
-----Kaede's POV

Kaede: "I'm home."

Dad: "Kaede!"

Walking back through into the house, I'm met with what you'd call my father who looks to be quite angry with me. Not that I blame him considering what time it is.

Dad: "Where were you? You're late."

Kaede: "I was out."

After taking off my shoes, I walk past him, not wanting to deal with any of this right now. But right as I walked past, I could smell the slight hint of blood. I quickly adjust my mask to make sure it's secure, but that left me open as I felt my hand suddenly get grabbed.

Dad: "Out where?"

Kaede: "Does it even matter? I'm home safe and sound, so what's the problem?"

Mom: "Y-you never bothered to call or text us?"

Dad: "Your mom and I were worried sick! You just got discharged, so you shouldn't be acting reckless, especially at night."

How annoying...

Kaede: "If you think I'm too frail and weak, then I should still be in the hospital. You don't need to worry about me."

Mom: "W-what?"

Dad: "We're your parents! Asking us not to worry is impossible!"

Kaede: "Hah~"

It sure is strange though. Before the accident, I would be apologizing constantly and trying to find excuses, actually I might've just told the truth by this point. But now I don't seem to have the energy for them. "We're your parents?" What a joke. They might seem to be caring parents, but in the end, they want me to become what they want, having control over my life, having control over who I'm with. Just remembering that makes me sick. My mom, Fleur, wouldn't say anything like that to me...

Mom: "Please, won't you tell us where you were?"

Kaede: "I was at Emi's."

Mom: "!"

I tried to lie my way out, but judging from my mom's reaction with her eyes widening in surprise, it seems like I messed up. And that's confirmed as I feel my arm being gripped tighter, although it's not really painful.

Dad: "We called your friend's parents and they said you weren't there."

Ah, yeah maybe I should've thought about that. Well, it's too late for that now.

Dad: "Why are you lying to us?"

Kaede: "What's the big deal? You don't need to know about everything that's happening in my life."

Dad: "We're your parents! And take that damn mask off-"

Just then, he went to grab my mask as my body immediately tensed up as I quickly grabbed his arm with my free hand.

Dad: "K-Kaede!"

Kaede: "Don't touch me."

If I was just a second late, my mask would be off, and who knows what would've happened by then.

Dad: "W-what's gotten into you!"

But it seems like he's not backing down anytime soon as he continues to try and get my mask off of my face. I know I'm stronger than my peers, but after going so long without blood, I'm somewhat struggling to overpower him.

Mom: "P-please stop this!"

Dad: "Look. You're worrying your mother."

Kaede: "...Isn't that what you're doing?"

This is dragging on far too long now. I can feel my body steadily growing hotter with each passing second. If this keeps up, then-

Dad: "There!"

Suddenly, he let go of my arm with his other hand as he quickly grabbed hold of the mask. It was as if time was moving in slow motions as the further the mask was pulled away, the more and more blood I could smell, causing my body to grow tense. It was then that the herbs that I placed in my mask fell onto the ground which seemed to have confused both my mom and my dad. But even though my dad's no longer holding onto my arm, I can't find the strength to run away.

Mom: "Kaede? What's-"

Dad: "Ahh!"

Not wanting to take the pain anymore, I quickly slice a cut in my dad's arm with my nail, drawing out some blood before storming off to my room, making sure that neither of them could see the blood ball in my hands.

Making it inside, I quickly shut the door before drinking the blood ball that's in my hands. I wasn't sure if I could use blood magic, but it seems like it's still ingrained inside me.

Dad: "Kaede! Open this door!"

Kaede: "Mmmm~"

With my back against the door, I make sure that he's unable to open it as I continue to drink the blood. It's been so long, but human blood sure is delicious, the pain that was steadily growing day by day has now quickly turned into a warm, fluttery feeling inside. I can feel my body being rejuvenated with every gulp I take, taking care to not spill a single drop. But I can't help but wonder how Yui would taste... Would she still taste the same? She technically has a different body from back then, but even still, her smell is the exact same as before, so maybe-

Kaede: "Ah-"

Whilst I was in thought, I accidentally drank the rest of the blood in my hands as I lick off the blood on my fingers. Also it seems as though the banging on my door has stopped. Looks like they decided to just leave me be thankfully. Well, I did leave quite a cut in his arm, so she's probably helping to bandage the wound or something. But it was then that the lingering sense of pain returned, as my stomach began to churn once more. I knew that much blood wasn't enough, but I thought by drinking some, it'd fix the problem.

Kaede: "Hmmm."

