
-----Fabian's POV

Eventually, after what felt like another hour, Ilfa finally returned, carrying with her a platter of food with a giant grin on her face.

Ilfa: "I did it!~"

She said it in a triumphant manner which I thought was cute of her. But after seeing how bad her cooking was before, looking at the food she has brought with her, I can tell she's already improved drastically. However... We do have a problem. Staring off at the broken down table, Ilfa follows my gaze as we both end up looking at the pile of debris.

Ilfa: "Ah, right... Then we can just do this-"

She sat down on the bed next to me, putting down the platter of food. The cushioning of the bed makes it a bit unstable, but the food doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Speaking of the food, I can tell that this isn't to the same standard as Rina's. The roast vegetables are cut unevenly while also being a bit burnt on one side, making me think she forgot to turn them over.

Ilfa: "Sorry! I know that it isn't great, but this is all by me! I tried to cook the steak exactly like Alenia showed me... But that ended up sacrificing those a bit..."

She cast her eyes down at the food as her cheerful grin from before slowly fades away.

Fabian: "Nope! It looks perfect to me!"

Ilfa: "Really?"

Fabian: "Mhmm! I actually prefer my vegetables a bit on the over cooked side. Gives it a bit more of a crunch."

Ilfa: "Seriously? Hahh~"

She heaved a sigh of relief at my words. I'm not particularly lying as I do like the crunchiness of the overcooked potatoes. It reminds me of back when I was little and we got a new maid to cook for us. She ended up making a mistake, much like what Ilfa just did. I remember seeing my dad getting angry from seeing my food, but I quickly ate the burnt potatoes, leaving my dad stunned. Of course Ilfa isn't a trained maid, but it was both their first time cooking for me, so seeing Ilfa's cooking in front of me doesn't bother me one bit, as instead, I shoot a big smile towards Ilfa.

Fabian: "Alright! Then I'll dig in."

Ilfa: "Mhmm! Please do."

I picked up my fork and knife before immediately going for the steak. The knife easily cut through it as the juices immediately begin to spill out. Just cutting into this is making my mouth water. Taking the bite, I get assaulted by quite a familiar taste. It's almost like this steak was cooked by Rina herself. But I guess if Alenia taught the both of them, then that shouldn't be too surprising. Even the seasonings are quite similar.

Ilfa: "So? You like it?"

Fabian: "Mmm. Yeah. This is great."

Finishing the bite, I move onto the roasted potatoes. The crunch was a bit harder than I thought it would be, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless, and the taste was perfect in my eyes.

Ilfa: "And?"

She doesn't waste any time in wanting to know how I feel about ever part of this dish, huh. Seeing her excitement like this makes eating even more enjoyable.

Fabian: "Mm. It's good."

And seeing her smile at my compliments ends up making me smile as well as I continue to eat. But it was then that it dawns on me. Usually I'd be eating with Rina, but Ilfa isn't eating at all. I know she doesn't eat human food, but it still feels off. So with that said, I cut another piece of the steak off, but this time instead of eating it, I extend the piece of meat on my fork towards Ilfa.

Fabian: "Here."

Ilfa: "Oh, don't worry. I don't eat remember?"

Fabian: "Huh? That's interesting. I seem to remember you eating a slice of meat that one time when you were feeding me."

Ilfa: "I can eat it, sure. But it won't sustain me."

Fabian: "Even so, I'd like for you to have the chance at tasting what you cooked for me. So, here."

I gesture with the fork, still keeping it extended towards her.

Ilfa: "But aren't you hungry? I wouldn't want to take away your food."

Fabian: "You won't be "taking" it. You'll be accepting it. I want you to try it. Please?"

Once again, I gesture with the fork as I wait patiently for her to just eat it. Her stubbornness refuses to leave, huh.

Ilfa: "...Fine. But just a bite, okay?"

Fabian: "Deal."

It was then that she brushed her hair back before leaning over before wrapping her mouth around the piece of meat. I end up focusing on her lips as it makes contact with the fork before she slips the meat off of the fork and leaning back, chewing the meat right in front of me. I didn't think feeding someone like that would be like this. As now that I'm conscious of my body, I can feel my heart pound at what I just did. I'm not making a weird face right?!

Ilfa: "Mmm~ Yeah, you're right. This is pretty nice."

Fabian: "S-see?"

Oh god, my voice sounded weird just now. Fucking calm down Fabian! It's just feeding someone food, something babies have done to them all the time. Come on...

Ilfa: "Something wrong? You're face is getting a bit red."

Fabian: "I'm fine! I-I guess the meat was just a bit too hot."

You couldn't come up with a better lie than that? Come on Fabian.

Ilfa: "Pfft. Was feeding me that embarrassing for you?"

Fabian: "O-of course not!"

Ilfa: "Then, could I have another piece? One of those potatoes."

Fabian: "Sure!"

