Opening Plan

-----Kaede's POV

Just being able to relax like this with Yui next to me is all I could ask for. I know our relationship has changed now, although I'm not sure what we are now. It's clear to me that our feelings are definitely mutual, but I still don't think I can truly act upon it yet, which only makes me want to get to the other world even faster, that way this whole dilemma can be fixed. It could also be intentional from Yui as well, doing what she did before to make me push myself to go back, but that might be overthinking it a bit.

Selene: "Hey, sis."

Kaede: "Hmm? Selene? What's up?"

Selene: "Nothing. I just thought I'd wait until you were free."

Kaede: "Eh? What do you mean?"

Selene: "Nothing~"

Wait, could she tell that I was busy dealing with Yui before? Well I guess it is true that I share similar feelings to Selene. Like I could tell that I was feeling Selene's hunger when I drank Yui's blood a second time before she passed out just now. So I guess that means Selene could feel my emotions when Yui and I were-

Kaede: "...How much do you know?"

Selene: "Nothing much. But I could tell you were very happy, so I didn't wanna ruin your mood."

Kaede: "Pfft, well you're right that it would've been a wrong time, but I don't think you'll ever ruin my mood, sis."

Selene: "Awww~"

Even now, I can't help but smile while talking with Selene. We might not have ever met before, but I feel a strong bond with her, and I'm sure she feels the same thing. But I guess that's to be expected since we lived such a long time together inside of one another.

Kaede: "So? How's the trip?"

Selene: "We're now outside Inasdale, so things are going well. Fleur and Faye are doing good as well and they do seem to have their memories restored."

Kaede: "Guess I have to thank Mai next time I talk with her."

Selene: "Hehe. Oh! About Mai, I talked to her about our plan with the crests."

Kaede: "Oh?"

Selene: "She said that it "can" work, but apparently it's incredibly precise. Like I have to make my crest the exact same way you made yours. Same amount of mana and the same carves. Only then will they activate together."

Kaede: "Well I'm glad to hear that we might have a solid plan. But then that would mean I have to go back to the crest I made and relay it to you?"

Selene: "Mhmm. Ah, but don't worry about it right now. I'm still travelling, hehe."

Kaede: "Okay."

So now we're just at the mercy of Selene's trip to Yarene. Once she arrives there, we can properly start the plan. Thinking so, I look over to Yui who's still clinging onto me closely. I end up gently patting her head, as I listen to her soft breaths against me. Don't worry Yui... We're nearly there.

Selene: "Mmm~ You really care about her, huh."

Kaede: "Of course."

Selene: "I wonder if I'll find someone like her...

Kaede: "What?"

Selene: "Pfft, fufufu. Well, I was dormant inside of you, sis. So of course I'd be interested somewhat."

Kaede: "Well, yeah. But girls as well?"

Selene: "I blame you for that, sis."

Kaede: "..."

So I'm the one to blame for Selene to have an interest in girls? Oh no...

Selene: "It's fine~ I doubt I'll find anyone as good as you, sis."

Kaede: "I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure that's illegal."

Selene: "It's true though!"

Kaede: "Hahh~"

Selene: "Pfft!"

Where did I go wrong? So I was being too cool for Selene? I am flattered that she thinks highly of me like this, but to go as far as to say that. Isn't that borderline incest? Well I guess we're not technically related, wait, no we kind of are. Wait, but I could be just overthinking it. Selene didn't actually say anything along those lines.

Selene: "Don't worry. You have Yui, so I won't steal you away from her."

Kaede: "I-I appreciate it..."

She could very well be meaning "that."

Selene: "As long as you don't neglect me, then I'm happy."

Kaede: "What are you saying. You're just as important as Yui. That'll never happen."

Selene: "Sis, I love you!"

Kaede: "Love you too, hehe."

This is honestly fun to be able to talk about silly things like this while I pass time waiting for Yui to wake up. I'm sure Selene feels the same way having to wait for the trip to end.

Selene: "Mmmm~ Oh, maybe we could try practicing for when we make the crest."

Kaede: "How so?"

