Live well in paradise

The tide surged forward with maddening screams echoing across the landscape as dastardly things rushed forth with a singular purpose; destruction.

Seeing such a scene left Lucia disoriented, though she managed to remain calm, reaching into the essence Victoria had placed in her, which marked her out as a servant of the Dark Lord.

"May the Night guide my path." She intoned in a reverent tone before leaping from the walls of BlackWatch which restricted her Will, allowing her to go all out from the beginning.

A world serpent made of blood emerged from behind her, poised to strike, only for her to sense something, causing her to pause.

The next moment, black and white light appeared in front of her, obscuring her view for a moment before quickly receding to reveal the Rey of Aragon, along with his elite guard and a mysterious man she immediately resonated with.

"Dark Lord!" Lucia erupted with unbridled joy just as Veronica landed beside her.