I end up looking out the window of my room. It's tempting, and I'm honestly considering to just get out of here. It's night time now so there won't be many people walking about outside. I could finally have some time to myself.

Kaede: "...Fuck it."

And so, I end up doing just that. The house is two-storied so it's quite a fall, but I manage to land safely without any spraining or anything. Guess the blood I got helped quite a lot in that regard. But where do I go now? Yui's is impossible now that I don't have a mask, but actually, maybe it might not be too bad. I only had a bit of blood to drink, but it might be enough to hold back my hunger, at least until morning. But even still, it's quite risky. I'd also hate to frighten her parents with what I am. Emi's place might not be a good idea either considering Emi's parents know that I'm missing from my parents. They'd also contact my "parents" if I showed up there. Which leaves-

Kaede: "Maria."


After quickly making my way through the street, I finally arrive outside the gate to Maria's house. Like last time, I press the buzzer before a beep could be heard.

Man: "Yes? Ah, you again."

Kaede: "Uhm, could I please see your daughter? Maria?"

Man: "Isn't it too late?"

Kaede: "Please, sir."

Man: "I wouldn't mind if it was the weekend, but you girls have school tomorrow."

Well, there goes my original plan. I was hoping that Maria would be the one to answer, but of course it wouldn't be as simple as that.

Kaede: "I just have something I borrowed from her last time I was over. I thought I'd return it."

Man: "Then why not simply return it when you're at school?"

He's really not budging one bit, huh.

Man: "Like I said, it's too late. Please go back home."

Easy enough for you to say. My home is not back there, it's in a world beyond your comprehension.

Kaede: "I understand. Sorry to inconvenience you. Have a good night."

I bow my head in front of the camera, hoping to maybe gain some favor with Maria's parents.

Man: "Thank you. Take care on your way home."

Kaede: "Will do."



Kaede: "Hahh!~ There goes that plan."

Do I just go back? I bet they're now looking everywhere for me, but also I wouldn't be surprised if they left me in my room, thinking that I'm asleep. They'd also not bother to wake me up and instead leave that note along with my breakfast in the morning. They probably won't think I'm missing until late tomorrow. I guess I'll just find some time for myself to-

Suddenly, I could hear footsteps behind me. From the sounds of it, it seems to be three people.

Kaede: "Hmmm."

This could work...

After walking down the street, the footsteps continue to follow me from a distance. I guess maybe they're too afraid with this being too open? Especially with the street lights. And so, after walking for a bit, I make a right turn into an alley way, hoping that something will happen. But after walking into the alleyway, the people that were following behind me end up going past, continuing on the main road instead of following me down here.

Man1: "We should go back there again some time!~"

Man2: "Yeah! Having someone as cute as her serve drink. Ahh~"

Man3: "Hahaha, it sure does make it taste a whole lot better~

Man1/2: "Mm!"

Kaede: "Hah~"

Their voices trail off the further they walk away. Must've just been a coincidence that we were walking down the same path. Hahh~ And here I was hoping that I'd get attacked, but I guess I can't even have that happen to-

Suddenly, I feel my body being pulled back by the waist as a piece of cloth gets shoved over my mouth and nose. I was genuinely surprised since I didn't sense anyone nearby which only got my heart racing at this exciting development, and after taking a small whiff of what's in the cloth, I can tell that it's filled with some sort of chemical or drug. And in a matter of seconds, I feel my conscious begin to waver ever so slightly. Maybe I should just embrace this and act the part?

Kaede: "Mmm! Mmmm!~"

?: "Shhhh~"

I wiggle around weakly as he holds me in place. I could hold my breath for quite a while and overpower him anytime, but I'm very curious what will happen if I breathe more of this stuff in. And so, I do just that as I take in a deep breath through the piece of cloth as the smell from the chemical soon floods my lungs. My consciousness quickly fades more and more. Ahh~ This is going to be fun.



When I came to, I found myself in a dark room, dark enough that I think normal people would fail to see anything. But thanks to my vampire vision, I can see everything clearly. Looking down, I seem to be sitting on concreate, surrounded by concrete wall with what looked to be a wooden staircase going up to a higher floor. I also seem to have no clothes on, but I expected as much. But it doesn't seem like the person has done anything to me... At least not yet. But what I found to be mildly annoying was that they didn't even bother to chain me up, or restrain me in any way. I guess they just think they can overpower me if they need to.

Kaede: "Fufufu."

I guess I can stay here for the night. Laying down on the concrete, the coldness of it soon spreads all over my body as a smile escapes me.