
-----Fabian's POV

It took a while for me to return to Inasdale since Mai was busy finishing up with prince Leon. I'm still shocked that he would threaten a maid like that, but I hope whatever Mai did to him helps. But I wouldn't get to see as Mai quickly returned me to Inasdale late into the night before leaving again to tend to Leon. I was in the kitchen, but there was no one inside. That's not too surprising though, considering the time of night it is. Everyone's probably still-

Rina: "Fabian?"

But suddenly, I hear a familiar voice from behind me. Turning around, I notice Rina was the only person in the kitchen, sitting at a table with a couple cups placed on top of it. I'm not sure why, but I feel my body growing tense, knowing that we're the only ones here. Last time I saw her would be back at the cabin... Now reminding myself what happened that day only makes me feel even more tense.

Rina: "You're back late. Did something happen?"

But unlike me, Rina sounds composed, as if nothing even happened as she gestures for me to sit with her.

Fabian: "I uhm. Yeah. Mai's busy tending to someone, so she couldn't bring me back here until now."

Rina: "I see."

I take my seat as the gentle smell from the tea in front of me does help in calming down my nerves as I slowly take it in my hands.

Fabian: "Did you make this?"

Rina: "Yes."

Taking a sip, I can tell it's nothing like Priscilla's tea she makes for me, but it's not that bad. It's a bit on the stronger side, but it's manageable."

Rina: "How is it?"

Fabian: "It's nice, thank you."

Rina: "I didn't know how you liked it, so if there's anything I can improve on, please let me know."

Fabian: "Well, it's a bit strong, but apart from that, I like it."

Rina: "I see, got it."

Fabian: "..."

Rina: "..."

And here comes the awkwardness again. I try to sip away at the tea some more, but I just can't figure out what to say. When I look at Rina like this, I feel like I've fucked up. Back at the cabin, I thought I made the right choice, but it's clear to me now after being here alone with Rina, there's something wrong...

Fabian/Rina: "Uhm!"

Fabian: "Ah, you go first."

Rina: "N-no. Please, you go first."

I guess Rina didn't just make tea for the sake of tea. She also wants to talk about something, but what?

Fabian: "First of all. Where's Ilfa?"

Rina: "She's... Busy right now."

Fabian: "Right..."

I don't know why I asked that first. Damn it Fabian! Focus what's in front of you! I guess a part of me just wants to avoid all of this, but now that I'm sitting here, I can't just get up and leave. And besides, there's no way I can make it all the way up to the bedroom from here...

Fabian: "...Rina."

Rina: "Yes?"

Which leaves me no choice. I have to confront this now.

Fabian: "...Back in the cabin... On that day, when Ilfa was with us."

Rina: "Yes?"

Fabian: "...Are you seriously fine with it?"

Rina: "..."

There, I said it. It's been bugging me every now and again, more so recently than before. At the time, I was just happy that Rina and I could still remain close, but after settling down, I started to realize how stupid that was.

Fabian: "Like are you fine with-"

Rina: "No... I'm not."

She puts her tea down on the table, cutting me off in the process. She's not mad, far from it, but she definitely doesn't seem happy as her ears have drooped down quite a bit.

Rina: "How could I be?"

Fabian: "Then why didn't you say anything?"

Rina: "Because Ilfa is our queen."

Wait, is this the first time that Rina has ever said Ilfa's name?

Rina: "How could I? And when I saw you and her close as well... It was... Too painful to say anything."

So that smile she wore at the time was just a mask she hid behind?

Fabian: "Back then, I thought... I thought you saw what we had was something trivial. I was... Expecting you to fight back, at least a little."

Rina: "Trivial? My feelings are not trivial!"

Fuck... Okay, maybe I said the wrong thing. Having Rina raise her voice at me does make this a bit more tense than it should.

Fabian: "S-sorry. But what I meant was that you easily let go of me. I know you didn't want to stand up against Ilfa, but I think when it comes to something like this, I would think that would be an exception."

Rina: "...Ilfa said something similar."

Fabian: "You had a talk with her about this?"

Rina: "Sort of..."

Fabian: "Then would that also explain why Ilfa isn't here?"

Rina: "Mm. She's actually busy though, so I thought I'd use this time to properly say what I need to say."

Fabian: "Which is?"

Rina: "..."

I prepare myself for what's to come, but it was then that Rina shot forward, leaning over the table as she plants her lips against my own, holding me by my shoulders. Her lips were extremely tense as I felt them quiver while our lips were connected until she finally moved her lips away from me.

Rina: "I hate it."

Fabian: "Huh?"

I was a bit confused as I was expecting something completely different to come out of her mouth. Does she mean the kiss just now?

Rina: "I hate it. You and Ilfa. I honestly thought that what we had was something special. I even went as far as to learn the human language just to talk with you, to give you my thanks."

That's right. I totally forgot that's how this all started. Ilfa was so close to killing Rina, yet I stopped that from happening. It didn't cross my mind until now, but that could also be a factor as to why Rina gave up when Ilfa started getting close...

