
-----Kaede's POV

Once we arrived at the queen's castle, it was pretty straight forward. Cecelia was quick to fling her arms around mom, bringing her into a tight hug. Her daughters must've heard the commotion as they also stormed inside, giving their own hug alongside their mom. It's honestly hard to not smile at seeing just how loved my mom is.

Iris: "Quite the popular one aren't you, Lilith?"

Lilith: "I-I guess."

Ona: "Welcome back!"

Undine: "Mm. Welcome back, Lilith."

Lilith: "Hehe. I'm here."

Cecelia: "Can I see?"

Lilith: "Y-yes."

With her daughters leaving mom's side, mom turns her back towards the queen before lifting her shirt up. She's been laying down on the ground for so long that I almost forgot just how bad it looked. Her spine is still protruding through the thin layer of skin compared to the skin that was left untouched from when Yui and Lillian skinned the crest off. I tried healing it several times, and there's no scarring anymore, but I can't seem to completely restore her back to normal.

Cecelia: "You really are strong..."

Lilith: "You praise me too much, your grace. I remember blacking out halfway through it."

Cecelia: "Even still, you managed to survive... I'm seriously glad."

With those words, mom puts her shirt back down before facing the rest of us.

Cecelia: "Your room should still be just as you left it. But I won't have you get back to work until you've fully recovered."

Lilith: "N-no. I'm okay."

Cecelia: "Is that so?"

It was then that the queen put her hand up to mom's forehead, wiping away some of the sweat that had formed.

Cecelia: "Who sweats while in winter? I doubt you were exercising until now. So if simple stairs will have you like this, then please take time to rest up properly."

Lilith: "O-okay."

I'm truly grateful with how the queen is treating mom. I actually didn't realize the beads of sweat until the queen noticed herself. I'm glad to see that mom's in good hands.


With the reunion between mom and the queen now over, we all moved to the table in the room as we sat around it. The queen and her daughters sat on one side, while the rest of us sat on the other side.

Cecelia: "Anyways... Iris. I see you've brought over Fabian."

Iris: "Yes. This is my son, Fabian. Fabian this is the queen of Yarene; Cecelia Tempest."

Fabian: "N-nice to meet you, your majesty."

Cecelia: "Hehe, likewise."

I don't know if it's just me, but the air in the room felt as if it has changed just now, almost as if it's grown heavy.

Cecelia: "I take it that you want to follow through with the marriage?"

What? I could tell the air around us had changed, but marriage?

Iris: "...It's true that I also came here in regards to that, but I cannot make any decisions just yet."

Cecelia: "What do you mean? Fabian is right here, no?"

Fabian: "Mom?"

Iris: "Don't worry."

Hearing his name being brought up, it's not surprising to see Fabian tense up, especially when it seems like they're talking about his marriage.

Iris: "Due to some unfortunate circumstances, my son seems to have already found someone."

Cecelia: "What? But wasn't he a hostage until now? I thought you said there was no one?"

Iris: "Yes. But it is how things played out. So I came here to discuss with you regarding this matter."

Cecelia: "Hahh~ How annoying."

I can only guess that Yui's mom and the queen had made plans to marry Fabian off to one of the queen's daughters. Looking at it from the queen's perspective, it would serve to combine the two families into one, taking away any betrayals in the future and securing a strong ally. But from the talk in the carriage on the way here, I can see that in Iris' perspective, she's torn between that and her son's wishes. The fact that she hasn't made a decision only tells me that she's taking Fabian's feelings into account.

Iris: "So might I suggest that Fabian spends time with Undine? We were going to do this anyways, so maybe this would serve as a good opportunity for them to get to know each other. But only if they both wish to, then we'll proceed."

Fabian remains silent through all of this and so does Undine. From the looks of it, Undine seems to have already knew about this arranged marriage as she barely bats an eye.

Cecelia: "I suppose we can still follow along with it, yeah. But Iris... It's still disappointing to hear that."

Iris: "Yes, I'm sorry."

