Sleeping Beauty

-----Yui's POV

After what felt like an eternity, a doctor came out to greet us as we were finally being led to Kaede.

Doctor: "She's in stable condition right now, but we're still monitoring her closely. I ask you to just be mindful."

Dad: "Thank you, doctor."

It was then that we entered through a door as the first thing I saw was non other than Kaede. My heart immediately stopped as I noticed all the chords and wires coming out of her along with an oxygen mask covering her mouth and nose.

Doctor: "...Thank you for coming."

We all remained silent as the doctor soon left the room, leaving the three of us in the room with Kaede, who's lying unconscious on the hospital bed.

We end up taking seats nearby as I sat in between both mom and dad, but what I find weird is that her parents aren't even here... Sure this only just happened, but I would've thought they'd be here by now. The only sound that we could hear is the beeping sound every few seconds or so. But with every beep, I feel my nerves calming down more and more, knowing that she's still alive, knowing that every beep meant a beat from her heart.

Mom: "She's quite strong, isn't she."

Yui: "...Yeah."

Just looking at her again, her left arm looks to be in a cast, so I can only guess that she has a broken arm. She also has a neck brace around her neck which was a bit scary to see, but it could just be for support... Hopefully. But what was most alarming was the amount of bandages covering her upper body. I can only wonder how fast that vehicle needed to go in order to do that much damage. I mean, it was an intersection, right?! Who would speed though like that? But right as anger was beginning to set in, I feel a hand get placed down on my shoulder.

Dad: "Don't worry. Whoever did this, I'm sure they'll get what's coming to them."

Yui: "I hope so."

Even though I still blame myself for putting Kaede through this, I'm mostly angry at the driver now if anything. I guess after waiting around in the waiting room, I've had time to cool down my head.

Mom: "Hehe. Why don't we do something special when she wakes up?"

Yui: "Like what?"

Mom: "Hmmm. I was thinking about baking a cake?"

Dad: "Hah, you just want an excuse to make a cake."

Mom: "Fufu. Maybe~ But I do want Kaede to wake up with a smile."

Yui: "Mm... Me too."

Hearing mom and dad try and lighten up the place does calm my nerves down even more as I feel the corners of my mouth rise ever so slightly. I'm just imagining the look on Kaede's face when she wakes up, only to spot a massive cake. I want to be here when that happens.

Mom: "Alright, so a cake it is then!"

Dad: "We can go buy what we need after we're-"

Woman: "Kaede!"

Suddenly, the door bursts open as a man and woman enter the room, starling the three of us. I was confused as to who they are, but after noticing the woman's short, with her white hair matching Kaede's, I'm sure it's her mother. We were all left speechless as I watch the mom head straight to the bedside, watching over Kaede, looking as if she hasn't even noticed us. The man however, slowly made their way towards us.

Man: "What are you three doing here?"

His tone felt quite threatening, almost like he wanted us out right at this very moment.

Dad: "Our daughter here is a friend of Kaede's."

It was at that moment that he locked eyes with me as I feel my heart rate quicken from the sudden pressure that has casted down upon me.

Yui: "Nice to meet you sir!"

Man: "Thank you."

Yui: "Eh?"

Man: "Kaede doesn't have a lot of friends, so it makes me happy to see one of her friends here."

Yui: "Y-yes! Thank you, sir."

I was honestly thinking that he'd send us away, but after seeing that smile on his face, it made me feel stupid for worrying. But Kaede's mom still seems to be focused on Kaede, not even bothering to look our way as I can see tears beginning to stream down her face. I wish I could've met her parents in a different way, but I'm glad to see that her parents care for her like this.

Mom: "Right then, shall we go?"

Yui: "Huh?"

Mom: "We can come back later. We should leave Kaede to her parents."

Yui: "...Mm."

I really want to just stay here, but I guess that would be rude of me.

Mom: "Hehe. We can go out and do a little shopping. You don't mind if we come visit again?"

Man: "Not at all. And thank you for coming to see our daughter."

And with that, we slowly made our way outside of the room as I heave a sigh.

Dad: "Haha. I know you wanted to stay, but you'll have plenty of time. The hospital isn't too far away."

Mom: "Mhmm! We wouldn't mind if you wanted to stop by here after school. We can even pick you up as well if you like."

Yui: "Thanks. Yeah, I was thinking about that."

It makes me happy to know that my parents are this supportive of Kaede, but I guess that's how they've always been. But I feel like I'm more so happy knowing that they're worrying about Kaede.

Mom: "Alright. Now let's get ingredients for that cake!"

Yui: "Yeah."

-----Kaede's POV

I thought I'd be swimming through the darkness for the rest of my life, but it was then that I suddenly woke up. But where I found myself was somewhere completely different than what I expected.

