
-----Kaede's POV

Waking up the next morning, I quickly washed up before putting on the contacts that Maria lent me. A part of me was hoping that my red eyes would be gone, but sadly that didn't seem to be the case. And after telling my parents that I'm going to visit a friend, I leave the house.

Now being outside, with the sunlight beaming down at me, I think back on that talk with that woman last night. She practically called me a vampire, right? But I don't really feel any pain being out in the sun. I was more or less convinced by her words, especially when she described visions that I have never said to anyone. But could she still be wrong? Or I could just be wrong as well and vampires can stay in the sun like normal humans.

Kaede: "Hahh~ Nevermind..."

I begin walking once more, making my way to Yui's house.


It's strange though. At the start, I was interested in making friends with Yui, but then before, I was debating whether that was the right move or not, especially after the things I did to her... But now I'm back to wanting to be with her. I honestly couldn't blame her for being mad at me for how much of a rollercoaster I've been, but I wonder how she'll feel when she sees my eyes?

I wouldn't need to wait too long as I soon found myself at the front door of Yui's place. But right as I was about to knock on the door, it suddenly opened as Yui's mom and dad slowly made their way out before stopping when they noticed me.

Yui's Mom: "Oh? Kaede. You here to see Yui?"

Kaede: "Y-yes! Sorry If I came at a wrong time."

Yui's Dad: "Ahh it's fine. We're just going out to do some grocery shopping for dinner tonight."

Yui's Mom: "Oh! Will you be staying for dinner as well? You're welcome to join us."

Kaede: "Thank you, but I'm not sure."

Yui's Dad: "Well you're always welcome here."

Yui's Mom: "Mhmm! It's rare for Yui to bring her friends over. So do please make yourself at home. We won't be gone for long."

Kaede: "Th-thank you very much."

I bow my head to the two of them as they began to walk past me, heading towards their car.

Yui's Mom: "Have fun!~"

And with a wave, they both hop in before starting the car, leaving me alone with the still open door. I wait for them to leave before heading inside and shutting the door. Her parents are so sweet, but right now, my mind is fixated on an important realization.

Kaede: "So it's just us two..."

I whisper to myself under my breathe as I find myself smiling at the thought of being a lone with Yui. I didn't know that it'll make me like this, but I guess I am planning to reveal my eyes, so it could be just that.

Yui: "K-Kaede?!"

Suddenly, Yui appears around the corner while I was taking off my shoes. Ah... Maybe it might've been a good idea to text her that I was coming. Oops.

Kaede: "Hey. Your parents let me in, so-"

Yui: "Ah, mm! It's okay. I just wasn't expecting you to suddenly be inside, haha."

Kaede: "Sorry, hehe."


We end up moving up to Yui's room as I notice quite a pleasant smell in the room. I'm not sure I smelled this before the last time I was here, but it's definitely quite sweet. It's... Very welcoming. Actually, it could also be coming from Yui, and after moving closer to her, it confirms my speculation.

Kaede: "What's the perfume you're wearing?"

Yui: "Huh?"

Kaede: "It smells nice."

Yui: "Oh, I uhm... I'm not wearing any at the moment."

She seems a little embarrassed, but that's only confusing me more. Does she not want me to notice or something? I move a little bit closer to her as if to confirm once more as I'm now close enough to even feel her breath before taking another sniff.

Yui: "Uhm!"

Kaede: "You're really not wearing anything?"

Yui: "I-I wouldn't lie. I only woke up not too long ago... S-so..."

With our bodies close together like this, I can't help but stare into her crystal blue eyes. Before, I wouldn't be that jealous, as I always loved my eye color, but now... I can't help but be envious as I stare into her eyes.

Yui: "K-Kaede?"

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "N-nothing. But... Your eyes-"

Kaede: "Ah!"

I quickly retreat, taking a couple steps back at her mentioning my eyes. I quickly pull out my phone before opening up the camera to check. I know I was planning on showing her, but I wasn't ready yet! But just as I found the camera and changed it to the front camera, I notice the contacts are still in the right place.

Kaede: "Hahh~"

Yui: "Is everything alright?"

Kaede: "Y-yeah... You just mentioned my eyes. So I had to check something."

Yui: "Oh, no it's not anything bad. I just thought that your eyes looked different is all."

Kaede: "Eh?"

Not even my parents noticed... Maria obviously knows, but I wasn't expecting Yui to notice a change. For some reason, I find my heart growing warmer after hearing her say that.

Yui: "It could just be me though-"

Kaede: "No. You're right."

Not wanting to explain or continue this disguise any longer. I begin to take out the contacts in my eyes one at a time. I thought I'd be a lot more nervous, so I'm surprised at how calm I actually am with this.

Yui: "W-what?"

I finish taking out the contacts as I look back up at Yui whos expression is one of but utter bewilderment. It was only then that the nerves that escaped me all came back at full force as I immediately avert my eyes. She hates it, right? Who in the world has red eyes like this?

Kaede: "...Maybe this wasn't a good idea."

Yui: "Huh?"

Kaede: "Showing you this... I'm sorry, I-"

Yui: "N-no! I'm sorry! I was just shocked to see that you had red eyes."

Kaede: "...It's weird, right?"

Yui: "I... I don't think it's weird."

