. That's of course if she does come. She could already be engaged in battle as we speak for all we know, and maybe that thought is eating away at Mell. I choose not to say anything more and just leave Mell as she is.

Sicily: "Oh? You leaving?"

I run into Sicily as I enter back into the house when I catch Lillian in the kitchen already making dinner.

Yui: "Yeah-"

Lillian: "Ah! You're not staying for dinner?"

Yui: "Thanks, but not tonight. I'll be having dinner at home."

Lillian: "Okay~ Then take care~"

Yui: "Mm! Thank you for having me!"

She was too busy in the kitchen to properly face me, so we said our farewells from a distance as Sicily sees Natalie and I out the door.

Sicily: "Coming by tomorrow again?"

Yui: "Mm. But probably around noon. I want to see Luna for a bit."

Sicily: "Mhmm, Sounds good. I'll let Mell know."

Yui: "Thanks. Then I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Sicily: "See ya."

We exit through the door as Sicily closes the door behind us. I end up letting out a heavy sigh as I think about what Kaede's up to. I'd like to think she's not dead and has just gotten busy, but I still can't help but worry about what's going on. Not even Mai came by.

Natalie: "Let's not worry about that, shall we?"

Yui: "Mm, yeah."

-----Fabian's POV

After finishing packing Rina's things, we moved back into the room with Rina putting her stuff close by the door. It was now time for our dinner, but I didn't expect this.

Alenia: "Hey. You don't mind if I join you two?"

Rina: "Sure!"

Alenia moved over before sitting next to Rina while I sat on the other side. Having her mother join us is a nice breathe of fresh air, but it does force Rina and I to not openly say a lot of things, particular things that concern our relationship.

I watch as Alenia eyes up the food in front of us as a smile slowly forms on her face.

Alenia: "You've really gotten better at cooking, Rina."

Rina: "Thanks, mom."

I truly am grateful for Rina being here. I know next to nothing on how to cook, so I'd most likely already be dead if it weren't for her.

Fabian: "Yeah. Thank you again for cooking all this for me."

Rina: "Well, it IS my job. The matriarch would have my head otherwise, hehe."

She naturally plays along with this act as to not alert any suspicions from her mother.

Alenia: "Hmm? Is that the only reason?"

Rina: "H-huh?"

But maybe it looks like we've been found out anyways... Well, there goes that plan I guess.

Alenia: "You can't hide it. I saw that smile of yours when you were cooking this."

Rina's face immediately lit up like a candle as she averted her eyes away from her mother. It honestly makes me happy knowing that Rina doesn't mind cooking all the time. In fact I'm beyond happy hearing that she actually enjoys it.

Alenia: "Come on~ You can tell me, right?"

Rina: "...You promise not to tell anyone else?"

Alenia: "Hmmm? Sure."

Now even I'm getting embarrassed from this situation. I thought Rina wasn't going to spill anything, but it really looks like she's planning on doing so. Rina then locks eyes with me just as I was about to say something, with her gaze now sucking my words back inside.

Rina: "I-it's my way of repaying Fabian. He saved my life, so..."

Wait, that's it?! I totally got all worked up for no reason! Relief quickly washes over me, knowing that our secret is still intact.

Alenia: "Oh, so you don't like him?"

Rina: "Eh? No, of course I do!"

Nevermind! What the hell was that?! I swear I just felt my heart stop for a second. Why did you just blurt that out so easily? Did she think I'd be offended if she denied it? I'm aware that this is all an act, but Rina just let her feelings out on the table with just a small push of questioning.

Alenia: "Fufu. I thought so."

Rina: "Don't tell anyone!"

Alenia: "Yes yes~ My lips are sealed. So then, Fabian?"

Fabian: "Y-yes?"

Alenia: "Do you like my daughter?"

Wait, this might be my chance to maybe steer this conversation back. Rina did say "like" and that can be taken in many different ways. But do I just follow along instead? I kind of don't want to hurt Rina's feeling by saying something like "I like her cooking very much, so of course I like hanging out with her." Makes it sound like I don't see Rina as seriously. Wait... Maybe this is what Rina was thinking just before? Pfft. Well then-

Fabian: "Yes. I like your daughter very much. She's done a lot for me, even helping me walk again. It was dark and depressing being in this room, but Rina just came in and brightened up my life. Honestly, I feel like I should be the one repaying her."

But maybe that was a mistake! I just wanted to say that simple sentence but I ended up rambling on! I can already feel my face heating back up, but I try to remain calm.

Alenia: "Oh? You hear that, Rina? Sounds like the feeling's mutual, hehe."

Both Rina and I struggle to say any more as it just looks like her mother is just here to tease us.

Alenia: "...However. Fabian."

Fabian: "Yes?"

But her tone quickly shifted as her intimidating gaze focuses in on me, almost making me feel like I'm paralyzed by her gaze.

Alenia: "I don't think you can satisfy my daughter."

Rina: "Mom?!"

Alenia: "What I mean by that is that Rina will out live you. There's a reason why some of us refuse to enter a bond with other races."

I'm well aware of the age difference between us, and to be honest, I am a little scared by it. The feeling of growing old only for Rina to retain her youth. It's depressing to think about. I had also thought about it with Ilfa as well. Wait... Does Ilfa even age? I could ask about that, but again, I'm not sure if she's coming back...

Fabian: "...Even so. I'll try and make her as happy as I can with the time that we have."

Alenia: "Oh?"

Fabian: "..."

Just then, another shake happened, cutting off our conversation short. The last one was so long ago that all three of us ended up jumping from the sudden shake.

Fabian: "S-so please! I'd like to make Rina happy, so-"

Alenia: "Fine, fine~ I wasn't saying you can't be with my daughter."

Fabian: "So?"

Alenia: "Hmm? It's Rina's choice, not mine."

Oh... I was hoping to get some kind of blessing from her mother, but it doesn't look like that's a shared custom between us. But it does make me wonder if Alenia is truly happy about this. Well, either way, I'll prove that I can make Rina happy, at least for as long as I live.