A jealous deity

"I have been expecting you." The lady suddenly spoke, jolting the trio from their thoughts.

Alex, the first to regain his composure, intoned. "What?"

"Alexander Regulus, Anastasia Aizagora, Ulysses Nester… I became aware of you the moment you left Ra'as on your voyage to this continent."

The trio exchanged looks after which Alex stepped forward and said. "So that means you know why we are here."

"The emblem you carry gave me that information. You are here for the Fountain."

At that moment, She turned and for the first time, the trio had the privilege of laying eyes upon the human form of the Goddess of Automation.

She wasn't as beautiful as Nadia or Elena, giving off a tomboyish charm similar to Natasha.

Alex instinctively had a feeling She might take a liking to Natasha given the uncanny features they shared, from the low-cut hair to the slightly muscular arms.