God Save Us All (2)

Yegor's grasp on Melony was unyielding, the sharp blade pressed threateningly against her delicate throat. "Any false move and she's done for," he sneered, his malicious grin stretching wider.

Nearby, having returned to his usual size, Whiskers emitted a sorrowful whine. He nuzzled Rylie, attempting to comfort her by tenderly licking her blood-streaked hands.

Lando, trying to push down his rising panic, assisted Rylie in retrieving the Essence of Life from her pouch. Without hesitation, she downed the elixir. As the moments passed, her injuries miraculously began to heal, the gaping wounds sealing themselves shut.

"Stay focused on Melony," Rylie murmured, her voice quivering. Nodding in agreement, Lando stood resolutely, his fierce gaze fixed intently on Yegor. All around them, Yegor's menacing crew held their firearms at the ready, their intentions clear.