
Lando's mind raced as he took in the sight before him. The corpses of The Vultures lay scattered across the ground, their blood staining the earth. The stench of death hung heavy in the air, and Lando felt a shiver run down his spine.

As he sheathed his blade, crimson drops trickled down the yellow horns of his Nephalem. The scene was gruesome, and he couldn't help but wonder if this was what it felt like to be a monster. But he had a job to do, and he had done it well. The Vultures were no more, and the city could breathe a little easier tonight.

With a deep breath, Lando exited his Nephalem, gripping his pistol tightly. Hana emerged behind him, her purple rifle at the ready. He could see the relief on her face that the plan had worked, and he nodded in agreement.

The sound of metal clanging against metal filled the air as Zynkara, Mara, Bale, and Zander emerged from their own Nephalems. Blood coated their Nephalems, evidence of the fierce battle that had taken place. As one, they approached the fallen bodies of The Vultures, their rifles trained on the lifeless forms to ensure there were no survivors.

Bale looked over at Lando and Hana, his gaze stern. "It's clear to approach," he announced. He then began to search the bodies for any valuable items, his movements swift and efficient. Lando watched as his comrade rifled through the pockets of The Vultures, his own eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger.

As the group worked, Lando couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with his comrades. They had fought together, and they had emerged victorious.

Lando felt a pang of sadness as he kneeled beside the first casualty of the attack. The man had been sliced in half, a cruel and brutal fate. He began to search the body, his hands moving quickly as he looked for anything useful. And then he felt it, a small object in the man's pocket.

As he pulled out the item, he felt his heart sink. It was a photograph, taken recently by the looks of it. In the picture, a family smiled happily, a wife with blonde hair and green eyes, two children, a boy and a girl, sharing their mother's attributes. And then he saw the father, the man who lay before him, literally in two pieces.

Lando felt a twinge of guilt as he looked at the photo. He knew what it was like to lose family, having lost his own parents and with no memory of them. He wondered if this man had left behind loved ones who would never know what had happened to him.

Suddenly, Hana's excited scream broke him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see her holding something aloft, a triumphant grin on her face. It was a map, a detailed layout of all The Vultures' bases.

Lando's voice was low as he spoke, his eyes scanning the map with a grim determination. "Great. This can work," he said, trying to hide the sadness that lurked just beneath the surface. Every soldier they had killed was a reminder of the brutal reality of war. Each one had been brave, fighting for their own people and beliefs, and it weighed heavily on Lando's conscience.

But they had a mission to complete. He looked up at his team, his eyes taking in the determined expressions on their faces. "I guess that's our next mission," he said, his voice firm. "We need to try and get into one of their bases." He pointed to the map, which showed five bases encircling the ruins of the city and the surrounding sandy terrain. It was as if the Vultures were surrounding them, trapping them in their own land.

Lando knew that they needed to move quickly and decisively if they were going to succeed. They had already lost one of their own, and he was determined not to let anyone else fall. They now knew that the Vultures had a base formed in a circle, which explained the ambush. It was time to turn the tables and catch them off guard.

As he looked around at his team, he felt a sense of pride. They were a small group, but they were skilled and determined. And he knew that if anyone could take down the Vultures, it was them. With a deep breath, he nodded to his comrades. It was time to begin their next mission.

Lando and Hana quickly got back into their Nephalem, followed by Zynkara and Mara, and Bale and Zander. They all knew it was time to leave the area, but suddenly, the sounds of beeping erupted from all of their Nephalems, causing their eyes to widen in alarm. Lando quickly checked the alert that appeared on the big screen, and his heart sank as he realized what was happening.

"It's a sandstorm!" he exclaimed urgently to his team. The wave of sand was huge and headed straight for them, moving at a terrifying speed. They knew they had to get out of there quickly if they wanted to avoid being caught in the deadly sandstorm.

Lando hurriedly launched his Nephalem into the air, and the others followed closely behind. But the sandstorm was fast and powerful, already closing in on the bodies that littered the area. Suddenly, the alert system in their Nephalems went off again, signaling that the sandstorm was even more severe than they had anticipated.

In the chaos, Bale and Zander's Nephalem got sucked into the sandstorm, and a loud crash echoed through the speakers before it went silent. Lando's heart raced with fear as he spun his Nephalem around, desperately searching for any sign of his fallen comrades. Zynkara's eyes widened in horror as she watched Lando prepare to enter the sandstorm.

"NO, Lando, don't do it!" He shouted, but Lando was already determined. He had to find his friends, no matter the cost. Without hesitation, he launched his Nephalem into the sandstorm, determined to rescue his fallen comrades.