
-----Kaede's POV

Emi: "Hey~"

Maria: "I-is it really okay for us to be here?"

Kaede: "Mhmm! My parents are out until tonight it seems."

I still can't get what I did with Yui out of my head. I still can't believe I kissed her out of nowhere! But what's strange is that she seems to be fine with it? But even so, the atmosphere was so dense between us that you could cut it with a knife. So, in an attempt to lighten up the atmosphere, I texted Emi and Maria, and thankfully, they seemed to be free.

Emi: "Oh? And that girl is here too?"

Yui: "H-hey..."

Kaede: "Her name's Yui, Emi."

Emi: "Ah! Right, right."

Seems like Yui's still fixated on what we did earlier. Maybe I was wrong thinking that she liked it.

Emi: "Anyways! You said that you can't leave your house?"

Kaede: "Yeah... My dad is a bit paranoid sometimes. He always wants someone to look after the house."

Maria: "But isn't no one home when you're at school?"

Kaede: "...I don't know."

Now that Maria points it out, I guess it is weird. I could've just misinterpreted father's words. Maybe he was just being considerate about leaving the door unlocked for me if he knew I was coming home.

Emi: "Well it'll be fine if we locked up, right? We can't just sit inside all weekend, let's go out!"

Might honestly be for the better. I'm sure Yui's uncomfortable being in this house with me after what I did.

Kaede: "Then what about the café?"

Maria: "Ohh! I could go for some food!"

Kaede: "Yui?"

Yui: "Hmm?"

Kaede: "What about you? You wanna come?"

Yui: "S-sure."

Emi: "Sounds good! You're paying, right?"

Kaede: "Since when?"

Emi: "Come on~ I know you get the most allowance out of all of us."

I end up quickly glancing at Yui whilst thinking so. Maybe I actually could use this opportunity to apologize, paying for her drinks or food.

Kaede: "How 'bout I pay for Yui's and you pay for Maria's?"

Emi: "What?"

Yui: "..."

Maria: "I can pay for my own, don't worry about me, hehe."

I hope I'm not being pushy with this, but I'm hoping to maybe restore our friendship with this. I really don't want to leave things as they are now.



And soon after I change out of my clothes and touch up my hair, we all make our way to the café as a group. We ended up walking in pairs, with Emi and Maria leading the way ahead of Yui and I.

Kaede: "Sorry about this sudden outing, hehe."

Yui: "I-it's okay. I was actually getting hungry myself."

Kaede: "I'm glad."

Yui: "But were you serious?"

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "About... Paying for my food."

Kaede: "Mhmm!"

Yui: "But why?"

Kaede: "Think of it like an apology from me. For what I did earlier."

Yui: "...Y-you don't need to apologize for that."

So I wasn't seeing things? Well... To me I was surprised at how enjoyable it was. It was my first kiss, so I was honestly panicking for a moment when I did, worried if I messed up. I've heard stories about people chipping their teeth when trying to kiss someone, so I'm glad that never happened.... Wait. First kiss?

Kaede: "Wait, was that your first kiss by any chance?!"

Emi/Maria: "Hmm?"

Oh shoot! I maybe shouldn't have raised my voice like that.

Emi: "What's this about first kisses?"

Kaede: "Ehehehe. We were uhm, just talking about our past experiences."

Emi: "Oh?"

Maria: "Wait, Yui's kissed someone before?

Yui: "..."

I really screwed up right now! I've just made this whole incident a lot more uncomfortable for Yui!

Yui: "Yes..."


Emi: "That's not surprising. She's quite the cool beauty, haha."

Maria: "What was it like? When was it?"

Yui: "That's a secret~"

But in a complete 180, surprising my expectations, Yui soften her voice almost in a playful manner, returning a more peaceful air around us. But I can't help but think about whether the kiss we shared before was her first or not. Eh? Wait, why does my chest feel tight all of a sudden? Do I honestly want to know that badly?

Emi: "Kissing isn't all that great if I'm honest."

Maria: "Really?"

Emi: "Yeah. The guys I dated in the past just wanted to kiss the time. It was alright at first, but it started to become a chore quite quickly."

Yui: "Maybe you just didn't find the right one?"

Emi: "Hmmm, maybe. I guess I've never really asked anyone out before. I kind of just wait for them to do it, you know?"

Then what about if both people are girls? Who asks who out then? Wait, what am I thinking?! Why was that my first thought when this topic was brought up?

Maria: "Kaede?"

Kaede: "Y-yeah?!"

Emi: "Oh~ Your face it completely red!"

Kaede: "N-no! It's just the heat."

Emi: "Oh yeah? The heat from this conversation?"