Fabian: "I... I also thought that we had something special. I think back on it sometimes, back during our study sessions."

Rina: "Hehe. It was honestly the most fun I've had in a long time. I always thought humans were such nasty creatures, wanting to take over everything. But you opened my eyes that day. And even after meeting your family, I realized that we're more alike than we thought."

Suddenly, that tense atmosphere dissipated as I watch Rina smile while looking reminiscing on the past.

Fabian: "Yeah. I can't say much about the other species, but dark elves aren't that bad either. Hell, I even fell for you, haha."

Rina: "..."

Fabian: "Uhm."

Rina: "Fabian."

And just like that, we're back into serious mode as I feel my heart beat quicken at her addressing me in a more serious tone.

Rina: "Do you still feel that way about me?"

Fabian: "..."

Oh god. I really didn't want to confront this question this soon after returning back to Inasdale. And to be honest, I'm not really sure.

Rina: "...My feelings haven't changed. And I'd like for us to return. Back to what we had."

Fabian: "But what about Ilfa?"

Rina: "She's actually the one that approached me. Sure she is busy, but she asked me to talk to you. To make sure that everything has been sorted out. So..."

And now I find myself in the opposite end of this situation. Now I'm worrying about Ilfa, just like before when I was worrying about Rina. I feel so conflicted that I find myself leaning my head into my hands while resting my elbows on the table.

Rina: "...I'm aware that Ilfa cannot have children."

Fabian: "Huh?!"

Her statement quickly grabs my attention as I look back over to her.

Rina: "...I uhm."

Just how much has Rina and Ilfa have talked?! Or is it common knowledge that demons can't reproduce?

Rina: "...If, you and I were to... I wouldn't mind it."

Fabian: "...Are you saying?"

Rina: "I wouldn't mind, no... I'd like to... Have children, if it was with you... So I... Mmm!"

It was then Rina who went to hide her face in the palm of her hands as her ears began to quiver rapidly in the dimly lit kitchen. I feel my own face growing hotter just from seeing how embarrassed Rina has become. But her words fail to leave my head, instead repeating over and over again.

Fabian: "Y-you were that serious?"

Rina: "Of course I was! I still remember when... When you... Touched me."

Oh god, stop it! I think this conversation is going a bit crazy now!

Rina: "I was prepared for it at the time."

Fabian: "You mean, if Ilfa didn't come in to stop us?"

Rina: "Yes. To be honest. I think back on that time. Makes me wonder if things would be different if we did go through with it."

I also thought the same thing once or twice. I wonder if Rina and I did it, maybe I wouldn't be in this predicament. But at least I managed to understand Ilfa more, but in exchange I ended up hurting Rina.

Fabian: "Hah~"

Rina: "Sorry."

Fabian: "Huh?"

Rina: "You don't like this, right? Me trying to get in between you and Ilfa."

Fabian: "N-no, that's not it. I was actually feeling sorry myself, for hurting you."

Rina: "You've done nothing like that. It was my fault that things ended up this way."

Fabian: "Well I'm sorry too. Because I don't like how things are as well."

Rina: "...So then-"

I'm not sure why, but I just couldn't stand to see Rina make that same, unpleasant looking face again. So I end up returning the favor, bringing myself over the table before pulling Rina into another kiss. The kiss was just as awkward as the first as I end up pulling away after a few moments as I find myself staring into her silvery-grey eyes. Seeing her face brighten up only confirms my feelings even more.

Rina: "Fabian?"

Fabian: "I love you."

It was natural to say, but I knew something was off the moment I said it.

Fabian: "...But... Ilfa."

Rina: "I know."

Fabian: "So... Can you just give me some time to talk with her?"

Rina: "Mm."

Fabian: "Thank you."

Rina: "...But only if you stay with me for tonight."

Fabian: "Sure... Wait, huh?"


And so I find myself in Rina's room. It's a lot smaller than Ilfa's and my old room, and the size of the bed looked as though it could fit one, maybe two people, but it would be quite crowded. Thinking about it now, I guess the only place for me to sleep would be that room with the giant hole in the wall... Maybe this was bound to happen anyways.

But it was when we both got into the bed that I realized that this wouldn't be as simple as falling asleep, as Rina immediately got close to me, even clinging onto me as our bodies pressed against one another, her eyes staring straight into mine.

Fabian: "Uhm, Rina-"

But before I could voice anything, she seals my lips with her own, only this time in a clumsy yet desperate manner. Her assertiveness really threw me off, but I couldn't find it in me to stop her, in fact I found myself holding her body dearly as I feel our bodies growing hotter with each passing second. Soon, I found myself on top of her, our kiss only growing more passionate as both us us slowly stripped away the clothes from one another, the sounds of our heavy breathing only growing louder.

Rina: "...Please-"

Fabian: "Mm."

Seeing her laying herself bare to me like this only makes me feel more stupid. I want to see the person I love happy. And with my now solidified resolve, slowly, we were finally connected, as one.