
Two days had elapsed since that emotional exchange between Lando and Hana. The village, bathed in the golden glow of dawn, stirred with activity.

Hana, ever the meticulous planner, was gathering supplies for her impending journey back to Titan City.

The deep purple hue of her assault rifle gleamed as it hung snugly against her shoulder, a stark contrast to the lighter hues of her attire.

With deft fingers, she brushed errant strands of hair from her face, her focus unwavering on the tasks at hand.

Not too far from where she was, the soft creaking of an old wooden door pierced the morning air as Lando stepped into an unconventional sanctum.

Emblazoned with a faded cross, the building served as an internal graveyard.

The village's sandy terrain made it impractical to bury the departed in the traditional sense. Instead, they were commemorated inside.

Lando's footsteps echoed softly as he approached a particular grave.