Kaede: "..."

Emi: "Wait, could it be that you like someone perhaps?"

Kaede: "E-eh?"

Emi: "Ah! I knew it!"

Maria: "Wait, really?! Who?"

Emi: "It's Ken, right?!"

What the hell is going on right now?! Why am I now the source of the conversation? If only I didn't blurt out that stupid question.

Kaede: "N-no."

Emi: "Alright, then who?"

Kaede: "..."

I try and search my brain with that question in mind, but the only person that comes to mind is Yui. It could just be 'cause of what we did last night, and the kiss this morning... But surely that doesn't mean I like her like that...

Kaede: "Alright, come on! We're nearly there."

And almost as if not wanting to continue this conversation any further, I pick up the pace as now I'm the one leading ahead of the group.


Kaede: "Hahh~"

Once we make it to the café, I take my seat first by the window inside, resting my face against the palms of my hands. Emi ends up sitting next to me, while Yui and Maria take their seats on the other side of the table.

Emi: "Okay, enough with the love talk, I'm starving! What's everyone having?"

Classic Emi, already brightening up the mood.

Maria: "I think I'll take the strawberry parfait."

Yui: "Mmmm. Maybe the hot fudge brownie?"

She looks over at me as if she's asking for my permission. I guess I did say I'd pay, so I guess I'll check to see how much it is. And after taking a look at the menu card, compared to Maria's parfait, the hot fudge brownie is a lot cheaper.

Kaede: "Is that all you want?"

Yui: "Mm."

Emi: "Well? What about you, Kaede? Want to share another tiramisu?"

Kaede: "Pfft. Is that your attempt at having me pay for it?"

Emi: "Who knows~"

To be honest, I was looking over at the tiramisu, so I'm honestly inclined to take Emi on that offer. Coffee flavored food tend to help drown out negative emotions from my experiences.

Kaede: "Alright. I'll also have one."

Emi: "Yes!"

Kaede: "You're paying for you own though."

Emi: "Aw, come on~"

Kaede: "Hehe."

Not long after we made up our minds on what we're getting, the server came to our table, almost as if they waited for the right moment to take our orders.

Kaede: "Oh, and could I also get a slice of the lemon cheesecake?"

Server: "Certainly. Is that all?"

Kaede: "Yes, thank you."

And with that, the server leaves with our orders. I end up looking over at Yui as our gazes soon meet. I just give her a somewhat cheeky smile, which only leaves her confused.

Emi: "Tiramisu AND a cheesecake?"

Kaede: "Oh, the cheesecake isn't for me."

Emi: "Oh?"

It was then that Yui finally caught onto what I meant as her face slowly glows a faint red. Cute.

Yui: "You didn't have to-"

Kaede: "But the cheesecake will help balance out the brownie. Trust me."

Yui: "...Only if we share it then."

Kaede: "Deal!"

As long as Yui comes out of this happy, it's a win for me.

Emi: "Ehh? Can I have some as-"

Kaede: "Buy your own."

Emi: "Mmmm~"

I can't help but chuckle at Emi. I know full well that the tiramisu will fill her stomach just fine. Most times she doesn't even finish it, yet she still wants in on the cheesecake. But sadly, this time it's for Yui.


Eventually, our orders arrived as we all began eating away at our food. But upon looking at everything, it's safe to say that Maria's parfait is by far the most attractive. Quite fitting considering how attractive she is. But what drew my focus the most was Yui.

While eating my tiramisu, I was watching Yui try out the brownie. It did seem to put a smile on her face which was relieving to see.

Maria: "Mmmm!~"

Emi: "Good?"

Maria: "Mhmm~"

Kaede: "How's your brownie, Yui?"

Yui: "Mm- delicious."

Emi: "Still jealous that you bought all her food."

Kaede: "Hey, I bought your tiramisu."

Emi: "Mmm, but you also got her that cheesecake."

The cheesecake in question is sitting in the middle of the table, untouched so far as we all were busy finishing with our own orders. Actually, looking at Yui, she seems to be already done with the brownie. Could she be that excited about trying the cheesecake? For some reason, thinking that made my heart feel even lighter.

Kaede: "Speaking of, you can try it now if you like Yui."

Yui: "Eh? But you bought it."

Kaede: "Mhmm! And I want you to take the first bite."

Yui: "...O-okay."

I watch intently as she stabs her fork into the lemon cheesecake before taking the first bite. And seeing her face light up from the sweet acidic taste of it only added to my own enjoyment.

Kaede: "Hehe, good?"

Yui: "M-mm..."

Cute. I could honestly stare at her eating the cheesecake forever.