Back From The Dead

-----Yui's POV

"Don't come to the hospital today." Is the first thing I saw when I woke up this morning as it immediately flushed away all my fatigue. I tried to send her a message as to why I can't come and visit, but I didn't even get a reply and instead was just left on read. I was originally happy about our visit the other day as we could finally see each other again, and I even got to apologize for what I said. But was that not enough?

Dad: "Yui? What's wrong?"

Yui: "Huh? Uh, nothing."

Seems as though my parents could tell that I'm not in the best of moods.

Mom: "Is it about, Kaede?"

Yui: "Mm. I got a text from her saying to not come to the hospital."

Mom: "Really?"

Yui: "Mm..."

I just ended up showing my parents my phone as they could see that I was left on read. Kaede seemed fine to me, but could it be that she's going through some more tests? If that's the case then I understand, but wouldn't Kaede say that as well? She didn't even give a reason as to why...

So, my morning ended up on a bitter note. Having breakfast with my parents did help a lot, but I did not have the energy to run to school like I normally would, and instead just walked, taking my time which honestly felt quite weird to me.


Shin: "Hey."

Yui: "Yo."

Unsurprisingly, Shin greets me upon entering school by the shoe lockers, along with a couple of his friends. But even as I'm taking off my shoes to put on my school shoes, I'm still thinking about that text this morning. I'm not really in the mood to be talking with anyone right now.

Shin: "Is everything alright?"

Yui: "Yeah. I guess I'm just a bit tired is all, haha."

Boy1: "Hey, did you hear about the girl that got run over? I hear she's back in school."

Just as I was finishing changing shoes, my body tenses up at what had just been said.

Yui: "What?"

Boy2: "Yeah! Some people saw her walking around."

Shin: "For real?"

Boy1: "Mm!"

Yui: "Where?!"

Boy1: "Hmm?"

Yui: "Where was she seen?"


After not getting any answers from them, I kick off the ground, quickly building up speed as I run through the halls in search of Kaede. If I knew she'd had come to school then I would've came sooner! But classes are about to start soon. However, I do make use of this time to look around for her until the inevitable classes... Of course, luck wasn't on my side, and after 15 minutes of searching, I made no progress.

And even after the morning classes ended and lunch came around, things still weren't looking great as when I went to the cafeteria, Kaede was still nowhere to be seen. And as if to make matters worse, the table that her friends normally sit at is empty. Is Emi and Maria also missing?

Aki: "Yui~"

Yui: "Huh?"

Aki: "Fufu. Did you want to sit with us? We saved you a spot."

Yui: "Uh, no thanks. I'm actually looking for Kaede."

Aki: "...Eh?"

Yui: "Apparently she's in school-"

Aki: "Eh?!"

Apparently, this is also news to Aki as her whole body stiffens up in surprise, standing up from the table almost like she's one of those spring loaded toys.

Aki: "L-let's look for her!"

Yui: "Mm!"


We continue the search, only this time searching outside where some people like to eat their lunch, but again, no sign of-

Yui: "Hmm?"

Just then, A familiar face walks past us as we soon lock eyes with one another.

Maria: "Ah!"

Yui: "Maria! Do you know where Kaede is?"

I waste no time in asking the question as Maria soon had a massive grin plastered on her face.

Maria: "She's with Emi. I was just going to grab some drinks. Did you want to join us?"

Yui: "O-of course!"

Maria: "Hehe. We were all shocked as well when she suddenly turned up in class."

I wait by the vending machine as Maria finishes grabbing the drinks. Aki ended up giving her a hand now that we'll also be joining. And soon enough, we started walking around the school building before coming up to a tree line that surrounded this side of the school. And sitting right under one of the trees, the glistening shine of white hair catches my eye as my body quickly grows light. She's really here...

Maria: "Hehehe~ Come on."