She's testing me, I know it. But I can't back out now. I know I'm digging my grave here, but even still, I stab my fork into a piece of potato. And once again, I bring it up to her, only this time I'm aware of how hot my face feels, so I calmly exhale, trying to cool down my head as I wait for her to take the potato.

Ilfa: "Fufufu."

Fabian: "Well? Aren't you going to eat it?"

Ilfa: "Sorry. Seeing you act like this is more enjoyable than the food, fufu."

Fabian: "Well then if you're not going to eat it, then-"

And right when I was about to take the fork away and eat it myself, Ilfa takes hold of my fork in her mouth as she slips off the potato into her mouth.

Ilfa: "Mmm! Yeah, I see what you mean about the crunch. Makes for an interesting experience."

Fabian: "Y-yeah."


We soon finish up the plate of food as my hunger has been finally satiated. And it was then that Ilfa picked up the plate before sitting up from the bed.

Ilfa: "Okay. I'll take these back then."

Fabian: "Ah, I'll come with you."

Ilfa: "You've already convinced me to get help to cook this. I'm sure I can handle the clean up."

Fabian: "Yes, but-"

Suddenly. A gust of wind blew into the room through the gaping whole in the wall as the freezing winter breeze filled the room once more, making my body tense up.

Ilfa: "Hmm?"

Fabian: "It's too cold in here."

Ilfa: "Oh~ Right. Yeah we do need to fix that. Sorry... I sensed that you were under attack, so I didn't bother with trying to be careful and just tried to get to you as soon as possible."

Fabian: "Th-thanks."

Her words warmed my insides up despite my skin feeling as though it'll freeze up.

Ilfa: "Hmm... It'll take a while, so then how about you use the bed I use?"

Fabian: "Huh?"

Ilfa: "Mhmm. "It's surprisingly warm with it being deep into the castle, unlike this room being easily exposed. So? Do you want to? We can head over to my room after the dishes if you like."

Wait. Ilfa's bed? She has one? Well of course she would, I've seen her sleep before, it's not like she doesn't need sleep. But even still. That means I'd be staying in her room? I can't say that I'm not curious what it's like, but... Once again, the wind blows through, interrupting my thoughts as now I feel like accepting her offer is the right move.

Fabian: "Okay."

Ilfa: "Perfect. Then let's get out of here."

I get up from the bed before heading out the door with Ilfa, closing the door behind us so that the wind doesn't flood into the halls. Even being out here, my body is already warming up, but that's also because this is the first time I'm walking alongside Ilfa. She's the ruler of these monsters, yet someone like me is walking side by side with her like this. Makes me feel so out of place.

Ilfa: "Ah~ Sweyn."

But suddenly as we walked down the 5 steps heading towards the kitchen, Ilfa notices someone down the stairs to the left of us. He looked to be human, but as he walked up the stairs to join us, I noticed that his eyes are clearly not human, appearing to be bright green that looks as though they're glowing in contrast to the short, pitch black hair.

Sweyn: "The clean up is going smoothly. But what should we do with that wyvern?"

Ilfa: "Hmm. It's your prey, so do with it as you wish."

Sweyn: "Understood."

He bows his head before leaving back down the stairs, not even bothering to acknowledge me. I didn't know the humans brought a wyvern with them. Maybe where Kaede came from, monsters live with them? No, that can't be a thing.

Fabian: "So, who was that?"

Ilfa: "That was Sweyn. He was working under that dragon prince or whatever from before. But I honestly don't understand why. Sweyn's combat capabilities far exceed that runt."

Fabian: "Was this during that drama that happened? Before this war?"

Ilfa: "Yeah. Sweyn then swore allegiance to me at his prince's defeat. But I didn't expect so many people to follow him."

Fabian: "And that's what made you be the leader of all this?"

Ilfa: "Fufu, I guess."

During our talk, we walk inside of the kitchen as Ilfa went over to handle the dishes while I decide to head over to Alenia who also seems to have just finished eating with her friends.

Alenia: "Ah! Fabian! So? How was it?"

Fabian: "It was perfect."

Alenia: "I'm glad."

Fabian: "Hey. You seriously did let her cook by herself, right?"

Dark Elf: "Of course! She was very adamant about it."

It's not that I doubt Ilfa's capabilities, but I was surprised at just how well she cooked that steak. Even now I can feel the savory juices still coating my throat.

Alenia: "Hey, but what's the matriarch's deal? This is the first time I've seen her act like this for someone."

Dark Elf: "Yeah. What's your relationship with her? Aren't you meant to be her pet or something?"

Fabian: "I-"

I'm honestly not sure myself. She said I was a hostage, but now I'm not. Then she goes out of her way to cook for me and even, comforting me. Then I even went as far as feeding her which felt so natural at the time. I know something has changed, but I'm scared if I bring it up I'll just be called a hostage or something again. So I should just wait and see what Ilfa does for now.