Selene: "Like instead of making a crest that allows our worlds to potentially link up. I was wondering if maybe we start off small. Like maybe if we both create the same crest that creates heat, maybe you could somehow activate it in your world."

Kaede: "You think it works like that?"

Selene: "Well how else would our plan work then? If there is a link, then I'm sure other crests we make in our worlds will also be linked."

Now that's quite an interesting thing to talk about. So if we make a simple heat crest in each of our worlds, then if I interact with my crest here, I'll supposedly be able to interact with Selene's crest in her world...

Kaede: "Alright. Sounds fun, let's do it."

Selene: "Now?"

Kaede: "Sure."

This would provide excellent practice for when we have to do the big crest to link our worlds, so we may as well start as soon as possible. It'll also be good for us to pass the time.



And so, after gently removing myself from Yui's grasp, I sit down on her bedroom floor as I begin creating a simple heat crest that I learnt back in that academy while Selene also began carving her crest inside the caravan. Apparently Fleur and the others were confused on what Selene was doing, but after explaining it to them, it seems like everyone over there is also curious as they all watch along from her end.

Selene: "Is that it?"

Kaede: "10cm diameter, right?"

Selene: "And we stayed carving it in a clockwise rotation?"

Kaede: "Mhmm."

Selene: "Okay. So then are we ready?"

Kaede: "Mhmm. But who will activate it?"

Selene: "Well I have an audience, so I think it's better if you activate yours and I'll see if mine also activates."

Kaede: "Okay."

This is a bit nerve wracking. It's a simple crest, so I like to think our chances are high. It only took us about five minutes to carve it out. But when you start thinking that for every second of those five minutes, Selene and I have to be perfectly in sync, it starts to get a little scary. Regardless though, I begin pouring my mana inside the crest to activate it. Immediately I could feel the heat from the crest pour out, warming up Yui's room slowly.

Kaede: "Anything?"

Selene: "...No. Nothing yet. You activated your crest?"

Kaede: "Mhmm, and it works just fine."

Selene: "Then we must've messed up somewhere."

Kaede: "Try activating yours to see if it works."

Selene: "...Yup, it works."

Kaede: "So then our crests weren't identical enough... Is there an easier crest we could try?"

Selene: "Hmmm. Hold on, I'll ask Alice, one sec."


Selene: "Yes! There's an easier crest we can try. Do you know the air circulation crest?"

Kaede: "...No."

Selene: "Well it's a lot more simpler, we only need to carve out one circle instead of two, but it is a bit more precise. Apparently it's useful when dealing with poisonous fog and stuff like that."

Kaede: "I think let's continue with the heat crest. It's something we both know how to make, we just need to practice."

Selene: "Alright, yeah I agree. Plus we'll be tackling a much harder crest anyways later, so this is a good starting point."

And so, after removing our crests, we restart making the heat crest, this time taking our time with each line we make, making sure that we're not deviating at any point. And after a minute into carving, I noticed where we might've diverged the first time. With a bit more confidence and after a few more added minutes, we both end up finishing our crests at the same time.

Selene: "Phew! I was getting a bit sweaty with this one."

Kaede: "Yeah... Me too."

It's not hard work, but to be focusing so hard, making sure we're at the same place constantly is quite straining on the brain as even I can feel a few sweat drops has formed on my forehead as I quickly go to wipe them off.

Selene: "Okay! Let's give it a go."

Kaede: "Mhmm. Here I go."

Like last time, I pour my mana into he crest to activate it. And after a few moment, I felt heat begin to radiate from the crest as I find myself crossing my fingers in hopes of-

Selene: "Sis! It worked!"

Kaede: "Really?!"

Selene: "Mhmm! Everyone else here with me is going crazy about it!

I really wish I could hear Fleur, Faye, and everyone else's voices... But this news is what we were looking for. It also confirms that Selene and I do possess the same mana, essentially proving that we're twins. Although from what I remember, even twins in her world have unique mana. But I guess because of my unique connection to Selene, we share the same mana and powers. Hell we also look the same now.

Selene: "This is so cool!~"

Kaede: "Mhmm! Let's continue practicing with other crests until you get to Yarene."

Selene: "Yes!"