Cabin In The Woods

-----Yui's POV

We worked through the night as some of us ended up switching jobs. Mell, Undine and Ona ended up holding torches, lighting up the area for everyone else. At first I thought we were building just a quick, little shack, but what we ended up building was more akin to a small cabin. The floor wasn't done properly as Rina wanted to make sure that the roots underground were left intact as much as possible, but at least we managed to finished setting up this little cabin.

The queen and her daughters ended up filling up one of the rooms inside the cabin with some food supplies along with plenty of water.

Cecelia: "Well, I think that's that."

Yui: "Sorry for keeping you late even though it's winter."

Cecelia: "It's okay. The cold doesn't really bother us."

Right, I forgot about that.

Ona: "Mhmm. It was fun!"

Rina: "Th-thank you."

Cecelia: "Not a problem. You're doing this for Lilith, so this is the least I can do. So Kaede, you better not kill her when this is all over, right?"

Kaede: "I wasn't going to, hehe."

Rina's face quickly turned pale for a moment at the queen's words. Yeah, even I'd get pissed at Kaede if she just went and did something like that, especially after all the help she's giving us.

Cecelia: "Well then, we'll be off. Do please keep me updated."

Yui: "Yes! I will."

Cecelia: "Splendid. Then I wish you all a wonderful night."

And soon after that, the queen, along with her daughters and men, left the forest.


We've been so busy at getting this cabin up that we didn't have time to check on Lilith. But after checking her now, her face is still pale, showing no sign of life at all. I wish I could do something to help, but I doubt there's anything I can do now. We've done everything we can it seems.

Kaede: "...Maybe it'll be a good idea for me to stay out here."

Neri: "True. Even though we're still in Yarene, there's still monsters out in these woods."

Kaede: "Mm. So, Yui. Could you go back and let Fleur and Faye know, and tell them to come here?"

Yui: "Okay."

Is this her way of giving me the option to go home? I know vampires sleep a lot less than humans and there isn't really any good options to sleep in this cabin. Hell, there isn't even bed, but I guess this did just get built just now.

Elira: "Then we'll follow you, Ellen."

Yui: "M-mm."

Seems like I'm now the guide for everyone that isn't staying out here I suppose. I do wish I could stay by Kaede's side as we haven't seen each other in a while, but I guess her job is still yet to finish. Anyways, I'm happy that she's back safe and sound. I doubt she'd have issues with monsters in the woods, especially after fighting a demon queen.


Eventually, we made our way back to mom's city as I dropped Luna and her family off, thanking them for helping out. It was then that Luna suddenly came in to hug me just as I was about to leave.

Luna: "I told you she'd come back."

Yui: "Pfft. You did, haha."

I give her one final squeeze from our hug before we end up departing.

Next, we went to Kaede's place. Natalie and Alice continued to follow me as we're all heading back to the mansion anyways. I do feel my stomach beginning to feel a bit funny, letting me know that I need to drink blood, but I guess that can wait till I'm done letting Fleur and Faye know.

Once we arrive, Fleur greeted us by the door as I then began to tell them about the current situation, letting them know that Kaede also wants them to go to her. And once they closed the door, they ran off to go find Kaede as I end up heaving a heavy through the cold night, my breath creating a slight mist in front of me. What a day...

Natalie: "You did great, Ellen."

Yui: "Thanks. You have no idea."

Neither Natalie or Alice was there when I was cutting off Lilith's back... My hands still feels as though they're covered in blood as I end up staring at my right hand. Those screams... The blood... The slipperiness of the handle... Everything about that was horrible.

Alice: "You okay, Ellen?"

Yui: "I'm fine... Actually, I don't know."

During our walk back to the mansion, I end up telling the both of them what I did to save Kaede's mother. Natalie ended up throwing up in a bush as I explained it. But in hindsight, I shouldn't have described it that vividly, even Alice looked to be getting a bit queasy.

Alice: "But she is alive, right?"

Yui: "Mm. At least I hope so."

