The Drowned Palace

The plan was quite simple.

Using the blood of seafarers to soothe the murderous intent of the palace, Udele, using her unique constitution as an Undead Wheel Mystic, would attempt to possess the structure in a bid to transform it into her 'body'.

The plan, though with a few flaws, was considerably risk-free.

There was the chance she would succumb to the destructive energy of the relic, a situation which could either lead her to madness or directly destroy her.

There was also the possibility of being trapped, unable to escape the pseudo dimension the structure was trapped in.

But in her initial calculations, Udele, otherwise known as the Phantasm, could have never anticipated a situation where someone would manage to survive long enough to put a dent in her plans.

Her agreement with Morgen ensured that no troublesome elements would be invited to the pseudo dimension.