Lies... It's already weird enough I have white hair. I already stand out like a sore thumb, and now this?

Kaede: "You don't need to act nice. I know it's-"

Yui: "No! I swear. If... if anything you look... Pretty... With, red eyes."

Kaede: "Eh?"

Yui: "...That was my thought."

Is she serious? Calling "this" pretty? Even though I want to say that she's just continuing the lie, I can't help but smile at her words as I find myself calming down somewhat.

Kaede: "You think?"

Yui: "M-mm."

Kaede: "Hmmm."

Seeking proof of her words, I take the couple steps forward as I'm now once again right in front of Yui as I watch her face grow redder by the second the closer I get. Is it because she's guilty of lying? Or is it something else? Either way, I still can't believe this smell. I take in another deep breath, letting this sweet, and somewhat intoxicating smell fill my lungs, which ended up causing her to look away, breaking eye contact.

Yui: "U-uhm."

Kaede: "So? My eyes aren't scary?"

Yui: "N-no."

Kaede: "Then why are you looking away?"

Yui: "..."

She slowly looked back my way as we locked eyes once more. Wanting to push this even further, I lean in closer as I feel our bodies now pressing up against one another, causing Yui to stumble back, only for her to be met with a wall.

Kaede: "Fufufu."

Yui: "A-are you doing this on purpose?"

Kaede: "Mhmm... If you look away, I'll think you're lying."

Yui: "Th-that's unfair."

Kaede: "Hehe. Maybe so."

Yui: "I swear I'm not lying though...Your eyes are... B-beautiful."

Kaede: "Hmm? Then you wouldn't have a problem with looking at them, right?"

Yui: "..."

Seeing her face steadily burn up only makes me smile even more. Yeah... I've definitely changed. there's no way I'd be doing something like this before. But for some reason, I want to continue to tease her.

I end up looking away from her eyes and instead look down to the side of her neck. It's not quite exposed, but I find myself being drawn in as I move my face closer to her neck. And just like I thought, this smell seems to be getting richer the closer I get. Teasingly, I gently blow on her neck as her body immediately tenses up even more so than before as I feel her hands now grabbing me by the shoulders.

Yui: "K-Kaede! Th-that..."

Kaede: "What? You want me to stop?"

Yui: "That's not the problem here..."

Kaede: "Hmmm? Then what?"

Yui: "..."

Kaede: "Pfft, hehehe."

I slowly back off from Yui, giving her space as she immediately takes in deep breathes as she grasps her own chest with a hand. Maybe I went too far with it, but I honestly wanted to go further. I know I originally didn't want to attack her, but I don't think I care about that anymore.

Yui: "Y-you..."

Kaede: "Yes?"

She stands up straight, facing me directly with her face still flushed with red.

Yui: "Do you toy around with people like this all the time?"

Kaede: "Eh?"

What is she talking about?

Yui: "You know, friends don't... Do that to each other... Are you trying to mock me, trying to get a kick out of me?"

Kaede: "That's not true! I've never done this kind of thing with anyone else!"

I raise my voice which I rarely do, which surprised even me. I shouldn't have gotten angry like that, but her words just now really irritated me for some reason.

Yui: "Then what is it?!"

Kaede: "I..."

Yui: "...I was hoping for us to just hang out and relax together. Maybe laugh at some dumb tv show... But if you came here just to toy with me like this, then... Maybe you should just go."

Kaede: "What?"

Hearing her finish that sentence instantly washed away all that anger I felt before, as if something just snapped inside of me. I feel my vision growing blurry with every passing second before I begin to feel tears stream down my cheeks.

Yui: "Kaede?"

I can't even make out her face from all the tears welling up in my eyes, and a part of me is thankful that I can't. I don't want her to be mad at me... I don't want to see it. It was that feeling that made me take a step back from her.

Yui: "Hey, what's-"

I change my mind, I don't even think I wanted to hear her words right now. I messed up... I really messed up. What the hell is wrong with me? With the stress quickly building up more and more, I finally get the strength to turn around before bolting straight out the room as I feel the tears slide past my cheeks.

Yui: "H-hey! Kaede!"

I'm sorry Yui. I really am...

After making my way outside, I don't stop for even a second before bolting down the street. I can barely even see my feet meeting the ground with how blurry my vision is. But why am I crying this much? I know I messed up, I know I shouldn't have done that, but I just couldn't take it. And wasn't it her that said she was fine for me to do things like that anyways? I don't even think what I did was worse. I didn't even lick her neck, or even kiss her. Maybe she was just bottling everything up and this was the moment where everything spilled out?

Kaede: "I'm such an idiot..."

I continue running, not looking back for a moment as I try my best to wipe away the tears in my eyes. But suddenly, I hear a very loud, screeching sound quite close to me. I quickly try and open my eyes widely to try and figure out what it was, and the moment I turn to the side, I realized where the sound had come from as a pair of bright yellow lights pierce through my blurry vision. But in the next moment, I feel an intense, sharp pain spread all throughout my body as my vision almost immediately went dark.

I hear distant, muffled sounds of voices along with the cold, hard sensation under me. Realizing that I can still hear and feel, I try to open my eyes from the darkness, but it was then that the voices, along with the coldness began to disappear as well. Even the pain I felt started to fade as I slowly succumb to the darkness.