Cecelia: "Very well. Then Undine, dear. Please get along with Fabian."

Undine: "Yes, mother."


Not too long after that, we left the queen's castle before moving back inside the carriage. I did have to say goodbye to mom for now, but I'm not worried in the slightest, especially since she'll be getting the proper rest she needs and in a proper bed at that. With a smile on my face, the carriage begins to move as we make our way back to Yui. I hope that I didn't miss out on too much.

Fabian: "W-what was all that about?"

Iris: "It's exactly what you think. I arranged a deal with the queen to have you marry one of her daughters."

Fabian: "But why?"

Iris: "It was part of the deal for allowing us to have a permanent residence here. Solidifying our families as one is the most natural thing to do in order to protect both of our families. You should know this."

Fabian: "..."

Iris: "I am taking your feelings into account. But I do have to buckle a little, so I hope you and Undine can get along."

Fabian: "R-right."

Actually, isn't he screwed? He's already dealing with a love triangle with Ilfa and Rina, and now he has to deal with an arranged marriage on top of that? I shouldn't laugh, but I try and keep it in as much as I can, playing it off with just a smile.

-----Rina's POV

After my talk with the Matriarch, I went back into my room to gloss over everything once more. I'm pretty tired still as I haven't had any sleep yet, but I do need to make sure I don't forget. But I still can't believe at how kind the Matriarch is being right now. It makes me feel like an idiot for backing down back then. But just how am I meant to bring this up with Fabian now? I conceded my place at his side, so I'm sure I have no right to even say anything, but I know if I don't, then the Matriarch will surely be upset; and... So would I. I regret not speaking up before, so I'll make sure that this time, I'll properly convey everything to him.

Alenia: "Ah, I thought I heard you return."

Opening the door behind me, mom enters the room before closing the door behind her.

Rina: "I thought you were asleep?"

Alenia: "Fufufu. You think I forgot about our promise?"

Rina: "Huh?"

Alenia: "We're sleeping together, right?"

Rina: "I... Didn't remember promising that."

Alenia: "Well, I'll be taking this bed as well then~"

Suddenly, she lays down on the bed next to me, with her laying down while I'm still sitting up, still trying to figure out the best way to bring all this up with Fabian.

Alenia: "What's wrong? Did you actually not want me here?"

Rina: "Eh? N-no. That's not it."

Alenia: "Then what's that look for?"

Rina: "..."

The Matriarch did say I could tell the other dark elves about her problem, but I honestly think I'll keep that to myself for now. But I guess I can talk about Fabian instead. Maybe mom might help me out.

Rina: "...I think I made a mistake."

Alenia: "Hmm?"

Rina: "About Fabian."

Alenia: "You talking about when you just gave up?"

Rina: "..."

Alenia: "Not that I can blame you. You're up against the Matriarch at the end of the day. I think anyone would fear upsetting her."

Rina: "Yes, but I still think I should've said something else at the time."

Alenia: "You're quite brave thinking that dear. Is Fabian really that important to you?"

Rina: "Of course."

Alenia: "Hmmm. Well, if you plan to stand up against the Matriarch, then I'll support you."

Rina: "Hehe. Thanks mom."

She doesn't know that her and I are actually in agreement with this, but after hearing that Fabian prefers to have only one person in his life like this, then I kind of want to be that person. I'm sorry Ilfa, but I'm actually going to try and steal your Fabian back. You've given me a good opportunity so I may as well take it. I can't help but recall back during the time when Fabian helped me in learning the human language, even sharing food with me despite his situation. Over time, I truly started to realize how wrong I was about humans, and slowly, those feelings only grew into something more.

I feel like such an idiot. Ilfa's right... But I won't stand by idly anymore.

Alenia: "But enough of that right now. Let's sleep~ I'm tired."

Rina: "Hehe. Alright."

Laying down, it does make the room feel a lot warmer having mom with me like this, but it only reminds me more of Fabian. That night when I slept in his arms... Please... Wait for me Fabian.