All around me, were many bodies, some without arms and legs as blood covered the ground. Looking around, it looks like some sort of carriage, or maybe a caravan? Looking down, I realized that I'm covered in the blood around me as I'm wearing what looks to be a black dress.

?: "Is anyone alive in there?!"

That voice... Wait... Why do I feel like I know this voice? And after crawling my way out of the broken down carriage, breaking myself out into the light, I see an old man in a robe standing in front of me.

Kaede: "...Silas?"

Wait, how do I know his name? But before I could continue any further, my surroundings all turn to mist, swirling around me, engulfing reality in the process before shaping into a new environment.

I feel the mist wrap around me before three figures appear as I seem to now be in what looks to be a four way hug outside in a forest.

Kaede: "Fleur... Faye..."

I know these people... And the realization of having them in my arms like this fills me with an immense amount of joy that I already begin to feel the tears spilling out my eyes, with an intense amount of heat washing over my body.

Mell: "Hehehe~"

Kaede: "Mell!"

Almost like I just got sucker punched, I remember everything about her, and in a desperate attempt, I tighten my grasp around all three of them as I rest my head on Mell, letting my tears drip into her hair. I was dreaming about her, yet I didn't realize it... Didn't realize how important she was to me, no... How important everyone here is.

But right as I made the choice to never let go of them again, they turn back to the same mist as before as I find myself catching nothing but the mist, with my tears now dripping down into nothingness. But it was then the my surroundings begin to take shape once more as I'm now in what looks to be a fancy house, however... What was in front of me was anything but fancy.

Blood was spraying all over the walls and the bed having a naked woman on it, rushes off before fleeing out of the room. But where the blood was coming from was a man who looked to have a dagger sliced into his neck. And the person holding that knife was-

Kaede: "Sicily..."

And it wasn't just her. Lillian and Mell is also here with me, watching the murderous scene before us as the man quickly dropped to the ground with Sicily now on top of him, taking out the dagger from his neck. Her whole body now covered in blood as I see a smile appear on her face. It was such a gruesome sight to behold, yet the smile Sicily wore was but of pure satisfaction. Just like back then, I feel as if a massive weight has been lifted from her and her sister. This was their revenge... We came here to kill the man that kept Sicily and Lillian as slaves. I remember it all...

Why did I forget all of this? Such important people in my life...

Kaede: "I'm sorry..."

I feel the dark mist beginning to suffocate me, as if to punish me for forgetting. It hurts... Why? Why did all of this happen? Why am I not there? They're waiting for me, yet I'm here, living as if nothing happened! Wake up!

-----Yui's POV

Once we made it to the elevator, we clicked the ground floor when suddenly, we saw many different nurses begin rushing where we had just came from. And right when the elevator door was about to shut, I stuck my hand out to stop it. Fearing for the worst, I bolt out of the elevator before running straight for Kaede's room. Mom and dad didn't even try to stop me as they also ran with me, charging straight back into Kaede's room.

Nurse: "I'm sorry, but we need you all to leave immediately."

The once peacefully sleeping Kaede was now in clear pain as the sound of the beeping from the monitor had increased rapidly. I couldn't even process the nurse's words. It was like I had been frozen in place as I watch nurses try to give aid to Kaede. The sight of Kaede squirming around only added more stress as soon enough, the nurses words were no longer registering with me.

Doctor: "Everyone out!"

But it was the doctor's voice that snapped me out of it. I feel a tug at my arm as I notice that my dad is now dragging me out of the room. And once Kaede's parents were removed, one of the nurses closed the door. I... I don't think I want to leave the hospital...

Dad: "Yui, let's leave her to the doctor."

Yui: "I don't want to leave."

Mom: "Yui..."

Yui: "..."

I cannot just go shopping knowing that Kaede's in that state.

Yui: "Can I stay here?"

Nurse: "I'm sorry, but due to the sudden change in her condition, we won't be allowing visitors."

I clenched my fist upon hearing that. Is she saying that I can't stay behind and be here for her?

Yui: "That's!-

Mom: "We understand. Will you notify us when we can visit again?"

But right as I was about to raise my voice, my mom cuts me off.

Nurse: "Yes, of course."

Mom: "Thank you very much."


And soon enough, we exit the hospital, however I'm nowhere near pleased with this outcome. With every step away from the hospital, the more I feel my stomach beginning to churn. I'm glad that we didn't have any food yet...

Mom: "We'll come back as soon as we can."

Dad: "Mm."

Yui: "..."

I know there's nothing we can do, but I'm still not happy...

We make our way back to the car without saying anything more as we soon begin to drive off, but the sick feeling in my stomach refuses to settle down... Kaede...