An Intervention

Exercising in the morning to loosen up his muscles, training in the afternoon with Alejandro to get used to utilizing Entropy in combat, and then slowly drawing up the plan for the Catacomb heist in the evening.

That was the routine for the next 9 days (1 week) after Alex had exited the library, leaving Ana and Victoria to ponder if it was right to let him plan alone while he shuttled between Aragon and Evernight.

It was stressful no doubt, but with his goal burning brightly in his heart, Alex didn't dare think for a second that it wasn't worth it.

Of course, he didn't dare to slack off on his health and so was inclined to get as much sleep as was considered healthy while ensuring his diet was unaffected.

Thankfully, the routine had begun to show results with Alex finally recovering some measure of control over his right hand while his capabilities with Entropy was slowly but surely getting where he wanted it to be.