
Zynkara and Mara watched in horror as the sandstorm engulfed Lando and Hana, who were stranded in the middle of the desert. They had managed to launch their Nephalem to safety, but they couldn't turn back to help their friends.

"We can't go back for them," Mara said, her voice filled with regret.

Zynkara nodded, a lump forming in his throat. "I'm sorry, Lando," he muttered under his breath. The two of them landed their Nephalem on top of a nearby structure, hoping to get a better view of their surroundings.

As they looked out at the desert, Zynkara couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. "We never got the map from them," he grumbled. "We should have been more careful."

Mara put a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. "Lando will make it out alive," she said firmly.

Zynkara looked at her, feeling grateful for her words of encouragement. "You're right," he said, forcing a smile. "We'll find a way to rescue them, even if it means risking our own lives."

As Zynkara and Mara landed their Nephalem in front of the gates of Titan City, Aqua stood there waiting for them. The sun had begun to rise, casting a soft orange glow across the horizon. However, Aqua's expression was far from hopeful as she scanned the area for Lando, Hana, Bale, and Zander.

Noticing that the other Nephalems were missing, Aqua's heart sank. "So, they didn't make it out alive?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Zynkara opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, Mara interrupted with a dark, almost twisted tone in her voice. "No. They didn't," she snickered, her eyes turning into dark embers of fire.

Zynkara felt a chill run down his spine as he looked at Mara, his eyes widening in disbelief. Her sudden change in demeanor had caught him off guard, and he couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her in the ruins. Mara's grin widened as she turned to Zynkara. "Do you know what this means?" she asked, a glint in her eyes.

Zynkara's mind raced as he tried to comprehend the situation. What did this mean? Did it mean he could finally reclaim his captain role? He looked at Mara, his expression slowly morphing into a creepy smile. "Heh... yeah, it does," he replied, his voice laced with a newfound confidence.

Aqua's frown deepened as she listened to their conversation. "So they are all dead, huh?" she asked, her tone cold and unfeeling. She put her hands behind her back and gestured for Zynkara and Mara to get in. "Okay. Get in," she ordered, her voice devoid of any emotion.

Zynkara and Mara exchanged a quick glance before complying with Aqua's orders.

As the room fell silent, Zynkara couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. The plan had worked perfectly. He had convinced Mara to go along with his scheme, and they had successfully eliminated Lando and his crew. The others in the room were none the wiser, and they all believed that the four had died in a tragic sandstorm.

Aqua's words brought him back to the present. "Those 4 dying put us at a disadvantage." She was right. Lando had been a valuable asset to their team, and his loss would be felt for a long time. But Zynkara couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at his success.

As Akura and Marco entered the room, Zynkara felt a twinge of nervousness. Would they suspect anything? But Akura's words quickly put his mind at ease. "I'm so sorry we weren't there to save them," she said, her voice filled with genuine remorse.

Zynkara couldn't help but admire her. Akura was a skilled fighter, and her bubbly personality had won over the hearts of many in their group. As for Marco, he was known for his intelligence and strategic thinking. His return was a welcome one, especially given the recent loss of Lando and his crew.

Zynkara smiled as he shook Marco's hand. "It's good to have you back," he said.

As they all sat down at a table, Aqua spoke up. "We have a lot to discuss," she said, her voice serious. "First and foremost, we need to figure out what caused the sandstorm that killed Lando and the others. It's possible that it was a natural occurrence, but we can't rule out the possibility of foul play."

Zynkara nodded in agreement. "We also need to start planning a counterattack. The loss of those four Nephalem pilots has left us at a significant disadvantage, and we need to take action before our enemies strike again."

Marco interjected, "Do we have any leads on who could be behind this? It could be someone from one of the rival factions."

Aqua sighed. "We don't have any concrete evidence yet, but we have our suspicions. We'll be launching an investigation to gather more information."

As they continued to discuss their next steps, Mara couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. She had only been a part of the Nephalem for a few months, and the weight of the responsibility on her shoulders was beginning to feel heavy.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Akura, who had been watching her closely. "Are you okay?" she asked, concern etched on her face.

Mara nodded, grateful for the concern. "I'm just...trying to process everything," she admitted. "It's a lot to take in."

Akura gave her a small smile. "I know how you feel. When I first joined the Nephalem, I was overwhelmed too. But you'll get used to it. We're a family here, and we support each other through the tough times."

Aqua walked in a dark hallway and into a room. Aqua's expression was stoic as she approached the man, who was covered in grime and sweat. She could feel the tension in the room, a palpable energy that had been building for years.

"Are you sure there's no other way?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The man shook his head. "We've tried everything else. This is the only way to ensure our survival."

Aqua knew he was right. The stakes were too high to back down now. They had been planning this for years, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And now, with Lando's death, the time had finally come.

The man handed her the explosive, and Aqua inspected it carefully. It was crude, but effective. She knew it would get the job done.

"Are you ready?" the man asked, his eyes locking with hers.

Aqua took a deep breath and nodded. "Let's do this. Afterall, it's been years in the making."