With Maria urging us along, we soon came up to the tree as Kaede locked eyes with me. She still seems to be wearing her contacts, but I can't help but notice that she's wearing a mask to cover her mouth and nose.

At least from what I can tell, it's not used because she's sick, otherwise she wouldn't have been discharged. So then could it be to hide her face? In the hospital I did think she looked a bit different, so could it be that?

Emi: "Yui!"

Yui: "H-hey, haha."

Emi: "Can't you believe it! Kaede's alive!"

Kaede: "What do you mean I'm alive, pfft. I was alive the other day when you visited."

Emi: "I know, but still!"

Kaede: "Hehe."

We all take out spot under the trees as we all begin eating. Hah~ Kaede, why couldn't you have messaged me that you were coming to school? From the looks of it, Emi and Maria already knew, but I guess they're all in the same class. But I can't help but wonder if Kaede didn't actually want to see me...

Maria: "Are you sure you don't want to eat your lunch?"

Kaede: "Yeah. Mom made quite a big breakfast for me this morning, so I'm still quite full. So help yourself~"

Maria: "Mmmm. I'll still save some for you though. I'll feel bad otherwise."

Kaede: "Kay~"

Aki: "Just make sure to eat properly. You have to build back up your strength in your body."

Kaede: "I know. I'm eating just fine. I'm just full is all."

Aki: "Okay. Fufu, I'm glad to see you recovered well. Ah! But don't stress about coming to the club. We all understand if you still need time to-"

Kaede: "It's okay. I can come. Being stuck in that hospital bed only made me want to stretch my legs properly, hehe."

Aki: "Well, just take it easy then. If you promise me that, then you can come."

Kaede: "Mhmm! I promise."

And here I am, still thinking whether Kaede actually didn't want to see me. It's enough to make it difficult for me to even say anything. I almost want to stand up and leave, but a part of me is keeping me seated, hoping for something to change.

Kaede: "...Hey, Yui."

Yui: "Y-yeah?"

But as if right on time, Kaede is the one to break the silence with me. It was so unexpected though that I fumbled my response. Come on, keep it together Yui!

Kaede: "...Could I talk with you after school?"

Yui: "Huh?"

Emi: "Ooh! Can I come?"

Kaede: "Uhm. I was hoping that I can just have a talk with just Yui and I."

Emi: "Ehh?~"

Maria: "Pfft. Don't worry, Emi. We can save the café for tomorrow."

Emi: "But I was looking forward to your parfait!"

Maria: "I'd rather go with everyone. But if Kaede wants some time, then we can always move the celebration for tomorrow."

Emi: "Fine~"

Kaede: "Sorry, hehe."

I wonder what the talk will be about? I'm nervous since it seems like it'll only be the two of us, but I'm also happy. Maybe I was just overthinking everything about Kaede not wanting to see me after all. Well, I guess she did ask me if we could remain "good friends" back in the hospital, so I guess I was just worrying over nothing.

Yui: "Hahh~"

And so, I breath a sigh of relief as I continue eating my lunch.

Kaede: "You don't wanna come?"

Yui: "Ah, no! I guess I was just worried whether you hated me or something, haha."

Kaede: "...Don't be silly."

Yeah, leave it to my dumb brain to think like that. But at least now I have time to prepare!

Yui: "So then where are we going?"

Kaede: "I'll show you. Just meet me outside the school gates."

Yui: "O-okay."

Show me? So she wants to show me somewhere? I was thinking maybe the two of us hanging out at one of our houses, so this only makes me more nervous.

Kaede: "How long will club last after school?"

Aki: "Like I said, take it easy. If you want to leave early, you can. Just do as much as you're comfortable with. But we tend to train for one to two hours after school."

Kaede: "Okay."

Will Kaede really be alright with the club? She only just left the hospital, so to begin running might be borderline recklessness... No, it is reckless. But I guess I'm too curious about seeing her run, so I can't help but to stay quiet and keep my concerns tucked away.