The situation is like this...

"The situation is like this…" Alex began. "The Glory of the Empire is underneath the capital but to get to it, we need to get past the Emperor as well as get past the Blackgold gate. So, ladies, any ideas?" Alex inquired, shifting his attention to stare at the two women currently seated across the table.

He'd initially considered calling for a meeting but decided against it.

As it was, apart from Ana and Victoria, the others would be completely useless so there was no need to keep them informed… at least, not for now.

Victoria pursed her lips as she muttered. "I don't know much about the capital or the Emperor considering there's not much information about them. We'd be going in blind."

"I agree. Even with my jumbled-up memories of the capital, I have no idea what would be waiting for us over there." Ana had to concur.