A New Development

-----Yui's POV

Kaede: "Goodnight."

Yui: "G-goodnight..."

We didn't do anything more than what we did earlier as my parents returned with dinner. Once that was over, we took our showers and got into bed. But I'm almost certain that I'm not sleeping tonight... Especially when Kaede's right next to me like this. Every now and again, my legs bump into her under the blanket as I feel her skin directly, and every time we do, my heart just beats faster and faster. And even for places where I can see, she's revealing quite a lot. But I guess that's because of her sudden growth and change that she has to undo those buttons... But still! It's far too much for someone like me! Not wanting to take in the sight for too much longer, I turn around to face the wall, my back now facing Kaede as I try and think of other things.



Nope! Impossible! All I can think of is our kiss from earlier! What the hell was going through my brain? I feel fine now after dinner and the shower, but at the time, I was quite weird. I'm aware it was because of blood loss from when Kaede drank my blood, but I definitely felt weird. Maybe it's a side affect when being bit by a vampire?

Yui: "!"

Wait, I was bit by a vampire! Does that mean I'll turn into one?! Is that why I was feeling more bold? no, wait... Kaede used to drink my blood in the past, back in the other world and I never turned into one... So then is what I'm feeling my true desires? Well, obviously! Of course I want to take Kaede, but I already made up my mind to not try anything like that. So then why did I go and kiss her?!

But before I could figure out my thoughts, I feel something soft press up against my back as hands slide around my body, pulling me into this softness even more.

Kaede: "You know I can feel when you're nervous."

Yui: "K-Kaede?!"

She spoke in a whispers, her breath tickling my ears which caused me to tense up in her arms, however, I don't bother trying to break free.

Kaede: "I thought you were the one that wanted to sleep? Hmmm?~"

I was! But now that we're actually in the same bed, I realize now how stupid that is. And as if to make matters worse, her hand that's over me begins sliding up my body before reaching my chest. I manage to hold back any sort of moan, but that only makes my body even more tense than it already was. What is she even doing?! Don't tell me she's going to... Caress me, or something...

Kaede: "You're heart's beating like crazy."

Yui: "A-a-and whose fault is that?"

Kaede: "Fufufu. I didn't do anything yet. You're the one that's squirming around, trying to sleep."

Yui: "Th-that's because..."

Kaede: "Hehe. But you know, it only makes it harder for me as well-"

Suddenly, I hear her breathe in deeply against my neck, her hair now tickling me, which only makes this situation even worse.

Kaede: "You smell really good right now."

Yui: "E-eh?!"

Kaede: "Your blood... I almost wanna go for another round."

That's what she meant? Well, I guess I would be seen as some sort of prey to her. It wasn't all that painful before, so I honestly wouldn't mind for her to drink some of my blood if she wanted. That said, I can't find the words as they all get stuck in my throat.

Kaede: "But I'll save that for another time-"

I would've thought that was over, but Kaede only tightens her grasp around me as her hand that's over my chest begins digging into one of my breasts. Does she even know what she's doing?! Is she doing this on purpose?

Yui: "...I"

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "I... Wouldn't mind it..."

I'm not even sure of what I mean by that to be honest. Am I fine with her drinking my blood right now, or by her going further with me... Maybe a bit of both.

Kaede: "...Okay."

With her hands still in the same spot, I prepare myself for what's to come, closing my eyes tightly to try and block away some of my nerves. But that would prove to be futile as in the next moment, I felt something hot and wet glide along the side of my neck. It didn't take me long to realize that I'm being licked, as if I'm being taste tested.

Kaede: "Don't worry. I'll be gentle, so try and loosen up."

Yui: "Y-you're asking for the impossible."

How the hell am I supposed to be calm in this situation? Her body's pressed up firmly against me as I feel her breasts against my back. Her hands are also wrapped around me, and then she goes and licks my neck?

Kaede: "Then-"

Yui: "!"

Then as if to make it worse, Kaede suddenly begins to fondle my breasts over my shirt with her hands. Luckily I was prepared, so I didn't make too much noise. I wouldn't want to wake up my parents.

