Connection - 2

-----Kaede's POV

After my visit at Yui's place, I did have time to return to school, barely making to the last class in time. I quickly copied over the notes Maria wrote for me before heading back home.

I still wonder why I'm having all of these visions lately, and most of them are quite gruesome, with blood seeming to be a common occurrence in them. But it does seem like Yui is a part of them in someway. Speaking of her, we did end up exchanging contact details before I left her house. I'm glad that I seem to still have it in me to make friends, but I'm not sure if we can spend much time together in school. But at least maybe I'll have someone to walk home with.


But as I went to sleep tonight, another weird dream would take place as I found myself once again with the girl with the long red hair, tied up in a ponytail. Last time I was here, I ended up kissing her, and just that memory alone fills me with embarrassment, however this dream looked to be quite different.

(Girl: "You won't kill me.")

(Kaede: "How can you be so sure?!")

(Girl: "You love me don't you?")

(Kaede: "Of course! I wouldn't of suffered for so long if I had a chance to see you again. It's why I really don't wanna have to do this and potentially lose you again.")

I'm not too sure what I'm seeing here, but I'm now apparently confessing my love to this girl? But why is she talking about death? "I won't kill her?" What does she mean? Suddenly, the girl picks up a knife from the bench as I remain frozen in place. Is she going to kill me? What?!

(Girl: "I love you too. Which is why I also don't want you to suffer like this.")

(Kaede: "What are you-")

But instead of her using the knife on me, instead, I watch as the girl moves the knife to her own neck before swiftly slicing the side of her neck in a single motion. Blood quickly squirts out, making a mess everywhere, staining her shirt in a matter of a second. I've already seen these weird dreams and visions before, so the sight of blood isn't that alarming, but I'm so confused. Why-

Suddenly, an intense smell enters my lungs as I feel my body growing hotter by the second. What is this?

(Kaede: "Yui!")

What?! Wait, Yui?

For the first time, I feel my own will matching up with what's happening in the dream, as I try to grab the knife from her hands, however, the girl drops the knife just before I can get to it as she ends up gripping both my forearms, locking me in place as the blood continues to pour out the side of her neck, as the blood continues to soak into her shirt. Suddenly, I feel the heat in my body start to become too overwhelming as it feels like my heart is being stuck in a vice. Why can't I wake up?!

(Kaede: "Stop! I need to heal your-")

(Yui?: "No. I won't let you heal it. This blood is for you.")

(Kaede: "But-")

(Yui?: "I don't want you to be in agony like this. So if it's my blood you need to suppress it, then I'll put my trust in you.")

What? So she's aware of this pain I'm feeling? But wait, how would her blood help?

(Kaede: "I- I don't want you to hate me... Even if you say it's fine now, you'll end up hating me someday.")

My vision becomes a blur as I feel the tickling sensation of tears running down my cheek. I try my best to not look at her neck, but it's proving to be quite a challenge. Does she not feel any pain at all?!

(Yui?: "That'll never happen. I know I'm being selfish, but I just can't see you in pain like you've been recently. So please, rely on me.")

(Kaede: "...")

The pain is only getting worse and worse as time goes on, yet I still can't wake up from this dream. It's even getting hard to breathe...

(Yui?: "I don't want to see you cry like this. It's painful right?")

(Kaede: "...")

Of course it is!

(Kaede: "My body- has gotten so hot... I can barely breathe. But you're important to me! My other half. It hurts to force myself on you like that, so I-")

(Yui?: "I feel the same way, which is why I want you to drink my blood. I'll never be afraid of you or leave you. So you don't have to bear everything yourself, I'll be with you.")

(Kaede: "Yui...")

?: "-de..."

We soon lock eyes with one another as I notice how beautiful her crystal blue eyes are. The same eyes as Yui's...

(Yui: "Anyway, hurry and sterilize my wound. Plus we don't want blood to drip all over the floor.)

(Kaede: "...")

(Yui: "What's wrong now? You still refuse to-")

(Kaede: "No, that's not it. I don't want to suck your blood with that lame excuse. None of that 'sterilizing' stuff, I'll suck your blood under my own will.")

She lets go of my arms, but I'm still lost. Am I seriously going to drink this girl's- no, Yui's blood?

(Yui: "Good, I'm glad my words finally got across to you. But be extra gentle okay? It's very painful")

(Kaede: "I'll suck now then, be still")

Grabbing her by the shoulder, I can barely muster the strength to breathe as the closer I bring my face to her bleeding neck, the stronger that intensely sweet smell becomes.

(Kaede: "...Thank you Yui.")

(Yui: "Mmm.")

It was then that I made contact as I bite into Yui's neck as blood quickly pours into my mouth. I was expecting the disgusting taste of iron, so I was shocked to taste how intoxicatingly sweet her blood was. And in the next moment, all that pain slowly started to wash away as I slowly drink her blood. My heart also began to beat properly as the tightens loosened with ever gulp of blood. Just what the hell is-

Mom: "Kaede!"

Kaede: "!"

Suddenly, I finally wake up from the dream, only to be greeted by my mother and father looking at me in bed.

Mom: "Oh, thank god!"

In the next instant, after wiping the tears from my eyes, my mom brings me into a hug. But I can't help but still taste Yui's blood... Wait. Is that really Yui though? Or is this just a coincidence? Before, I'd think so, but after figuring out that Yui is somehow involved, I honestly think this might not be just a simple coincidence...

Kaede: "Mom?"

Mom: "You were yelling and crying in your sleep. Are you okay?"

Kaede: "Oh... I'm okay. It was just a nightmare I guess."

Dad: "But you haven't had one in years."

Kaede: "...I'm sorry."

Mom: "Hahh~ Well, as long as you're okay. You are okay, right?"

Kaede: "Hehe. Yeah. I'm alright. Sorry for worrying you."

Mom: "We'll just be outside this door, okay?"

Dad: "Mm. So try and go back to sleep."

It was then that I checked the time. I still have a few more hours till my alarm goes off, but I honestly don't feel like going back to sleep right now.

Kaede: "...Okay."

But either way, mom and dad soon leave the room, with my mom looking to be extra worried, taking her time in leaving.

Kaede: "Hah~"

What a dream... No. I shouldn't be calling these dreams anymore. Sure I might've been asleep, but these are too real... Even now I can still taste the sweetness of Yui's blood in my mouth. Honestly, a part of me wants to sleep just to see if I can drink more of her blood, but I doubt I could continue where I left off. But then would that make me some kind of vampire? They're the only thing that I can think of that drinks blood. Well, I guess many animals drink blood when hunting, but hunting humans? I can only imagine vampires doing something like that...

I don't know why, but I take a look over myself in the mirror, double checking to make sure I'm still human, with no wings or a tail sprouting out from my body. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I'm just the same as I always have.



After some time waiting, my alarm went off as I quickly turned it off. But unexpectedly, mom and dad were still here as we all decided to have breakfast together. I don't even need to ask to know that my mom felt too worried about me, choosing to remain back a bit longer before going to work with dad. I really hate making them worry about me, so I think it's about time I get to the bottom of this. So after finishing breakfast with my family, I pull out my phone before bringing up my chat with Yui. Apparently she said she was feeling better last night, but that's all we discussed over phone.

Kaede: "Wanna walk to school together?"

I type a simple and short message. If Yui really is the girl in my dreams, then maybe she might have an idea? I have no idea how I'm going to bring it up though.

Yui: "Sure."

That was a quick reply...

Kaede: "Okay. I'll meet you by the train tracks. See you then."

Great... Now I have to think about how I'm going to bring this up. At least now that sweet taste in my mouth is gone thanks to the breakfast I had.