One, two, three, four...

"One…two… three… four… I declare you open the door."

It was a large coliseum built with strange black stones with several jutting out like spikes and others, like rectangular pillars, causing the area to look like a cross between a temple, a battlefield, and a parliamentary ground.

A black sun with a white halo provided light to the coliseum below, giving off a light that despite being bright, held no sense of warmth.

"Five… six… seven… eight…. I promise there will be no hate."

A tower stood at the center of the coliseum, its top stretching toward the dreary sky above.

It was a gray tower, one that gave off an eerie vibe with its foundations somewhere deep below the surface.

The sound of what sounded like metal clanging together could be heard from inside.

"Nine… ten… eleven… twelve… I… hehe, there's nothing to rhyme with twelve."