Wounds of Retribution

Yegor was bound to a metal chair, isolated within the confines of a dimly lit building. As the lights overhead flickered to life, revealing the stern figures of Melony and Lando, it became evident that this was not a mere rendezvous. Their faces, etched with rage, betrayed the depth of their anger.

Gradually, Yegor's senses awakened, the fog in his vision dissipating, revealing the visages of his captors. Realizing his predicament, he attempted to shift, but the bonds rendered him immobile.

His voice, stripped of its usual bravado, quavered, "Let me go."

Lando's gaze shifted to a table situated nearby. While Yegor strained his eyes, trying to discern its contents, Lando instructed Melony in a tone chilling in its detachment, "Ensure he doesn't bleed out too soon."

From the table, Lando retrieved a pair of tweezers and confidently approached Yegor. "You're going to answer all my questions," he began, his face void of emotion. "And you'll omit nothing."