Yui: "W-what are you doing?!"

Kaede: "Fufufu."

I whisper in a loud manner, but that only seemed to be funny to Kaede as she just chuckles behind me while still continuing to kneed my breasts with her fingers.

Kaede: "I'm loosening you up."

Yui: "And you think this is an okay way to do that?"

Kaede: "Well, it's a massage. Aren't massages used for relaxation?"

She's playing dumb for the sake of teasing me... Is this her way of payback for what happened earlier?

Kaede: "But if you don't like it, then just say so. I'll stop right away."

Yui: "Th-that's..."

That's impossible for me right now! Maybe if she stopped caressing me for a few seconds, then maybe. But right now, I'm focusing far too much of my energy to hold myself back, which is not helping me relax at all. It's like a battle a tug of war battle is taking place in my head right now.

Kaede: "Just breathe~ Loosen yourself up and take longer breaths~"

At the same time, her hands began moving slower, caressing my breasts more deeply and passionately. But I try and follow her words as try and take a deep breathe in. The sooner I calm down, the sooner this will be over. But to be honest... Having Kaede touch me like this... I might not want this to stop.

Kaede: "Now breathe out~"

Yui: "Hahh~ Mmm!"

Kaede: "Pfft."

The moment I breathed out, I felt a massive amount of tension leave my body. But almost as if it was all planned, right when I was finishing that breath, Kaede suddenly pinched my nipples, resulting in all of that tension to come flooding back as a moan escapes my mouth as I quickly cover my mouth with a hand.

Yui: "W-why did you do that?!"

Kaede: "Sorry. Instinct."

Yui: "...Hahh~"

With her hands no longer moving my breasts around, I got given a second chance as I sigh at this whole situation. She's really just toying with-

Yui: "!"

But right at that moment, I felt a sharp pain come from my neck, which soon disappeared only to be replaced with that familiar hot and wet sensation of her tongue. I was expecting more pain, but surprisingly, there was little to no pain at all after the initial bite as now all I could hear is the sound of Kaede drinking my blood, followed by her breaths against my neck. Strangely enough, with every gulp she takes, the more I feel relaxed as I soon melt into her arms, letting her continue as she pleases.

However, right as I felt like I wanted this to never end, Kaede removes herself from my neck before licking up my neck, cleaning any blood that's left over.

Kaede: "Thank you for the meal~"

Yui: "Y-your welcome.

She was so much more gentle than back in the cave, which I thought she was already gentle enough back then. I can tell that she's used to it from the way that she would adjust her fangs according to when she swallows as to not break any more of my skin. I go to check the damage of my neck when I realized that there's nothing there. Only the remains of her saliva still covering my neck.

Kaede: "Don't worry, I healed you. You shouldn't need to worry about staining the bed."

At her words, I finally find the courage to turn back around to face her. Her bright, scarlet red eyes now staring right into me as she smiles. I want to pay her back, I want to do what she did to me and caress her breasts, and see how she likes it! But right as I move moving my hands towards her breasts, my hands soon lose strength as all I could do is cling onto Kaede shirt.

Kaede: "Sorry, I might've drank a bit too much."

Yui: "...Unfair."

Kaede: "Fufu."

But having her now wrap her arms around my back like this, having our bodies press up against one another, makes all my worries float away as I gently close my eyes.

Yui: "I...Love you."

Kaede: "..."

-----Kaede's POV

I might've teased her a bit too much there, but with her now clinging onto me like this almost makes it all worth it. But as I pull her body closer to mine, our breasts now pressed up with one another, sharing in eachother's warmth...

Yui: "I...Love you."

She said something that I could not unhear. I'm not even sure if she even knew what she was saying as when I went to check to see if she was awake, her eyes were softly closed.

Kaede: "...I love you too."

I whisper that, hoping that she doesn't hear. Just saying those words back to her, knowing she can't hear them is enough to calm down my heart. I pull our bodies closer together as Yui ends up wrapping her arms around my body in response. Yui... You're really making this difficult...