Return Of The Night

-----Yui's POV

Just as I was leaving Kaede's home, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket as I quickly pull it out. My body almost lifts off the ground as I read the message.

Kaede: "I'm sorry! I'll be home in just a moment!"

It was from non other that the person that was stressing me out until now. I contemplated calling the police about a missing person, but my worries quickly washed away by her message. But right as I was typing a response, I could hear footsteps fast approaching as I look up to see the familiar sight of the eye-catching white hair.

Kaede: "Yui!~"

Yui: "Kaede?"

She quickly stops in front of me with a massive grin on her face. But I can't help but feel worried.

Yui: "W-what are those clothes?"

I say that, but it looks like she's only wearing one piece of clothing, that being a long trench coat. I also couldn't help but notice that she was wearing shoes without any socks. Wouldn't that be painful running like that?

Kaede: "Uhh, hehehe. Sorry, but could you wait while I change?"

Yui: "S-sure."

But apart from my worries of what might've happened, seeing her in nothing but a trench coat was definitely a sight to behold. I had to force myself not to look down at all the skin that was exposed, but thankfully she left my sight before running up to her room.

And after waiting for roughly ten minutes, Kaede returned as she locked the door behind her. Her appearance is just like I'm used to, and her hair seems to have been tidied up as well. I'm honestly surprised that it only took her ten minutes.

Kaede: "Alright! Then shall we?"

Yui: "Mm."

We begin walking to school, but my mind is still filled with numerous questions. What happened last night with your dad? Why were you dressed like that just before? Where did you go? But with Kaede taking hold of my hand, I find it difficult to begin asking any of it.

Kaede: "Sorry I was late."

Yui: "N-no, you're fine. I did come quite early."

Kaede: "I see. Well I won't let it happen again, hehe."

Happen again? I'm so curious what actually happened though...

Kaede: "...You're wondering where I went to?"

Yui: "Eh?"

Kaede: "Hehe. You're still easy to read."

Yui: "U-uhm-"

Kaede: "It was nothing. I actually wanted to surprised you outside your house, but I ended up continuing onwards to the dirt track by the river. I thought maybe I could stretch my limbs in preparation for the club, but I accidentally fell in the river."

Yui: "What?!"

Kaede: "Hehe. It's okay though. There was a man there that gave me his trench coat. So after taking off all my wet clothes, I quickly hurried back. I'm really sorry you had to see me like that."

So that's what the story was?

Yui: "You weren't hurt when you fell?"

Kaede: "Not really. I landed in water so it was almost painless. What was painful was having to run through the streets like that, hehe."

Wait, but I don't remember seeing her hair wet when she ran back inside to change. I could just be misremembering, but I'm almost certain that her hair was dry. Even now I can picture her beautiful, long white hair flowing gracefully in the wind earlier.

Kaede: "Yui?"

Yui: "N-nothing. I'm just glad that you're safe."

Kaede: "Mhmm!"

Yui: "W-woah!"

Suddenly, Kaede links her arm with mine, pressing our bodies closer with one another. I try and suppress my surging embarrassment, but that only makes my head heat up as I feel Kaede's body pressed up against my arm. She's so soft that it's now the only thought I can think of. 

Kaede: "Sorry. I'm still a bit cold. Can we stay like this for a bit?"

Yui: "O-of course!"

Kaede: "Mmmm~ Thank you."

Now with my permission, she tightens her grasp on my arm as I feel even more of her softness through her uniform; most noticeably, her breasts. In a panic, I look around at some people passing by, but they don't give us a second glance, almost as if everyone around us is telling me that this is normal.

Kaede: "You're cute when you're embarrassed."

Yui: "Eh?"

Kaede: "If only we were in the same class, maybe I could get more opportunities to see you like this."

What is she saying? I mean, I wish we were in the same class as well, but that's for another reason!

Kaede: "Hey, you think I can come over again today?"

Yui: "Huh?"

Just then, I remember the note that Kaede' mother left behind.

Yui: "Wait, but isn't your mom wanting to talk with you?"

Kaede: "Ah, you saw that?"

Yui: "Y-yeah... Sorry."

Kaede: "...Hah!~ What a pain."

Yui: "You don't want to talk with your mother?"

Kaede: "Something like that."

I'm not sure if I'm reading into this too deeply or not, but it almost seems like Kaede is completely uninterested in her parents. I wouldn't think too much about it, but after reading that note, it's clear that her mother at least cares about her a lot. So to see Kaede be so distant like this is a bit alarming to me.

Yui: "What happened?"

I finally find the courage to ask the question that's been plaguing my mind during our walk.

Kaede: "I just got into a fight with my dad."

Yui: "Fight?"

Kaede: "It's nothing serious. But he ended up taking my mask away from me."

The mask... Right, it's in my pocket as we speak, but a part of me doesn't want to give it to her. But I guess if it's important to fight over it, then maybe I should. And so, I reach into my pocket with my free hand.

Yui: "Actually, I picked it up earlier. Here."

Kaede: "Ah, thank you, but I don't think I'll be needing it anymore."

Yui: "Were you feeling sick or something?'

Kaede: "Something like that, yeah."

Actually, with Kaede being this close to me, it does look like Kaede's complexion has a bit more color than before. Before her skin looks almost sickly white in comparison to her now soft, white skin. I end up gently tightening my arm around Kaede's at this revelation as we continue our walk to school, a smile steadily growing on my face.

-----Kaede's POV: Earlier

?: "..."

Seems like my charm magic seems to be in effect. I didn't use it too much back in the other world, but it comes in handy in situations like this. With this, he'll be unable to leave, so as long as I can supply him with a steady source of food, I'll have as much blood I need in order to live. I know it's a cruel thing for me to do, but when I think about how many other women this man has sold, or could've sold, I think this will be for the better.

Kaede: "Eat."

I point towards the toasted bread he threw at me earlier as he quickly began to eat it without question. I do worry if it's contaminated, but I also feel fulfilled watching him eat that filth, especially since he's completely destroyed my clothes. He could've just unbuttoned them when he was stripping me, but instead it seems like he tore it off, ripping it in the process. At least I managed to find my phone, and my shoes seems to be fine. It's disgusting to think about, but I guess I have no choice but to wear his clothes...

Taking the trench coat from the rack, I put my phone inside one of the pockets.

Kaede: "Hmmm..."

It really feels disgusting wearing this man's clothes, so maybe this will be good enough. The trench coat is long enough to cover enough of my body where I won't be labelled as a nudist as least. But if the bottom of the trench coat flies up, then I'll be doomed. So in preparation, I try and find my panties at least, but sadly they seem to be nowhere to be seen.

Kaede: "I guess this will have to do."

Walking back downstairs into the concrete room, I see the man has already finish the bread as he just sits there, waiting for another command.

Kaede: "Wait here until I return. Do not leave this room."

And with a simple head nod from the man, I close the door, locking it with the chain just in case. It'll be annoying having to take care of a criminal like this, but it's the best thing I can think of to solve this hunger of mine.

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Suddenly, I feel my phone vibrate from inside the trench coat. I pull it out only to read a message sent by Yui.

Yui: "Where are you?"

Fuck! Okay, I need to hurry up!