A Place For Us

-----Yui's POV

We proceeded to act out formally as essentially mediators between the two worlds. Eventually, after a few weeks, the human government ended up supplying us a place for us and our family to stay, using it as our base of operations. Of course we connected the house with Kaede's house in Yarene which Cecelia also helped build where we connected the crest to. Of course that did lead to quite a difference in terms of living arrangements as now my parents are well aware about the existence of another world, along with Kaede's family over there. It was quite hectic for the first couple of days, but my parents soon grew accustomed to it, essentially saying that elves are "like humans but with pointy ears."

I did end up telling them about how Kaede turned me into a vampire, revealing my red eyes from my contacts I got from Maria. It was safe to say that they weren't happy with me keeping this a secret from them, but they didn't voice their complaints, probably because of how often the military came to visit. But of course, they did eventually come around and accepted it, but I doubt they'd be willing to be vampires as well so I never brought that subject up.

Kaede's mom on the other hand accepted everything quite easily, but I guess Kaede did tell me that she showed her wings to her mother way back before. The issue was her father... Because of all this new information, her parents ended up divorcing, leading just her mother to come live with us and everyone else. Those were some tough times for her to say the least... My parents however only came around to visit on the weekends or when they found some free time. It's not like our house hear isn't big enough, in fact we have plenty of rooms available, it's practically a mansion, but I get it. They're still not fully used to the idea of living under the same roof as vampires, and elves, with military coming around every so often. Also this mansion-like house is far from the "homey" vibe of our actual house. Because of this, I still visit my parent's house as well, sleeping in my old bed when I have the time.


It might have been tough in the beginning, but after some years went by, we grew accustomed to our new life. Kaede and I ended up teaching the language here to Selene and the others as they too helped in mediating between the worlds. Things were starting to shape up quite well.

At one point, we got word from Mai that Mell had finally been born, but unlike her plan from before, Kaede decided to wait a bit longer, until her family crumbled. It's a bit of a sad thought, knowing that Mell will go through heartbreak once again, but I also agree that this would be for the better. I ended up pulling most of the weight in organizing everything between the two worlds while Kaede was figuring out the best way to get Mell back.

I ended up making several hiccups as fights broke out, mainly with magic users in the other world using magic in the human world. Thankfully no one was seriously wounded, as the demi-human who used magic was sent back to the other world to be prosecuted. And with Kaede being busy with the Mell situation, I ended up working with both the government in this world and the queen of Yarene in making a new rule, which states that if one is to use magic in this world, they'll need a permit, or license. As we were discussing it, it fell onto mine and Kaede's group to manage the licensing, which lead to a whole new bunch of work, at least for now. But Fleur, Faye, Sicily and Lillian helped me when it became too much to handle.

Mai's magic crest which Kaede originally used to bridge the two worlds together had also become widely spread, as many other demi-humans who we approved were allowed to create their own crests. Thankfully the majority of the inspection for these people came from Yarene itself, so all we had to do was to make sure nothing slipped through the gaps. Because of this, it wasn't long until humans and demi-humans from the other world started to interact with the humans in this world.

Of course it wasn't all smooth sailing, as some problems did happen, but Fleur and Faye helped deal with those issues. With Fleur and Faye taking a more disciplinary role in helping maintain order, Sicily and Lillian mostly helped me with paperwork, organizing sometimes hundreds of documents for people wanting to go to and from worlds.

And after another year, Kaede finally went out and brought back Mell. She looked to be around three years old, which Mai judged to be safe enough to return her memories. When she woke back up, she was confused on who was the real Kaede, but that's to be expected since now, Selene looks identical to Kaede. Though it was cute seeing Mell figure out who her mom was just by looking.


Years pass after that when Kaede finally decided to turn Mell into a vampire. And just like before, she could wield light magic, just like Kaede. The government didn't seem too pleased about Kaede turning people into vampires, but Kaede just brushed them off. It's honestly still impressive seeing her on top of everyone else. It's like not even the law can stop her.

As for my end, during my free time, I spent most of my time in Yarene. My second mother, Iris had successfully transported everyone under her to Yarene, the same deal like before. It was there that I finally reunited with Luna... We both instantly cried out as we held each other in our arms. She was smaller than me, but I didn't mind now. Since I haven't aged since turning into a vampire, Luna will soon catch up. Plus... She looks just like the first time I met her. Short pink hair, beautiful, bright pink eyes. It made me feel like I went back in time to that day when we first met.

But surprisingly, after Luna questioned me about my eyes, and with me telling her about me being a vampire, she insisted on me turning her into one as well. At first I was bewildered, as I immediately began thinking about her parents and even if I could actually pull it off. It was then that I was reminded at the time when Kaede first turned me into a vampire. She was so concerned about it that she was close to just let me live like a normal human. But Kaede did give in, and this is the same situation, so it didn't take much to convince me, and after getting approval from her parents, Elira and William, I turned Luna into a vampire... My first... It was absolutely painful to have her blood in my mouth and trying to fight back the urge to drink, but with how much training I've down with Kaede, I manage to push past that and eventually succeed in turning her. Kaede ended up using light magic to mitigate the pain for her though.

However, that did lead to getting Luna and her family involved though as they ended up helping Kaede and my group with the mediator plan. It honestly makes me happy seeing our home slowly fill up with more people, our loved ones. It really did make this place feel more like a home. Many times, I felt like crying at the sight, seeing Luna again, seeing Mell jump into Kaede's arms. Selene messing with Sicily and Lillian, along with Fleur and Faye trying to maintain balance. Even now, I can feel some tears beginning to build up as I take in the sight once more.

Kaede: "Yui?"

Yui: "U-uh, it's nothing, haha."

I gently wipe away the tears before they spill, but in that moment, Kaede comes up close to me, pulling me into an embrace. I waste no time in accepting it, as I too wrap my arms around her, pulling our bodies closer. Looking over her shoulder, I can still see everyone, laughing together, having fun.

Yui: "I don't want this to end."

Kaede: "Fufu, the hug?"

Yui: "That too, haha."

Kaede: "We've come a long way now, and there's a lot more to do. Don't think you can die like a normal human now. This is what you signed up for when you chose to marry me."

Yui: "Mm... I know."

With a smile, I gently plant my lips on Kaede's for a brief moment.

Yui: "I love you."

Kaede: "Love you too."

Selene: "Ohhh? What do we have here~"

But just as Kaede was leaning in to kiss me once more, Selene interrupts us, but neither Kaede or I choose to separate from each other as we both look at her.

Kaede: "Sis..."

Selene: "Hehehe~ Don't gimme that look. See? Everyone can see you two."

It's true... Now that I look around once more, everyone's now looking at us. They were having fun just a moment ago. Did they all just look over right when we kissed for that one moment? Talk about a coincidence... Thankfully though, Luna went out to see her parents a bit ago.

Mell: "Ehehe~"

Suddenly, Mell ran up to us, wrapping her arms around both Kaede and I.

Yui: "Well, I guess we'll continue later, haha."

Kaede: "Yeah."

Mell: "You two are still so close."

Kaede: "And you're still growing too fast. Slow down, will you?"

Mell: "No can do~"

Yeah... I wouldn't want to give this up, not for anything... Being able to live like this, surrounded by loved ones. I wouldn't trade it in a million years. Haha, I wonder if I'll even live for that long? But even if that's the case, as long as we're all together, I think I can manage. Glancing at Kaede next to me, we both smile softly at one another as if we're both thinking the same thing.

This is... A Place For Us.