The True Form of a Conscious Weapon

"Help!" Sofia cried out in 'pain' when the man arrived inside the shop

"What… happened here? Are you okay" the man quickly rushed over and helped her up "Can you stand?"

"Y-yes" She winced

"What the…" Orpheus' eyes began to twitch when he saw the scene unfold

"Just hold on for a second, okay?" the man conjured a stool from the ground and placed her on it. Then he turned to Kragn "What happened?"

"Ah, sir Andre! Ya see, dis young combatant gave meh some weapons for reinforce-" Kragn began to speak

"What reinforcement?! Repair!" Orpheus interrupted him immediately "The weapons were for repair!"

"Ahem. For repair, yes." Kragn cleared his throat "So, I went ahead with his request and reinforced de weapons. After I informed'im of de price tag, we got into an argument"

"He asked for repair but you reinforced? Who wouldn't argue the price tag" Andre shook his head "You still haven't told me what happened"