
-----Leon's POV

It's been so long since I broke out of that cell and yet I'm still trapped down in this disgusting place. I've scoured every single corner of this damn place, checking every wall for any signs of a secret passage, but all I was met with is just more and more wall that just leads me back to where I was before. This place was made quite well if people inside it struggle to even escape, even with my newly found power, the walls don't budge at all no matter what I throw at them. It's almost like these walls aren't even real. Like when we fought that stone golem, my light magic back then would easily shave off some of the stone, but these stone walls don't even feel the same way, especially after how much power I'm-

Just then, as I was staring at the wall deep in thought, the wall slowly started to distort the longer I stared at it.

Leon: "What is-"

But then I realized the distortion wasn't just happening with the wall, but in fact was even affecting the air around me, even the torches on the wall and the beds in the cells. I try again and cast another barrage of light magic anywhere where there was that weird distortion effect happening, and in that instant, the area around me shattered before crumbling away like dust.

Suddenly, I found myself in a single room with just one door in front of me. But unlike the stone like dungeon I was in just a moment ago, this room was made of wood, looking to be like some kind of room to a house. I move to the door to try and open it, but of course, it doesn't open.

Leon: "Sorry for whoever's house this is."

I take a step back before quickly destroying the door with my light magic. I didn't realize until after I stepped through the doorway, but it feels refreshing to actually destroy something and make progress. I half expected for this door to not break with my magic like those stone walls. But with that thought in mind, I venture out, exploring through this house.

-----Ilfa's POV

Ilfa: "Oh? Looks like the brat finally figured it out."

I guess I should turn back and notify Tarifa about this development. Plus I've gotten no where with my thoughts so far and I don't want to be out here in the cold night any longer. Suddenly, I recall the time when I was sharing a bed with Fabian. Having him stroke my hair that one time and seeing the look on his face, it was so pleasant... I really should just talk with him, but I suppose I should go see Tarifa first.

Quickly getting back to the castle, I approach Tarifa as she's still watching over the dungeon's entrance.

Tarifa: "Ilfa?"

Ilfa: "He's broke through the first layer."

Tarifa: "Really?!"

Ilfa: "Don't worry. He probably thinks he's free, which is how I designed the second layer. It'll probably take him longer for him to figure it out."

Tarifa: "Okay. But did you cast another layer on top of that?"

Ilfa: "Yes, but I only managed to cast 3 layers, so I would still remain on guard just in case."

Tarifa: "Got it."

I can still feel that boy's aura and he still hasn't weakened even after exhausting so much mana. It's quite potent, but I can still tell he has no idea what he's doing. Still makes me wonder what happened for him to gather so much mana out of nowhere. I believe in Tarifa to take care of him when the time comes, but from what I've seen so far, the longer the battle will go for, the harder it will be.

Ilfa: "If he does break free, kill him fast."

Tarifa: "I thought you were going to take care of it."

Ilfa: "O-oh. Right."

Tarifa: "...Is something wrong?"

Figures that she'd pick up on it. We are one in the same after all.

Ilfa: "I'm not sure."

Tarifa: "Did you see something while you were out? Are the humans coming?"

Ilfa: "No, it's not that."

Tarifa: "Well, I'm here if you want to talk. It's pretty boring just lying here in wait, haha."

I wonder... Tarifa is a part of me, so I doubt that she can even understand what my problem is if I don't even understand it myself. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.

Ilfa: "You know the boy that's under my care, Fabian."

Tarifa: "Yeah. I still have no idea why you pamper him up when he's just a hostage."

For some reason, when she mentioned that he's "just" a hostage, it caused that same pain in my chest to resurface. Yeah, something is definitely wrong with me here.

Ilfa: "Yes."

Tarifa: "What about him?"

Ilfa: "He said that he likes me."

Tarifa: "Pfft!! Ahahaha! What?! Is he some kind of masochist?"

