A greater plot unfolds...

A little over an hour had passed since the arrival of reinforcements from the Church.

Despite their safe arrival, however, their presence was not met with as much fanfare as much would have hoped, what with Ambrose's discovery hanging over their heads like a sharpened sword ready to drop at a moment's notice.

"What else do we know about this?" Lionel inquired, his voice hoarse and with a hint of worry.

Ambrose shook his head. "As much as I've discovered, I guess."

"Is that so?" Seemingly disappointed with the news, Lionel rubbed his temples, trying to calm his nerves that had taken quite the hit.

Pursing his lips, he muttered. "We were so focused on the Eastern Highlands and the risk of Incursions that we never thought of such a thing happening. This is disgraceful."

He seemed to be berating himself, clearly upset that such a matter had escaped the combined notice of all Family heads for so long.