Alice: "Then you did well. I'm sure Kaede is incredibly grateful for what you did, including her mother."

Natalie: "Sh-she's right..."

Alice: "But just try and rest up and not think about it too much."

Natalie: "Oh! Yeah, I can even bathe you if you like!"

A bath sounds lovely right now if I'm honest. Sure, Kaede and Mell got rid of all the blood, but I still feel as though I'm covered in it.

Yui: "Mm. Thank you Natalie."

Natalie: "Hehe."

I've gotten used to relying on Natalie for these kind of things. I remember when I was panicking over the simplest of things, so I'm surprised that I'm now accepting her idea of bathing me. Now I'm finding myself looking forward to it.

-----Ilfa's POV

What a turn of events... I didn't expect any of this to happen, I didn't even know what my feelings were until Fabian said that to me. Hearing his confession made me realize what that pain was all about. But to think we're now like this...

In truth, I do want to do the same things as what Fabian wants. But for the same reason why I don't consider him a hostage, I don't want to kill him. He didn't say he's unhappy about it, but I can get the feeling that I'll most likely not be able to give what he really wants... And that pisses me off.

Why was I born like this? A predator that consumes everything in it's path. How was I even born in the first place? I've been alive for so long that I've forgotten. Fabian on the other hands knows exactly where he comes from, has a family that was just given to him, that cherishes him. He has no idea how lonely it was back then. But that's why I feel so happy right now. Having him in my arms like this and having him accept me despite what I am. I honestly feel honored in a sense, enough to make my jealousy dissipate in it's place.

But I do know that Rina would make for a better partner. I can't ignore the fact that she has many good qualities, even I tried to replicate what she was doing. Actually, looking back at it now when I saw the two of them together, that might've been what people call jealousy... I'm not sure. But after Fabian confession, I found myself not bothered by it anymore. I know I said that I'm with him being with Rina, but in truth, I'd much prefer to have him all to myself. All I want is to become a better partner for him instead, so please stay away for a bit longer, Rina. I need to catch up.

Suddenly, the door to our room opens, but I already sensed their presence coming up. I quickly check up on Fabian to see that he did manage to fall asleep. His sleeping face is just as cute as I remember.

Ilfa: "What is it, sister?"

I choose to communicate through telepathy as to not wake up Fabian.

Tarifa: "Just thought I'd check up on you. I see that boy is still wrapped around your finger."

Ilfa: "Heh. I guess you could put it that way."

Tarifa: "I can see why he interests you. I had a talk with him earlier and his views aren't that of the humans we know."

Ilfa: "Oh? When was this?"

Tarifa: "Would've been when you were passed out asleep."

For some reason, I find myself smiling at the idea of Tarifa getting along with Fabian, but I could just be reading a bit too into it. I know Tarifa well. She doesn't let anyone close to her besides me.

Tarifa: "So what's the plan for when you meet that queen?"

Ilfa: "If you're thinking that I'll kill her, then you're mistaken. Although if they try anything then I won't hesitate in doing so. If the humans are like that, then there's no way I'm leaving Fabian in their hands."

Tarifa: "Haha. You really care for him."

Ilfa: "Yes."

Tarifa: "Well I just wanted to inform you that the repairs are almost complete. Rillo is supervising the high orcs as they finish up through the night."

Ilfa: "Perfect."

Maybe I should thank her. Sure I'm friends with the spiders since they're allies with the dark elves, but I've never really had a proper talk with Rillo, especially considering she's the acting spider monarch. I'd say she wouldn't hate me since I have been making sure her children are safe, even letting me lead a bunch of them when we were taking over Inasdale. But apart from that, we've never really talked. Huh... Maybe I've changed since Fabian came into my life.

Tarifa: "Alright. Then, goodnight sister."

Ilfa: "Mm. Night."

She leaves the room, closing the door gently as Fabian ends up adjusting himself, using my chest as a makeshift pillow.

Ilfa: "...Cute"