Her reaction is what I expected as it was exactly my thought process at the time. Even though Tarifa and I now have different personalities, our views are still the same it seems.

Ilfa: "I thought the same way, but the way he said it... It felt different."

Tarifa: "Hmm?"

Ilfa: "Taking away the masochist joke. What about us is there to like? You should understand, having done the same as I did with that brat trapped down there."

Tarifa: "Mmmm. I see your point. Yeah, that brat... Every time, I could feel his immense hatred towards me, like he just wanted to take my head off at any given second. Made for quite an enjoyable feast."

Ilfa: "Right..."

That's the reaction that Fabian should have as well. He could just be in denial, but at least from my perspective, he doesn't mind at all when I did all those things to him. Hell, he even thanked me for it a couple times. So strange.

Tarifa: "I'm guessing it's different with Fabian?"

Ilfa: "Yes."

Tarifa: "Then what's it matter? If he enjoys being on the brink of death every time then I say just take advantage of it. What's it have to do with you? You shouldn't be worrying about this sort of thing."

Ilfa: "Yeah, and that's the issue here. I don't know why I'm worrying about this. And even now, here in my chest, it stings."

Tarifa: "Ilfa, I have no idea what you're talking about. You don't even have a wound there."

Yeah, just like I thought, Tarifa has no idea. I could maybe ask the elves and see what they think of it... Hah- Why is it now I'm trying to avoid talking with Fabian again? I feel like Fabian will know what to say to me, but at the same time, a part of me still doesn't want to be there.

Ilfa: "Hahh!~"

Tarifa: "Just rest up. I'll let you know if something happens."

Ilfa: "...Okay."

Yeah. It's already nightfall anyways. The elves are probably asleep right now, and so would- Fabian. I cling onto my chest as it stings in pain once more as I imagine Fabian sharing that bed with Rina. Why does she think it's okay to just take him away from me like that? I could just kill her and that'd solve that little problem, but when I think back when Fabian defended Rina's mother from me, I can't help but think that killing Rina would just hurt Fabian even more... I'd hate that... Ahhh! What the hell is going on with me?!

-----Fabian's POV

Fabian: "I guess this will be our first time doing this properly, haha."

Rina: "Mm!"

After dinner, I once again helped out with cleaning the dishes with Rina. Some of the other elves this time smiled after seeing me again which did brighten up my night just a bit more. Alenia was nowhere to be seen though so we didn't stick around for too long. Rina had now finished moving all of her things into my room which does make it seem like we're now living together, which then sparked the conversation about us sleeping together.

This will be the first time where I'd be sleeping with Rina without any interruptions from Ilfa. I still fear that Ilfa will just barge through which is why tonight we'll be doing nothing too risky. Also it doesn't really feel like the right mood for anything sexual with everything that's going on. Like with the war that's around the corner and the prisoner that's making a scene in the dungeon. So for now, we're just simply sharing a bed with one another.

Rina: "Is this okay?"

She clings against my chest the same way like last time when I tried to hide her from Ilfa. I figured it would be uncomfortable for Rina, but I guess I do remember her actually falling asleep like this. Accepting her, I wrap my arms around her, giving her room to rest up against me.

Fabian: "Of course."

Rina: "Hehe."

Both her warmth and scent enter my body as she immediately puts me into a calm state, causing my eyes to already to grow heavy. And with her pressed up against my chest like this, I can even feel her heartbeat a little.

Rina: "...I wonder if we can be like this again."

Fabian: "I hope so too."

She's probably thinking about the war as it's been our current topic of conversation for a bit now. To be honest, I'm very much stressed at what will happen, but I hope that we both come out of this unscathed, same goes for her family. Hah- I can't believe I'm putting the elves first over the humans trapped here. I can't even be disgusted at myself for thinking that as it just only reaffirms where my feelings are.

Rina: "Goodnight, Fabian."

Fabian: "Goodnight."