Battle of Fort Kronx (3)

"Aqua, Fort Kronx will not fall easily," the confident words rolled off the lips of the imposing figure. Lando's realization dawned upon him—Aqua had a personal history with this man.

"Alright, Sabi," Aqua acknowledged, revealing his name with a hint of determination in her eyes. She locked her gaze with him, unyielding in her resolve. "Today is the day I finally emerge victorious against you."

Sabi chuckled softly, his movements purposeful as he closed the distance between them. "We shall see about that!" With a fluid motion, he spun the spear in his hand and swung it towards Aqua. Displaying her agility, she deftly dodged the attack, swiftly countering with a swing of her own, their weapons clashing in a symphony of sparks and electrical surges. Aqua's grin widened, and in a graceful leap to the right, she tapped her feet on the floor, moving with an elegance reminiscent of a dance.

Sabi, undeterred, spun his spear in a circular motion, launching a series of strikes at Aqua. Reacting with precision, she leaped backward, narrowly avoiding the assault. In the process, Sabi's spear collided with a nearby light fixture, causing it to shatter, while electrical currents surged along the metal walls. "You've improved significantly!" Sabi complimented, a smirk adorning his face as he stepped back.

A resolute expression settled upon his features as Sabi removed his helmet, allowing his fiery red hair and piercing blue eyes to be exposed. "I won't hold back any longer," he declared, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance. He aimed the spear menacingly at Aqua. "With this one attack, I will end you."

Aqua's grin grew wider, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes as she locked her gaze with Sabi. The stars surrounding her eyes seemed to blaze brighter than ever. "No, it is I who will emerge victorious," she asserted, her voice filled with unwavering confidence. In a sudden burst of speed, she dashed towards Sabi, who swiftly swung his spear. Her eyes widened as she deftly ducked, narrowly evading the attack. Seizing the opportunity, she attempted to strike him, but he deftly blocked her blow and countered with a forceful kick, sending her staggering backward.

Lando's attention remained focused on Hana, ensuring her well-being. She nodded reassuringly and met his gaze. "I'm alright. He didn't stab me. It was just a tap on my leg. Be careful not to get hit by those electrical volts," she cautioned, her eyes shifting towards Aqua. Aqua acknowledged Hana's words with a nod, determination etched on her face.

Sabi swung his spear once more, but Aqua swiftly countered, her sword slicing through his hand. A surprised grin flickered across his face as blood trickled down from the wound. However, he maintained an iron grip on his weapon and retaliated, his swing connecting with Aqua's cheek, leaving a deep gash. She winced as a surge of electricity coursed through her body, prompting her to jump back, creating a slight distance between them.

Wiping away the blood from her cheek, Aqua chuckled to herself. "Alright, I'm going to give it my all now," she muttered under her breath, determination shining in her eyes. Without hesitation, she dashed towards Sabi, her voice resonating with a fierce resolve. "I WILL KILL YOU!" Her piercing scream filled the air, drawing a grin from Sabi as he swung at her.

Reacting with lightning-fast reflexes, Aqua ducked down and swiftly sidestepped, her movements growing even swifter. Sabi's eyes widened as their faces came within inches of each other. "Surprise," Aqua taunted with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Rodon and Bale continued their relentless assault on the Vultures and their trucks. Rodon fired shot after shot, causing explosions and wreaking havoc. Bale ran alongside him, his gun aimed at the enemy forces. "Hey, oldy!" Bale called out, a snicker escaping him.

"Hey, buddy!" Rodon responded, maintaining his focused aim as he took down more Vultures with uncanny precision. Suddenly, a barrage of rockets was launched toward the blimp, catching Rodon's attention. He lowered his rifle and swiftly alerted Bryan through a walkie-talkie. "MISSILES HEADING YOUR WAY!"

Bryan grabbed his walkie-talkie and responded with chilling resolve. "Okay." Stepping over to the hatch, he seized a minigun and fixed his gaze upon the incoming missiles. Memories of fallen comrades flooded his mind, fueling his determination.

Gritting his teeth, Bryan aimed the minigun with unwavering focus. "THIS IS FOR THE FALLEN! YOU BASTARDS!" He unleashed a torrent of bullets, obliterating the rockets one by one. Explosions illuminated the sky as metal debris rained down. Lowering the minigun, he let it drop and returned to the walkie-talkie. "Taken care of!"

Rodon snickered as he hopped over the window opening, Bale closely following suit. They maintained their relentless assault, firing at the Vultures attempting to shoot them. Bale aimed his rifle with precision and fired again.

Suddenly, a thunderous vrrr sound reverberated across the battlefield. Bullets rained down upon Rodon, violently slamming him to the side. Blood spattered in every direction as he lay there, motionless.

Bale's eyes widened in horror as he rushed to Rodon's side, only to realize that a bullet had pierced straight through his friend's head. Rodon was gone. Bale's gaze shifted towards the source of the attack, and his eyes widened further as he spotted a Nephalem—unaffiliated with their group—approaching him. "The Vultures have Nephalems?" he questioned himself, his heart pounding. He raised his gun and unleashed a barrage of bullets at the oncoming Nephalem.

The massive machine charged toward him, its grip closing around Bale's body, exerting a crushing force. He winced in agony, coughing up blood in response.

Erik and Cherry synchronized their movements, propelling their Nephalem forward with precision. With a swift swing, they struck the opposing Nephalem, causing it to stumble backward and release its grip on Bale, who groaned in response to his injuries. Sensing the urgency, Akura dashed towards Bale and swiftly lifted him up, providing support and ensuring his safety. Marco, ever vigilant, aimed his gun and unleashed a barrage of gunfire, effectively providing cover fire as they made their way toward a trench that had been dug out by the guards.

Breathless and filled with a mix of frustration and astonishment, Marco couldn't help but exclaim, "They never told us they had Nephalems! How could they keep such a powerful weapon hidden from us? Why haven't they deployed them against us before?"

Akura gently assessed Bale's condition, her sharp eyes scanning his battered form. With a concerned tone, she relayed her findings, "It appears he may have suffered multiple fractures. We urgently require a medic to tend to him!" Her voice carried a sense of urgency, emphasizing the gravity of Bale's injuries.