Battle of Fort Kronx (5)

Aqua's swift movements caught Sabi off guard, his eyes widening with a mix of shock and surprise. Yet, he couldn't help but snicker, recognizing the immense skill she possessed. Backing up, he narrowly evaded her blade, fully aware that defeating her would be no easy task.

As Aqua landed gracefully on the ground, she swiftly twisted her body to face Sabi once more, her determination burning in her eyes. With a renewed swing, she aimed to strike him, but Sabi's agility prevailed once again. He dodged her attack effortlessly and skillfully blocked her subsequent strike.

Seizing the opportunity, Sabi launched a swift kick at Aqua, pushing her back. He pressed a hidden button on the handle of his spear, and a surge of electricity crackled and surged through the weapon, its power radiating menacingly. The electric currents surged around him, creating an intimidating aura.

Aqua couldn't help but snicker at his attempt to gain an advantage. "Okay then, rely on a stronger power source to assist you," she taunted, a smirk playing on her lips. Undeterred, she walked closer to Sabi, her confidence undiminished.

Meanwhile, Hana's keen eyes spotted movement in the hallway. "Vultures!" she hissed, her instincts sharpening as she grabbed her rifle. Lando, responding swiftly, tightened his grip on his pistol and locked his gaze with hers.

"I'll take down as many as I can," Lando declared resolutely, standing his ground as he aimed his weapon. Hana tilted her head, momentarily puzzled by his choice to hold his position instead of charging towards the approaching threat.

"Why aren't you charging in?" Hana inquired, her voice laced with confusion. Lando let out a small scoff, his focus unwavering as he fired a precise shot that found its mark in a Vulture's chest, bringing them crashing to the ground. The remaining Vultures trained their weapons on him, ready to retaliate.

A sigh escaped Lando's lips as he glanced over at Aqua and Sabi locked in their intense battle. "Because of what's about to happen," he responded, his voice tinged with a mixture of weariness and anticipation. He turned his attention back to Hana, who still wore a perplexed expression, waiting for the imminent revelation that would explain his seemingly unusual decision.

Lando made a bold decision. Determined to change the course of events, he swiftly dropped his gun, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. Hana, observing the situation and trusting in Lando's judgment, followed suit, lifting her hands in a similar gesture. Lowering their weapons, they calmly approached Aqua and Sabi, their movements reflecting a newfound understanding.

Aqua couldn't help but snicker, sensing Lando's plan unfolding before her eyes. His gaze had lingered on the electrical power emanating from Sabi's weapon. With the button, it had been capable of reaching only a few feet away from her. However, Aqua knew that once the fight escalated, the electricity could be unleashed even further. She steadied her breath, readying herself for what was to come.

"Very well," Aqua declared resolutely, raising her sword and charging at Sabi. His expression twisted into a mix of disbelief and anger. "Do you have a death wish?!" he bellowed. Ignoring his words, Aqua remained silent, focusing solely on her relentless swings. With each strike, sparks of electricity crackled, filling the air and causing lights to pop and flicker overhead.

Aqua's movements grew swifter, her strikes carrying the electric current in all directions. The clash of their weapons sent bolts of electricity arcing unpredictably, creating a dangerous and chaotic atmosphere. As the intensity heightened, the Vultures closed in, their guns aimed with deadly intent. Lando couldn't help but snicker, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. Swiftly retrieving his gun, he pressed the barrel against a Vulture's chin, pulling the trigger without hesitation. Blood and fragments of brain matter erupted from the top of the Vulture's head, a testament to Lando's swift and lethal precision.

Seizing the fallen Vulture's body, Lando positioned it as a makeshift shield, shielding himself and Hana from the incoming gunfire. His finger tightened on the trigger once more, a bullet finding its mark in another Vulture's skull. They slumped to the ground, lifeless.

With their guns still trained on Lando and Hana, the remaining Vultures retaliated, unleashing a hail of bullets. However, their aim faltered, hitting the lifeless body in Lando's grasp instead. Blood trickled down the body, serving as a macabre shield, as Lando skillfully returned fire, his shots finding their targets with precision. Two more Vultures fell, their bodies collapsing side by side.

"Get on top of the bodies!" Lando's voice echoed with urgency. He swiftly crawled onto one of the fallen bodies, while Hana followed suit, using a quick motion to leverage herself onto the second body. Their makeshift barricades provided a temporary shield against the ensuing chaos.

At long last, the electric current surged towards them, crackling and coursing through the remaining Vultures. The enemies convulsed and seized up as the electrical onslaught coursed through their bodies. It tingled and caused pain, but Lando and Hana remained resilient, enduring the discomfort with steely determination.

Aqua's relentless assault became a whirlwind of motion, her strikes growing faster and faster, overwhelming Sabi. The once-spitting electricity from Sabi's damaged spear began to dwindle, revealing the extent of the weapon's deterioration. His eyes widened in realization as he dropped the spear and swiftly drew a gun, aiming it directly at Aqua.

Lando, witnessing the imminent danger, swiftly released the lifeless body he had been using as a shield. He locked his sights on Sabi and unleashed a rapid succession of bullets. In a startling twist of fate, Sabi fired his weapon simultaneously, the bullets hurtling towards Aqua. Yet, it was the convergence of Lando's bullet with Sabi's that caused them to collide mid-air and fall harmlessly to the ground.

A triumphant sneer etched across Lando's face as he locked eyes with Sabi, his voice dripping with contempt. "You've gravely underestimated the wrong individuals." With unwavering determination, Lando aimed his gun once more, ready to deliver the final blow.

Meanwhile, Erik and Cherry stood frozen, their eyes fixated on the slowly diminishing light from the opening. Suddenly, the once-illuminated space plunged into darkness, filling the air with an eerie silence. However, the stillness was short-lived as a piercing screech reverberated through the air, signaling imminent danger. Within seconds, a missile hurtled towards Erik and Cherry's Nephalem.

"SHIT!" Erik gasped, his reflexes kicking in as they swiftly maneuvered the Nephalem to avoid a direct hit. Despite their efforts, the missile found its mark, striking the Nephalem's shoulder with brutal force, sending shards of metal flying. The previously calm red lights now blared with urgency, indicating critical damage. Before they could fully recover, another rocket was launched, crashing into the front of the Nephalem, causing it to lurch backward.

"FUCK!" Erik's anguished scream echoed through the chaos, a testament to their dire situation.

In the midst of this turmoil, Solmon, ever vigilant, recognized the urgency of the situation. With a swift motion, his Nephalem surged forward, positioning itself protectively in front of Erik and Cherry. Almost seamlessly, a fleet of Nephalems emerged, one after another, their imposing presence multiplying to a count of at least eight.

Solmon's voice calmly reverberated from within his Nephalem. "Initiate auto-pairing, Captain. I will buy you the precious time you need," he instructed, his machine gun arms raising in preparation for the impending battle.